Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

A.Y. Cycle Venue
2023/2024 XXXIX Urbino


The Humanities Ph.D. program aims to provide the theoretical and methodological background required to carry out advanced research in the humanities. Humanities are called upon today to meet the challenges posed by the cognitive, technological, and social transformations of the contemporary world. This goal is achieved through a multidisciplinary and systemic approach to the fields of information, knowledge, education, and the shifting of political paradigms, which are central to grasping and interpreting change in contemporary societies and subjectivities.

Our Ph.D. program is characterized by the fact that it combines multidisciplinary methodological training with specialized training in the relevant disciplines, drawing on the contribution of different fields covering a vast time span, from the Greek world to the contemporary one: languages, literature, and philologies, historical and philosophical disciplines, cultural and communication disciplines, pedagogical and psychological disciplines.

The Ph.D. is structured in four curricula:

1. Communication Sciences and Digital Culture
2. Sciences of Ancient Text;
3. Contemporary History;
4. Human Scieces.

The specific approach of the Ph.D. consists

- in enhancing the plurality of methods: from the close reading of sources, considered according to multiple typologies - archival documents, historiographic, literary, philosophical, sociological sources - up to the collection and analysis of empirical and experimental data;
- in building multidisciplinary common ground regarding the interpretation, classification, and publication of research results.

The transversality of the topic, supported by the confluence of methodologies, together with the integration of multidisciplinary training and research experiences, favors greater synergy and interaction between the various disciplines involved and a more pronounced productivity of the research, where each discipline, in confrontation and joint work, increases its awareness of the methods used and the intelligence of the documentary data.

Università Aperta: online e in presenza

Dal 3 al 14 febbraio 2025 — L’incontro con le studentesse e gli studenti delle Scuole secondarie di secondo grado costituisce da oltre venti anni uno degli appuntamenti più qualificanti dell’Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo. Ti aspettiamo!

scopri il programma

The Ph.D. in Humanities aims to train students in original and innovative basic and field scientific research, to prepare professionals for careers in research, teaching at the university level, covering leadership roles in social policy development and implementation, and new professions related to the multiple aspects that define the human.

During the Ph.D. program the student is expected to:

- acquire high-level skills through the in-depth study of one of the research areas included in the curricular program;
- acquire research and data analysis methodologies and techniques useful to their field of study
- design and carry out original research;
- engage in activities to communicate their results (e.g. through presentations at conferences and symposia and through scientific publications);
- write a thesis and discuss it orally at the end of the three years.

The Ph.D. also offers the opportunity to acquire specific knowledge and skills in advanced areas of research, combining the proposed teaching activities with the direct involvement of Ph.D. students in the development of project ideas and in the conduct and realization of research activities.

The Ph.D. program provides for the acquisition of transversal skills that facilitate the application, development and transfer of scientific knowledge of the specific course of study, so as to be functional both for research activity and for entry into the world of work.
The goal of internationalization, inbound and outbound, is ensured by a stay abroad of at least three months, training oriented to provide skills to facilitate the international circulation of research results, the seminar activity of visiting professors invited annually, the possibility of co-tutels with foreign universities and through the incentive to participate in summer/winter schools.

Co-tutels are currently active for XXXV cycle with Goethe-Universität Frankfurt; XXXVII cycle with Universidade São Paulo; XXXVIII cycle with Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon.




The aim of the Communication Sciences and Digital Culture curriculum is to offer advanced training in the study of contemporary cultural and communication processes, focusing in particular on new digital cultures and technologies.
The curriculum proposes to provide Ph.D. students with theoretical and interdisciplinary research skills combining media and communication studies, internet studies, cultural studies also from a comparative perspective, performance studies, semiotic studies, cinema and television studies, and gender studies.
The Ph.D. students will acquire qualitative and quantitative methodological tools and will deal with innovative research methods oriented toward the changes in the digital society.
The course thus aims to prepare highly specialized figures in the analysis of audiences, media industries, media texts, consumer practices and imaginaries, public communication, and information, who are able to develop and enhance research work in academic, institutional, and corporate settings.


