Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

Conservation and Restauration of Cultural Heritage
LMR/02 class of laurea magistrale in Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage 10 positions 10 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year
Industrial Pharmacy
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy 100 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year
Law PA 110 e lode
LMG/01 class of laurea magistrale in Law
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy 100 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year
Primary teacher education
LM-85 class of laurea magistrale in Education 340 positions 340 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year
Conservation and Restauration of Cultural Heritage
LMR/02 class of laurea magistrale in Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage Limited number of positions: 10 10 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year
Industrial Pharmacy
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy 100 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year
LMG/01 class of laurea magistrale in Law
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy 100 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year
Primary teacher education
LM-85 class of laurea magistrale in Education Limited number of positions: 340 340 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year
Conservation and Restauration of Cultural Heritage
LMR/02 class of laurea magistrale in Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage Limited number of positions: 10
Industrial Pharmacy
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy 100 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year
LMG/01 class of laurea magistrale in Law
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy 100 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year The maximum number of students has been reached
Primary teacher education
LM-85 class of laurea magistrale in Education Limited number of positions: 340 340 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year The maximum number of students has been reached
Conservation and Restauration of Cultural Heritage
LMR/02 class of laurea magistrale in Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage Limited number of positions: 10
Industrial Pharmacy
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy 100 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year The maximum number of students has been reached
LMG/01 class of laurea magistrale in Law
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy 100 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year The maximum number of students has been reached
Primary teacher education
LM-85 class of laurea magistrale in Education Limited number of positions: 230 The maximum number of students has been reached
Conservation and Restauration of Cultural Heritage
LMR/02 class of laurea magistrale in Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage Limited number of positions: 10 The maximum number of students has been reached
Industrial Pharmacy
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy 80 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year The maximum number of students has been reached
LMG/01 class of laurea magistrale in Law
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy 100 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year The maximum number of students has been reached
Primary teacher education
LM-85 class of laurea magistrale in Education Limited number of positions: 230 The maximum number of students has been reached
Conservation and Restauration of Cultural Heritage
LMR/02 class of laurea magistrale in Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage Limited number of positions: 10 10 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year
Industrial Pharmacy
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy 80 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year The maximum number of students has been reached
LMG/01 class of laurea magistrale in Law
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy 100 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year The maximum number of students has been reached
Primary teacher education
LM-85 class of laurea magistrale in Education Limited number of positions: 230 230 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year
Conservation and Restauration of Cultural Heritage
LMR/02 class of laurea magistrale in Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage Limited number of positions: 10 10 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year
Industrial Pharmacy
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy 100 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year The maximum number of students has been reached
LMG/01 class of laurea magistrale in Law
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy 100 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year The maximum number of students has been reached
Primary teacher education
LM-85 class of laurea magistrale in Education Limited number of positions: 230 230 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year
Conservation and Restauration of Cultural Heritage
LMR/02 class of laurea magistrale in Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage Limited number of positions: 10 10 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year
Industrial Pharmacy
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy 100 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year The maximum number of students has been reached
LMG/01 class of laurea magistrale in Law
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy 100 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year The maximum number of students has been reached
Primary teacher education
LM-85 class of laurea magistrale in Education Limited number of positions: 230 230 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year
Conservation and Restauration of Cultural Heritage
LMR/02 class of laurea magistrale in Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage Limited number of positions: 10 10 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year The maximum number of students has been reached
Industrial Pharmacy
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy 100 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year The maximum number of students has been reached
LMG/01 class of laurea magistrale in Law
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy 100 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year The maximum number of students has been reached
Primary teacher education
LM-85 class of laurea magistrale in Education Limited number of positions: 230 230 maximum number of students that can be admitted to the first year
Conservation and Restauration of Cultural Heritage
LMR/02 class of laurea magistrale in Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage Limited number of positions: 10
Industrial Pharmacy
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy The maximum number of students has been reached
LMG/01 class of laurea magistrale in Law
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy The maximum number of students has been reached
Primary teacher education
LM-85 class of laurea magistrale in Education Limited number of positions: 230
Conservation and Restauration of Cultural Heritage
LMR/02 class of laurea magistrale in Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage Limited number of positions: 10
Industrial Pharmacy
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy
LMG/01 class of laurea magistrale in Law
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy
Primary teacher education
LM-85 class of laurea magistrale in Education Limited number of positions: 230

LMR/02 class of laurea magistrale in Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage Limited number of positions: 10
Industrial Pharmacy
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy
Law (five-year program leading to a second-level specialized degree)
LMG/01 class of laurea magistrale in Law
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy
Primary teacher education
LM-85 class of laurea magistrale in Education Limited number of positions: 100

LMR/02 class of laurea magistrale in Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage Limited number of positions: 10
Industrial Pharmacy
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy
Law (five-year program leading to a second-level specialized degree)
LMG/01 class of laurea magistrale in Law
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy
Primary teacher education
LM-85 class of laurea magistrale in Education Limited number of positions: 100

LMR/02 class of laurea magistrale in Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage Limited number of positions: 10
Industrial Pharmacy
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy Limited number of positions: 90
Law (five-year program leading to a second-level specialized degree)
LMG/01 class of laurea magistrale in Law
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy Limited number of positions: 100
Primary teacher education
LM-85 class of laurea magistrale in Education Limited number of positions: 110

LMR/02 class of laurea magistrale in Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage Limited number of positions: 10
Industrial Pharmacy
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy
Law (five-year program leading to a second-level specialized degree)
LMG/01 class of laurea magistrale in Law
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy
Primary teacher education
LM-85 class of laurea magistrale in Education Limited number of positions: 110

LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy
Industrial Pharmacy
LM-13 class of laurea magistrale in Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy
Law (five-year program leading to a second-level specialized degree)
LMG/01 class of laurea magistrale in Law
Law (five-year program leading to a second-level specialized degree)
LMG/01 class of laurea magistrale in Law
Law (five-year program leading to a second-level specialized degree)
LMG/01 class of laurea magistrale in Law
Law (five-year program leading to a second-level specialized degree)
LMG/01 class of laurea magistrale in Law
Law (five-year program leading to a second-level specialized degree)
LMG/01 class of laurea magistrale in Law Limited number of positions:

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
Partita IVA 00448830414 – Codice Fiscale 82002850418
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