Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

Mobility of university staff and company employees – Key Action 1

Erasmus+ promotes International mobility opportunities for the teaching and non teaching staff of Higher Education Institutes (Universities, Fine Arts Academies, Higher Institutes for Artistic Industries, Music Conservatories, Higher Institutes for music studies, Higher Institutes for Linguistic Mediators, Higher Technical Institutes etc) and the staff of companies to participate in educational and training activities.
It is essential that the Institutes have been assigned the ECHE (ERASMUS CHARTER FOR HIGHER EDUCATION) by the European Commission and that an inter-university agreement has been established between them.
The activities envisaged are as follows:

  • periods of teaching: this activity enables the teaching staff of higher education institutes or the staff of companies to go and teach in a partner higher education institute based abroad. The mobility of the teaching staff can apply to any academic subject or field.
  • periods of training: this activity sustains the professional development of the teaching and non-teaching staff of higher education institutes in the form of training events held abroad (excluding conferences) and periods of observation in a working context/ periods of observation /training at a partner higher education institute or another organisation of interest located abroad.

Periods spent abroad can also combine teaching and training activities.

The host organisation must be:

  • a Higher Education Institute from a country which is participating in the programme and holds the Erasmus Charter (ECHE)
  • any public or private organisation of a country which is participating in the programme and which operates in the employment market, or in sectors such as education, training and youth.

The guest organisation must be:

  • a Higher Education Institute from a country which is participating in the programme and holds the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education
  • any public or private organisation of a country which is participating in the programme and which operates in the employment market, or in sectors such as education, training and youth.

Duration: from 2 days to 2 months, excluding travelling time.

The teaching activity must include at least 8 hours of teaching per week (or per shorter period of stay).

Location of the activity: The staff must carry out their mobility activity in a country which is participating in the programme, and which is different from that in which the guest organisation is located and from their country of residence.

Eligible participants:

  • Mobility of staff for teaching: staff employed by a Higher Education Institute in a country which is participating in the programme, or in any public or private organisation of a country which is participating in the programme and which operates in the employment market, or in sectors such as education, training and youth (including employed graduate students) who have been invited to teach at a Higher Education Institute.
  • Mobility of staff for training: staff employed in a Higher Education Institute in a country which is participating in the programme

Imotion: Job Shadowing, Staff Weeks, Staff Training Opportunities

The project, coordinated by the UNICA Network and sponsored by the European Commission, has led to the creation of the web platform IMotion which aims to centralise the information relative to staff training events organised in Europe.

The platform enables the organisers to obtain feedback from those who have participated in their events.
The general objective of IMotion is to guarantee increased visibility and promote the staff training events organised in Europe


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