Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

RECRUITING: Course Leader 2023. As a Course Leader you will travel abroad with your own group of students from two to four weeks, becoming their anchor and providing assurance in their day-to-day. Your students are between 10-18 years old, and they study English, German or French.

  • Company: EF Education First
  • The ideal Course Leader is: proficient in English; responsible and well organized; social, outgoing, and confident likes to take own initiatives; able to make good decisions in stressful situations; experienced in travelling, studying, or living abroad; experienced as a teacher or has pedagogical experience from working with minors (would be a plus);
  • If you are willing to depart from Milan airport, please send your cv here: Course Leader Milan | EF Education First | LinkedIn
  • If you are willing to depart from Rome airport, please send your cv here: Course Leader Rome | EF Education First | LinkedIn
  • Or send your cv on Search | Careers at EF and select Position “ Course Leader” and Location “Italy”.

Data pubblicazione: 21/2/2023
Scadenza presentazione domande: 30/6/2023

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
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