Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

In this section you can get information about where and how to request a Short Term or Long Term Visa and Permit of Stay for non-EU citizens. 

If you are staying in Italy for no longer than 90 days and you are a Non-EU citizen, you have to declare your presence within 8 working days from your entrance to Schengen Area, by submitting the following documents:

  • Declaration of Presence form (see Attachment 1); PDF TO BE UPLOADED
  • Original passport and copies of all stamped and written pages (no blank ones).

The Declaration of Presence must be submitted to the Commissariato di Polizia in Urbino, Immigration Office – Borgo Mercatale nr. 15, 61029 Urbino – PU, phone +39 0722 35181. Opening times from Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm.

If you live in Pesaro, the relevant Authority is Questura in Pesaro, Immigration Office –Via Flacco No. 32, 61121 Pesaro – PU, phone +39 0721 37871. Opening times from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 1.30 pm and on Thursdays also from 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm.
If you live in Fano, the relevant Authority is Commissariato di Polizia in Fano, Immigration Office - Via Costituzione nr. 1, 61032 Fano – PU, phone +39 0721 83351. Opening times from Mon. to Fri from 9 am to 1 pm and Saturdays from 9 am to 12 noon.
If you are in Italy for WORK reasons, you have to apply for your stay permit through the post office, by filling in all the required forms.
For further information you can contact the call center of the Prefettura / Questura, phone number +39 0722 313005 (from Monday to Thursday, from 9 am to 1 pm) email: sportelloimmigrati@cm-urbania.ps.it or +39 0721 496008 (from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 1 pm) email: sportello.immigrazione@unionepiandelbruscolo.pu.it

Short VISA: In case the admission/language tests take place before your High School Diploma exam, or in a period that does not enable you to submit the pre-registration application, students must request a short stay Visa (i.e. Uniform Schengen Visa for stays shorter than 90 days).

Countries whose citizens need a short stay Visa:

Countries whose citizens do not need a short stay Visa:

Requirements for obtaining a short stay Visa:                   

Please specify in the menu:

  • Your nationality
  • Your country of residence
  • Reason for request: tourism
  • Stay: shorter than 90 days

If you are a non-EU citizen, you must apply for a Permit of Stay for study reasons within 8 working days after your arrival in Italy or in a Schengen country.

To obtain your permit of stay you should follow the following steps:

1. Obtain and fill in the “Kit permesso di soggiorno” (permit of stay application kit)

Request the "kit permesso di soggiorno", contained in an envelope available at the Post Office in via Bramante (info about Post Office in Urbino at this link) and fill it in as follows:

  • fill in the Form 1 ("Modulo 1") in capital letters and with a black pen;
  • stick 16 euro stamp duty (marca da bollo) on the top of the first page;
  • fill in the postal payment slip for €. 70,46 or €. 80,46 (according to the duration of your stay) that you will find inside the envelope;

Please note: Do not close the envelope!

Free Assistance

In order to receive free assistance in filling in the kit, you can contact the Migrants Office of the CGIL in Urbino –Via Battista Sforza, 249. Fixing an appointment is mandatory.

 Head of office: Loretta Benedetti 

Telephone: 0722 322301

2. Submit the completed kit to the Post Office

Go to the Post Office and submit the completed kit, accompanied by the following documents:

  • form 1 (also form 2 if you are working as well as studying) with revenue stamp of 16 euro
  • copy of stamped/written pages of your passport (NOT the blank ones)
  • copy of the invitation letter or other document stamped (only if possible) by the Italian Embassy/Consulate in your Country, declaring the purpose of your visit based on which your visa was issued, or a copy of your enrolment certificate in the University of Urbino or a similar declaration
  • copy of your health insurance policy (or payment receipt), valid in Italy and for the entire duration of the permit of stay
  • receipt of the postal payment slip for €. 70,46 or €. 80,46 (according to the duration of your stay)
  • pay the postal charge of 30.00 Euro to have your kit sent to the Immigration Office (Questura)

You will then receive:

  • a postal receipt
  • the receipt for the €. 70,46 or €. 80,46 Euro payment
  • an appointment letter with the day and time you must be at the Immigration office to complete the stay permit application.

