Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

University Library System

The University Library System offers a book consultation and loan service.

The consultation of periodicals and of other electronic resources is possible from any workstation within the University premises or by using the wireless connection provided by the University. Students can access the University network by inserting the username and password that have been assigned to them by the Ph.D. Office (Ufficio Dottorati, Post Laurea, Esami di Stato) upon enrolment in the Ph.D. programme.

It is also possible to consult the electronic resources from home or during a mission, by following the procedure explained here.

The staff of the University Library System offers assistance with bibliographic research as well as with the use of the research tools and the resources available to the users.

Users can request personal assistance by going to the reference desks of each site, or via email or phone call. The address and the contact details of the different libraries can be found here.

CLA: University Language Centre 

The University Language Centre is a centralized structure created by the University of Urbino  with the aim of satisfying in an adequate and flexible manner students’ increasing demand for language classes.

Regularly enrolled Ph.D. students can attend the CLA in order to enhance their language skills or to obtain language certifications or assessments by means of tested and universally recognized evaluation procedures.

Address and contact details

Via Budassi, 28
61029 Urbino
Tel: +39 0722 328597
Email. claurb@uniurb.it

Placement Service

The Placement Service is the structure in charge of facilitating the interaction between Ph.D. students and Doctors on the one side and the job market on the other side. All year round, it promotes initiatives aimed at multiplying career guidance opportunities through Career Day Labs, that is the organization of firm presentations to favour the job placement as well as of job orientation seminars.

Address and contact details

Ufficio Stage e Job Placement
Via Saffi, 1
61029 Urbino
Tel: +39 0722 304401 - +39 0722 304400
Email: placement@uniurb.it

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
Partita IVA 00448830414 – Codice Fiscale 82002850418
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