Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

The present call for applications regulates the participation procedures giving access to grants for Erasmus+ teaching staff mobility KA107 (individual support and travel costs). The teaching staff mobility must be carried out at Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo (Italy).

Teaching staff mobility at Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo (Uniurb) consists in carrying out teaching activities (courses, seminars) and/or training activities within the framework of a mobility teaching program agreed with the Partner University. 


Eligible participants:

a) Professors at the Private Institution University "Kyiv School of Economics" (KSE);

b) Researchers at the Private Institution University "Kyiv School of Economics" (KSE).


The applicant’s subject and/or research area must be part of one of the following study fields:

-       Economics;

-       Mathematics and statistics, with applications to Economics and Finance.


No. 2 teaching staff mobilities can be financed within the academic year 2021/2022. 

The candidate must submit the following documents via email to internationalmobility@uniurb.it within May 23 2021 at 12:00 (CET).

a)    application form (available at the link www.uniurb.it/teaching-staff-ka107ukraine);

b)    mobility teaching program proposal to be carried out at the Receiving Institution – the teaching program proposal must point out the candidate’s motivation next to the relevance of the teaching activity with the study fields at art. 2.2;

c)     curriculum vitae (European format);

d)    valid ID document/Passport.

Data pubblicazione: 23/4/2021
Scadenza presentazione domande: 23/5/2021

Allegati Download
Bando (PDF - 289240 byte) scarica
Domanda di Partecipazione (PDF - 228034 byte) scarica
Commissione Giudicatrice (PDF - 471124 byte) scarica
Approvazione Atti (PDF - 1290536 byte) scarica
Accettazione Borsa (PDF - 138800 byte) scarica
Richiesta modifica borsa (PDF - 200343 byte) scarica

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