The Sciences of Ancient Text curriculum focuses on the study of literary texts in poetry and prose from ancient Greece, as well as on the study of the society and civilization that over time fostered and stimulated their production. Complementary to the supervised research work and to the cross-curricular teaching, the course provides disciplinary and specialized training that aims to develop and deepen the philological, linguistic, translating, metrical, and other technical skills of the doctoral student, as well as skills in the most recent trends and methods of literary criticism and close reading in relation to the ancient text. At the end of the course, students will be able to deal with the elaboration of a critical-literary essay, a historical-literary survey, or a proper critical edition with methodological rigor, adequate technical preparation, and awareness of the studies in the field.


The curriculum in Contemporary History develops the analysis of historical phenomena of medium and long duration on a national and international scale, through the categories of political, cultural, social, economic, and institutional history.
The aim of the Ph.D. program is to develop an aptitude for historical research, favoring research into contemporary history in its various aspects: global history, political and social history of Italy, Europe, and non-European countries; history of the Italian and European political system; history of political movements and parties; cultural history. Doctoral students will have to demonstrate that they have mastered the historical and historiographical debate and are able to develop research, including comparative research, through the in-depth study of significant case studies. By means of a specific background (bibliography, archive sources, printed sources, parliamentary sources, etc.) doctoral students will arrive at the end of the course with the draft of a final paper, capable of demonstrating the ability to move critically and consciously in the understanding of historical events, with the prospect of acquiring the tools to interpret even the complexity of the present time.


The curriculum in Human Sciences is characterized by a multidisciplinary approach that allows the experience of the individual to be analyzed from a threefold philosophical, pedagogical, and psychological perspective. The main objective of the curriculum concerns advanced theoretical and methodological training in research (basic, applied, and conceptual) with particular emphasis on the development of autonomous research skills and the possible applicative spin-offs declined according to the disciplinary contexts of reference.
The Ph.D. students must demonstrate a critical capacity in relation to the main methodological issues inherent to the subject area of the research project, but also to be able to contextualize the same critical issues in interdisciplinary terms.
The students' research project although anchored to the specificities (of objectives methodological and content) of a single discipline must therefore maintain an interdisciplinary and wide-ranging from the point of view of its framing and reflection with respect to the results achieved.

    The Ph.D. program includes activities common to all curricula where doctoral students are called upon to compare and work together. These educational workshops include: perfecting English language for the humanities, humanities informatics, research dissemination and exploitation, and principles of inclusiveness and gender equality in universities.

    In addition to these joint training opportunities, there are cross-curricular seminars with national and international speakers and further training on open science issues organized by the Italian Reproducibility Network (to which the doctoral program adheres), and periodic seminars in which faculty and doctoral students discuss current research.

    Activities are organized over the three years as follows:

    -The first year is devoted to defining the research project and obtaining the skills preparatory to carrying out the dissertation course; training activities, especially transversal and methodological training, are concentrated in this year;

    -The activities of the second year are aimed at mentoring individual research work, facilitating group research work with experienced researchers, and fostering the mobility and internationalization of doctoral students; internationalization is promoted by having doctoral students spend a period of at least 3 months at a foreign university or research institute and through a special 10 CFU module in which doctoral students are assisted in writing a paper in English to be presented at an international conference or journal.

    -The third year is devoted to thesis writing and dissemination activities; therefore, PhD activities will focus on opportunities for presentation and discussion related to the latest advances.

    The updating and monitoring of the Ph.D. program makes use of internal annual periodic evaluation procedures that poll students and former Ph.D. students and the Board of Advisors composed of:

    -    Douglas S. Olson, Professor of Classical & Near Eastern Religions & Cultures, University of Minnesota
    -    Jesús de la Villa, Presidente International Federation of Associations of Classical Studies (FIEC)
    -    Andra Siibak, Professor of Media Studies, Institute of Social Studies, University of Tartu
    -    Andrea Fagnoni, Chief Client Officer IPSOS
    -    Xavier Tabet, professore ordinario Département d’études italiennes dell’Université Vincennes-Saint-Denis (Paris 8)
    -    Roberto Giulianelli, Istituto Storia Marche di Ancona
    -    Dr. Giorgio A. Tasca, C.Psych. Research Chair in Psychotherapy Research, University of Ottawa and The Ottawa Hospital. -Director of Research, Regional Centre for the Treatment of Eating Disorders, The Ottawa Hospital. Associate Professor in Psychiatry, Clinical Professor in Psychology, University of Ottawa.
    -    Prof. Antonella Sorace - Linguistics and English Language School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences University of Edinburgh

