Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


Learning Objectives

The course aims to examine the main aspects of the only ancient architectural treatise that has survived intact to this day, the De Architectura, and the figure of its author, Marcus Vitruvius Pollio. The aim is to provide students with knowledge related to the relationship between Vitruvius and the Roman world of his time, in particular to the architecture and the main artistic currents of his time and to Fanum Fortunae, a city of which he was probably a citizen and for which he built his basilica, the only building that, in his treatise, he says he designed and built. Another topic will be that relating to the reception and fortune of De Architectura starting from the Renaissance. The course will be divided into two parts: theoretical lessons and practical exercises of relief and photogrammetry and reading and exegesis of Vitruvian manuscripts.

Open Day online e in presenza

Da maggio a ottobre 2024 — È il momento ideale per conoscere da vicino l’Università di Urbino e la sua offerta formativa. Non perdere l’occasione di incontrare i docenti e i tutor dei corsi di laurea.

scopri il programma

The employment sectors of reference concern: public bodies, public and private museums and galleries, universities and didactic and research structures.

A SERIES OF LECTURES on the following topics:

Vitruvius and his world

Reception and fortune of Vitruvius in modern age

Reading and exegesis of Vitruvian manuscripts



Architectural relief

Reading of Vitruvian manuscripts

Final test: products developed by the students during the hours of practical activity and 3 open-ended questions on the topics of the course.

How to apply for Vitruvio, il de architectura e Fanum fortunae

Course with limited number of positions
Number of positions
20 available
Admission deadline
Applications due by 31/05/2022
Application procedure
You can apply from the 06/06/2022 to the 20/06/2022 . Using the online procedure you can register to fill in the application and pay with PagoPA (Credit Card, PayPal) to complete the payment of the admission fee.
Online registration
Online registration Registration guidelines

Information on teaching and research activities

Oscar Mei
 0722303766   oscar.mei@uniurb.it

Administrative contacts

Secretary’s Office
Ufficio Dottorati - Post laurea - Esami di Stato
Via Veterani, 36 - Urbino
Office hours
Monday - Friday from 9.30 am to 13pm
 Tel. +39 0722 304631 / +39 0722 304632 / +39 0722 304634 / +39 0722 304635   corsi.postlaurea@uniurb.it

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
Partita IVA 00448830414 – Codice Fiscale 82002850418
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