Please note: Do not lose the receipts! You will need them to pick up the permit of stay when it is ready!

Information on the procedure can be obtained through:

  • the website www.poliziadistato.it, where you can check the status of your application at the competent Questura;
  • the website www.portaleimmigrazione.it, which provides general information about the procedures and the addresses of the Municipalities, authorised charitable institutions and the Post Offices authorised to accept applications for permits of stay. Here, users can also log in to a reserved area to check the status of their application by entering the user Id and password specified on the receipt;
  • toll-free phone number 803.160 for the addresses of the authorised Post offices.

3. Go to the Immigration office (Questura)

You must attend the appointment with the Questura fixed for you by the Post Office. Before going to the Questura, make a copy of all the documents mentioned in the Download box. At the appointment you will be fingerprinted and asked to submit the following documents:

  • your passport (only the original is needed)
  • the appointment letter (received at the Post Office)
  • the postal receipts (received at the Post Office)
  • 4 passport-sized photographs with white background
  • tax code (Codice Fiscale) issued by the Italian Inland Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate)
  • updated original (and copy) of all the documents you enclose in the envelope, that is:
    • if you are a matriculated student, the enrolment certificate or, in other cases, a declaration confirming that you are attending a course/carrying out research, specifying its duration;
    • health insurance policy (or payment receipt), valid in Italy and for the entire duration of the permit of stay (you can pay in advance to register with the National Health System for the following calendar year);
    • documents proving that you have sufficient economic means to support you for the entire duration of the permit of stay (i.e. 500.00 euro/month for at least 6 months or an ERDIS scholarship statement);
    • accommodation contract

Your application will be rejected if any of these documents are missing!

In order to obtain a permit of stay with the maximum duration (12 months), make sure that all the above documents are also valid for 12 months. The Questura will however decide the duration of your permit of stay. Once the permit of stay has been issued, it is not possible to make any kind of changes to it. In case the duration of your permit of stay is shorter than your study period, you will have to apply for a renewal. 

Should you miss the appointment with Questura:

  • for health reasons, you will have to submit a health certificate to the Questura
  • because you were abroad for study reasons, you will have to submit a declaration by your Professor, or reference office to the Questura, explaining when and why you were abroad
  • for any other reason, the application will be rejected

In order to apply to Questura for a new appointment (only in the first two cases above, when you have documents to support the reason for your absence) you must contact or go to the Questura in Pesaro during the opening hours (Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 1.30 pm and on Thursdays also from 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm) and show the letter notifying you of the missed appointment and the declaration by your supervisor or medical certificate. They will give a new date for the appointment.

In order to check if your permit of stay is ready.

Before going to the Questura, check on the Questura website whether your permit of stay is ready by entering the number ("numero pratica or assicurata") you will find on the receipt given you by the Questura at the appointment.

In order to pick up your permit of stay

When your permit of stay is ready, go to Immigration Office with your passport, all the postal receipts and the receipt issued by the Questura. If you have written your mobile phone number on the permit of stay application, you will also receive a text informing you that the document is ready. However, please keep checking online.
Opening Hours of Questura in Pesaro, Immigration Office – via Flacco nr. 32, 61121 Pesaro (PU) phone 0721 37871. Opening times from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 1.30 pm and on Thursdays also from 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm.

 Important: Integration Agreement – "Accordo di Integrazione"

According to Italian law (Presidential Decree no. 179/2011), if you stay in Italy for at least one year and apply for your first Italian permit of stay, you must sign an 'Integration Agreement' when you go to the Immigration office for the appointment.

