Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2015/2016 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Mauro Cimino

Assigned to the Degree Course

Pharmacy (LM-13)
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

To provide the basic "Know-How" for the correct use of synthetic drugs as well as drugs derived from medicinal plants. In view of the extreme variety of the molecules of natural origin, the course analyzes herbal drugs and the active constituents that define their pharmacological activity. Particular attention is paid to the structure-activity relationships and to the biogenesis of the active constituents in the medicinal plant.
Pharmacology, therapeutic applications and safety of herbal drugs and related active constituents are discussed.
The course will give information on the farmacokinetic and farmacodynamic mechanisms that are at the base of the therapeutic action of the drugs.


General pharmacology
Crossing of biological membranes, routes of drug administration, drug absorption and distribution.
Principles of drug metabolism and elimination.
Basic principles of pharmacokinetic and drug interactions.
Proteins as targets for drugs: enzymes, ionic channels, receptors.
Study of drug-receptor interactions.
Signal transduction mechanisms related to action of drugs.
Protein phosphorylation and regulation of biological responses; kinases and phosphatases.
Pharmacokinetic in perinatal period and aging.

From natural products to drugs, plant organs, the active principles, the Pharmacopoeias.
Preparation of botanical drugs, plant extracts, standardization and quality control.
Factors that contribute to content variability of active principles; endogenous and exogenous factors (climate, "terroir", environmental factors, collection, harvesting and storage; genetic and non-genetic factors).
Biotechnology applied to medicinal plants. Biogenesis of active constituents of herbal drugs.
Natural products and herbal drugs used in pharmacy and medicine
Carbohydrates (simple and complex); Lipids of dietetic and pharmacological relevance.
Phenols (simple phenols, phenylpropanes, flavonoids, tannins, anthraquinones).
Terpenes (mono-, di-, and sesquiterpenes), triterpenes and steroids.
Alcaloids (piperidines, tropanes, quinolines, isoquinolines, aporphines, tropolones, indoles, purines)

Bridging Courses

It is highly suggested to previously pass the following exams: Biochemistry and Microbiology.

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

At the end of the course, students should have knowledge of pharmacokinetic properties and the correct use of synthetic drugs as well as drugs extracts derived from medicinal plants.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Frontal lessons

Course books

F. Clementi, G. Fumagalli. Farmacologia generale e Molecolare. UTET 2012.

F. Capasso. Farmacognosia. Seconda edizione. SPRINGER 2012.


Oral examination

Disabilità e DSA

Le studentesse e gli studenti che hanno registrato la certificazione di disabilità o la certificazione di DSA presso l'Ufficio Inclusione e diritto allo studio, possono chiedere di utilizzare le mappe concettuali (per parole chiave) durante la prova di esame.

A tal fine, è necessario inviare le mappe, due settimane prima dell’appello di esame, alla o al docente del corso, che ne verificherà la coerenza con le indicazioni delle linee guida di ateneo e potrà chiederne la modifica.

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
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