Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

PRIN 2022 - DISCUI - Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali


Attributions, Perceptions, and Practices of Political Incivility in Europe (APP_PIE)

Importo totale del finanziamento: € 267.920 di cui € 200.100 contributo MUR

Importo totale UniUrb: € 82.252 di cui € 57.880 contributo MUR

Periodo: 15/10/2023 – 15/10/2025

Struttura UniUrb di riferimento: Dipartimento Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali (DISCUI) 

Referente UniUrb: Prof. Giovanni Boccia Artieri

Codice progetto: 2022JF3LC5

CUP: H53D23005850006


Promoting Multilingual Competence in Different Contexts

Importo totale del finanziamento: € 238.738 di cui € 179.839 contributo MUR

Importo totale UniUrb: € 67.371 di cui € 52.889 contributo MUR

Periodo: 05/10/2023 – 05/10/2025

Struttura UniUrb di riferimento: Dipartimento Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali (DISCUI) 

Referente UniUrb: Prof.ssa Gloria Cocchi

Codice progetto: 2022M4T9SB

CUP: H53D23004260006 


Sacred Fire: Inquisitions, Capital Punishment and Rites of Justice in Italy (13th-19th centuries)

Breve descrizione, finalità e risultati attesi: This project aims to reconstruct the history of death sentences imposed by the courts of the medieval Inquisition and the Roman Holy Office in the Italian peninsula from the 13th to the 19th century. Through a database, it will record the victims condemned for crimes of heresy, while an interdisciplinary approach will analyse the historical, anthropological, legal, medical, material, emotional, iconographic and narrative implications of the death penalty between the late Middle Ages and the end of the ancien régime, when the courts of faith dependent on the Papal Curia were active. The project members will analyse a wide range of sources (legal and theological-moral texts, manuals and instructions for judges, medico-legal treatises, collections of sentences, documents of confraternities for the spiritual comfort of convicts, account books, trials for magic spells, chronicles, diaries, avvisi, engravings, paintings, epigraphs, graffiti in court prisons) in order to address and better understand the following issues: how and to what extent the Inquisition applied the death penalty; how it was justified or contested; whether burning was the only way to wipe out the “heretical infection”; what impact the sentences had on families and communities; what political and religious significance this manifestation of ecclesiastical justice had in specific contexts; how the spectacle of public punishment was staged; how the reaction of the crowd was controlled; what fate the remains of the condemned had, what fears they aroused and what use was made of them in magical practices; what memories the death sentences left behind in monuments, iconography, diaries, news sheets and chronicles; how the bloody image of the Inquisition was constructed, and what differences existed between the punitive practice of the Roman Holy Office, that of the secular courts and the more spectacular practice of the Iberian Inquisitions in Europe and the rest of the Catholic world. The research group intends to publish a series of articles on journals and to organise a comparative international conference and a public exhibition on the history of the death penalty. The database that will record the list of victims of the Inquisition in the Italian peninsula will be accompanied by a second database that will aim to catalogue the accounts - handwritten and printed broadsheets - developed around the executions, to allow a better understanding not only of how justice was practised, but also how and why, in some cases, it was narrated.

Importo totale del finanziamento: € 277.001 di cui € 170.768 contributo MUR

Importo totale UniUrb: € 73.126 di cui € 54.382 contributo MUR

Periodo: 28/09/2023 – 28/09/2025

Struttura UniUrb di riferimento: Dipartimento Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali (DISCUI) 

Referente UniUrb: Prof. Guido Dall’Olio

Codice progetto: 2022SW2XRF

CUP: H53D23000330006 


The mask between rituality and theatre. Archaeological, literary, historical, anthropological, and performative investigation of material culture in the classical world through Digital Humanities tools with a view to a broader, fairer and more inclusive cultural fruition.

