Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

Eni Award 2025 – Young Researcher of the Year – Call for Proposal

The Advanced Environmental Solutions Prize is one of the six sections of the Eni Award, composed by the Energy Transition, Energy Frontiers, Young Researcher of the Year, Young Talents from Africa Prizes and “Eni for Innovation” Recognition. The aim of the Advanced Environmental Solutions Prize is to foster the development of a sustainable and resilient nature within a continuously changing climate scenario, through the enhancement of nature-based solutions, and the preservation and restoration of natural capital, in order to accelerate the transition towards environmentally sustainable business models, accordingly with the “One Planet - One Health” perspective. In particular, the Prize aims at enhancing scientific and technological innovation for the protection and sustainable use of natural resources, such as land, air, water and oceans, along with the promotion of biodiversity, taking also into consideration their connection with human health.

Data pubblicazione: 23/10/2024
Scadenza presentazione domande: 15/11/2024

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