Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

RESONANCE project - impRoving landslidE riSk preventiOn aNd mAnagement iN Coastal arEas


Programme: INTERREG VI-A Italy-Croatia CBC 2021.-2027., 1st Call for Proposals, Standard project Specific Objective: 2.1: Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, resilience, taking into account eco-system based approaches

Lead Partner: Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo

Principal Investigator (PI): Prof. Mirko Francioni

Project duration: 30 months, 1st March 2024 - 31st August 2026

Total project budget: 1.183.551,15 EUR,  ERDF 80% 946.840,92 EUR

Budget for the Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo: 514.019,99 EUR


The project acronym RESONANCE, full name ''impRoving landslidE riSk preventiOn aNd mAnagement iN Coastal arEas'', is a project submitted and approved within the first call for Standard projects of the INTERREG VI-A Italy-Croatia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2021.-2027.

RESONANCE aims to decrease the risk for humans and infrastructures by improving the understanding about the factors controlling coastal landslides and erosion processes in the Adriatic region and, at the same time, the civil protection procedures/guidelines. The project will take advantage of the recent advancements on the fields of geophysics, remote sensing, computational analysis and virtual-mixed-augmented reality (VR, MR and AR). 

The four selected representative pilot case studies (Marche and Puglia Region in Italy and Istrian and Primorje-Gorski Kotar County in Croatia) will be used to develop a multidisciplinary and multitemporal survey system, perform numerical analysis of coastal behaviors to potentially predict the future processes in relation to climate variation and weathering processes and create a vulnerability and risk maps of the pilot areas; and eventually create a virtual database containing the research results and define new guidelines for managing hydrogeological risk in Adriatic coastal area.

The use of VR, MR and AR will play a key role in the project. The virtual database has the purpose of promoting the cooperation and communication between public authorities, research institutions and stakeholders during landslide hazard/risk management and civil protection operations. Through the virtual database it will be possible to visualize (in the lab through VR and MR or in the field through AR) the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) models/videos and results of multitemporal surveys, numerical simulations and monitoring data in real-time. This will remarkably improve dissemination methods, data sharing and tourism promotion. The integration of all the surveys/analysis/visualization techniques represents an innovative methodology for landslide risk analysis and will be used for defining a new coastal vulnerability plan and civil protection guidelines for coastal analysis, monitoring and risk prevention (selection of equipment, data recording and sharing, quality and precision control etc). Furthermore, the virtual tools will be also used for tourism promotion through the development of VR and MR tourism tools where drone videos and coastal 3D models could be visualized by tourist in a virtual world (to be used by local and regional authorities, sectoral agencies and stakeholders) and also smartphones/tablet /smart glasses AR applications that could be used by excursionists and tourist in the coastal areas to visualize trails, beaches, tourism facilities and landslides restricted areas.

Project partners are University of Urbino Carlo Bo as Lead partner (IT), Institute of Heritage Science-National Research Council (IT), Conero Regional Park (IT), Faculty of Civil Engineering from University of Rijeka (CRO) and Istrian University of Applied Science (CRO).


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