Breve descrizione, finalità e risultati attesi: The project aims to identify the functions of the ancient mask using an interdisciplinary approach. In particular, an investigation into the theatrical mask will be conducted in the context of the anthropology of the stage gesture, based on Roman literary evidence (especially Plautine) and their relationship with the corresponding Greek models. The products of the research will be made available to theater companies and theatrical productions, with whom we intend to plan the staging of two shows to be represented, concurrently with the opening of the planned exhibitions in the Archaeological Area of Lipari Research on classical theatre may also be linked to research on modern and contemporary theatre.

Importo totale del finanziamento: € 248.701 di cui € 199.359 contributo MUR

Importo totale UniUrb: € 81.264 di cui € 65.606 contributo MUR

Periodo: 17/10/2023 – 17/10/2025

Struttura UniUrb di riferimento: Dipartimento Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali (DISCUI) 

Referente UniUrb: Prof. Roberto Mario Danese

Codice progetto: 2022WSXJC5

CUP: H53D23007140006 


Circulating Populist Sentiments in 21st Century Film and TV Fiction in Italy

Breve descrizione, finalità e risultati attesi: The aim of this project is to study the role played by fictional audiovisual media in cultures of populism, in 21st-century Italy. In past decades, liberal democracies have been threatened by the rise of populist movements, hegemonizing complex social and economic crises through a pattern of recurring, simplified narratives. Key features of this “populist imagination” are: the rhetorical construction and idealization of national “people”; its habitual relationship to a charismatic leader; a social binary between that “people” and a corrupt elite or external enemy; and contempt for traditional political processes. The role of the media in the affirmation of populism has been widely acknowledged: political narratives and audiovisual fiction spread through an interrupted flow in the mediascape. Though much research has been dedicated to the role of the information media, little work has illustrated the extent to which fictional narratives are a crucial actant in the populist mediascape.

Importo totale del finanziamento: € 218.672 di cui € 190.459 contributo MUR

Importo totale UniUrb: € 80.253 di cui € 66.571 contributo MUR

Periodo: 17/10/2023 – 17/10/2025

Struttura UniUrb di riferimento: Dipartimento Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali (DISCUI) 

Referente UniUrb: Prof. Dominic Francis Graham Holdaway

Codice progetto: 20229B57SX

CUP: H53D23006700006 


Vitruvius’ De Architectura in the Classical and in the Early Modern Age. Philology, Archaeology, Digital Library, and 3D Modelling

Importo totale del finanziamento: € 257.145 di cui € 200.719 contributo MUR

Importo totale UniUrb: € 86.664 di cui € 59.300 contributo MUR

Periodo: 17/10/2023 – 17/10/2025

Struttura UniUrb di riferimento: Dipartimento Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali (DISCUI) 

Referente UniUrb: Prof. Oscar Mei

Codice progetto: 2022PCRLJ9

CUP: H53D23007050006 


Work, workplaces and mobility in preindustrial Italy: a gender perspective

Breve descrizione, finalità e risultati attesi: The research project aims to study the dynamics present in the world of work in the pre-industrial age from a gendered perspective, with the goal of analyzing the activities in which women and men, girls and boys were engaged and reconceptualizing some categories central to contemporary analysis, such as productive/reproductive, paid/unpaid, private/public, domestic and care. This project will use the “verb-oriented method”, which was inaugurated by Sheilagh Ogilvie (2003), developed by Maria Ågren, which considers any activity described by a verb thus including those forms of work that are unpaid, illegal, caring and care or simply not indicated by an occupational title. The Verona research unit will focus its investigative activity on two realities, the Republic of Venice and the Prince-bishopric of Trento, examining types of sources, such as dossiers produced by the General Directorate of Police of Venice and criminal trials preserved in the Diocesan Archives of Trent, particularly suitable for the application of the verb - oriented methodology.

Importo totale del finanziamento: € 300.030 di cui € 249.472 contributo MUR

Importo totale UniUrb: € 94.662 di cui € 76.566 contributo MUR

Periodo: 28/09/2023 – 28/09/2025

Struttura UniUrb di riferimento: Dipartimento Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali (DISCUI) 

Referente UniUrb: Prof.ssa Raffaella Sarti

Codice progetto: 2022BMSNA3

CUP H53D23000160006 


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