By signing this document, you commit yourself to acquire credits on:

  1. knowledge of the Italian language – level A2
  2. some basic knowledge of Italian civics

Upon signing the agreement, you will receive a translated copy of the same, with two receipts. The first shows a user ID and access password for a portal that you will be able to consult to check the updated status of your Agreement (http://accordointegrazione.dlci.interno.it); the second shows you the day, time and place of the information session organized by the Prefettura which you must attend. The Sportello Unico dell'Immigrazione of the Prefettura will be responsible for managing and checking the agreement and, one month before its expiry, will summon you, inviting you to present the documentation necessary to obtain acknowledgement of your credits. It is therefore of vital importance that each change of residence and/or telephone number is notified to the Sportello Unico. 
You can attend courses in Italian language and culture at the University of Urbino click here enter hyperlink for Italian Language Course).
The assigned 16 credits are confirmed by verifying the above-mentioned knowledge and the others can be earned by complying with the requirements listed in attachment 2 – page 5 and following (e.g. passing 2 university exams gives you 30 credits).
Note that the credits you earn can be cancelled if you commit a crime (see page 9 of the attachment).
Below you will find the English version of the agreement (attachment 2) and an information document issued by our Ministero dell'Interno (Ministry of Internal Affairs) - attachment 3.

For further information on the Integration Agreement: Sportello Unico Immigrazione della PREFETTURA DI PESARO E URBINO, Piazza del Popolo 40 - 61121 PESARO (PU) Tel. 0721 – 86111 (24h switchboard) Fax 0721-386666 – Opening times: only Tuesday and Thursday from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon (on other days and at other times only with special written summons from the office)

Note: Clarification about Residenza

Residence (Italian "Residenza"): the address, in Italy or abroad, where a student has his/her permanent home or principal establishment and pays taxes; every person is compelled to have one and only one residence at a time.
Domicile (Italian "Domicilio"): the address of temporary stay.

N.B.: For foreign students, applying to the Municipality of Urbino to be registered in the "Anagrafe dei residenti" demonstrates that they wish to change their residenza to Italy. It should be noted that applying to change your residence does not necessarily imply the issuance of an identity card. Nevertheless the possession of an Italian Identity card is proof that the bearer has changed their residenza.
It is MANDATORY that students communicate to the Registrar's Office the change in their official residence IMMEDIATELY after this has been confirmed.


Some useful links:

Immigration portal 
Entering Italy
Where to apply for a visa
Procedures for issuing visas 
Bilateral agreements with Italy (no visa required)
The entry visa


After registering on a university course, you must apply to the Questura of the province where you are located to renew your permit of stay for the whole year, at least sixty days before it expires.

When renewing the permit, if you have come into Italy on a visa (national type "D") for STUDY – university registration reasons, you must show that you have the same financial cover required for enry, not less than Euro 448.52 per month, for each month of duration of the academic year, equal to Euro 5,830.76 per year (Circular No. 1 issued by the Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale (INPS) on 9 January 2015, with which, on Page 7 of attachment 3, entitled Renewal 2015, the percentage increases for cost of living variations expected for the year 2015 are published); you must also show that you have the University enrolment certificate and all the conditions already laid down for issue of the permit of stay.

Permits of stay for STUDY (University) reasons are renewed "for students who, in the first year of their course, passed one university examination and in the subsequent years at least two examinations"; as determined by the Universities in terms of credits. In addition, "for serious health reasons or cases of force majeure, duly documented, the permit of stay can also be renewed for a student who has passed only one university examination, notwithstanding the total number of renewals. It cannot in any case be issued for more than three years beyond the duration of the study course" (Article 46, Para. 4, of Italian Presidential Decree No. 394 of 31 August 1999).

A permit of stay for study reasons can also be renewed for the purpose of continuing one's studies by enrolling in a degree course different from the one for which you entered Italy, according to Article 1, Para. 1 Letter b) of Italian Legislative Decree No. 154 of 10 August 2007. In this respect, in making it clear that the possibility of transferring to a study course different from the one for which the visa was issued is allowed for university courses only, with the exclusion, therefore, of passing to private courses, the relative application methods are specified in detail in Ministry of the Interior Circular No. 400/C/2008/899/P/12.214.27BI dated 21 February 2008.

For further information you can contact the Prefettura / Questura call center, phone number +39 0722 313005 (from Monday to Thursday, from 9 am to 1 pm) email: sportelloimmigrati@cm-urbania.ps.itor +39 0721 496008 (from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 1 pm) email: sportello.immigrazione@unionepiandelbruscolo.pu.it

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
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