Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

RECRUITING: Intern After Sales Service Business Analyst

  • Azienda: Beko Italy
  • Sede: Fabriano (AN)
  • Tipologia: Stage Extracurriculare
  • Descrizione delle attività e mansioni assegnate alla risorsa: Based on the guidelines defined at functional level, the candidate will work as Business Analyst and he/she will support the After Sales Service team in its everyday tasks.The resource reporting directly to the After Sales Director will have full responsibility for controlling the department's costs and turnovers. He/she will be the point of contact for the entire organization for invoices, customer master records, overdrafts and all administrative matters. In particular he/she will: - manage the database of the team with all the information; - be in charge of producing monthly KPI Report; - manage the overdrafts of the service centers; - be in charge of extracting the necessary data for the daily work of colleagues; - do monthly internal After Sales profit & loss control analysis with Finance team; - manage the loading capacity and work on the CRM system; - check the invoices by using the internal systems; - do the inventory Control Material Service; - help the director to organize events;
  • Requisiti vincolanti: Degree in Economics, Business Administration, Communications or similar fields; Knowledge MS Office Suite; Good knowledge of English; Strong problem solving and ability to work in teams; Flexible and proactive team player.
  • Durata: 6 mesi
  • Periodo di inizio: Gennaio 2024
  • Orario di lavoro: Dal lunedì al venerdì, 9.00 – 18.00
  • Facilitazioni: 700€ / mese; Ticket restaurant, pc aziendale
  • Modalità di candidatura: gli interessati potranno inviare la propria candidatura tramite e-mail, allegando Curriculum Vitae dettagliato all’indirizzo giorgia.lavazza@beko.com e per conoscenza a placement@uniurb.it, specificando in oggetto “nome e cognome – candidatura Beko Italy per After Sales Service”.

Data pubblicazione: 7/12/2023
Scadenza presentazione domande: 31/1/2024

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