    The teaching activities involve a commitment of at least 60 CFUs, equivalent to at least 120 hours of training. In order to facilitate the flexibility of doctoral students' training and research paths, the CFUs to be achieved are divided into 25 CFUs mandatory for transversal activities, 30 CFUs for specific curricular training, and 5 CFUs that can be chosen from the training activities of other curricula, other doctoral programs of the University or any consortium universities.

    Training offer of the Ph.D. Programme in Humanities

    Real-time class schedule

    Lecturer Institution Url
    Stefania Antonioni Università di Urbino
    Giuseppe Stefano Azzarà Università di Urbino
    Massimo Baioni Università degli Studi di Milano
    Massimo Baldacci Università di Urbino
    Andrea Baravelli Università degli Studi di Ferrara
    Roberta Bartoletti Università di Urbino
    Manuela Berlingeri Università di Urbino
    Giovanni Boccia Artieri Università di Urbino
    Roberto Bordoli Università di Urbino
    Salvatore Botta Università di Bologna
    Axel Bruns Queensland University Of Technology
    Fulvio Cammarano Università di Bologna
    Antonello Colli Università di Urbino
    Lucio Cottini Università di Urbino
    Alessandra D'Agostino Università di Urbino
    Loretta De Franceschi Università di Urbino
    Marco Massimo Dorati Università di Urbino
    Gea Ducci Università di Urbino
    Claus Ehrhardt Università di Urbino
    Enrico Angelo Emili Università di Urbino
    Manolo Farci Università di Urbino
    Silvia Fioretti Università di Urbino
    Fabio Frosini Università di Urbino
    Marco Gaiani Università di Bologna
    Monica Galfrè Università degli Studi di Firenze
    Giampaolo Galvani Università di Urbino
    Patrizia Gaspari Università di Urbino
    Laura Gemini Università di Urbino
    Michael Müller Gernot Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
    Giuseppe Ghini Università di Urbino
    Fabio Giglietto Università di Urbino
    Dominic Francis Graham Holdaway Università di Urbino
    Jan Marten Ivo Klaver Università di Urbino
    Pauline Le Ven Yale University
    Liana Lomiento Università di Urbino
    Donato Loscalzo Università degli Studi di Perugia
    Amoreno Martellini Università di Urbino
    Berta Martini Università di Urbino
    Anna Maria Medici Università di Urbino
    Maria Chiara Michelini Università di Urbino
    Tiziana Maria Migliore Università di Urbino
    Fausto Montana Università degli Studi di Pavia
    Barbara Montesi Università di Urbino
    Antonella Negri Università di Urbino
    Massimiliano Ornaghi Università di Torino
    Monica Pacini Università degli Studi di Firenze
    Daniela Maria Pajardi Università di Urbino
    Luciano Perondi Università IUAV di Venezia
    Venanzio Raspa Università di Urbino
    Luca Rossi It University Of Copenhagen
    Raffaella Santi Università di Urbino
    Michela Sarlo Università di Urbino
    Anna Tonelli Università di Urbino
    Pietro Totaro Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro
    Roberto Travaglini Università di Urbino
    Vaios Vaiopolous National And Kapodistrian University Of Athens
    Manuela Valentini Università di Urbino

    PhDs in Humanities will be able to enter the fields of highly specialised intellectual and scientific professions, general management of the state administration and humanitarian, cultural and scientific organisations of national and supranational interest, in particular in the fields of academic research, education, publishing, public and corporate communication.

    In particular, on the basis of the skills learnt in the various curricula, they will be able to find professional outlets in the area of learning processes, the development and management of publishing projects or programmes, cultural activities, communication activities with specialisation on the Internet, and activities more specifically linked to cultural and multimedia journalism, to the educational sphere in the perspective of learning in the different ages of life (lifelong learning), to theoretical-empirical research on social, historical, philosophical problems, to empirical research in the field of clinical, developmental and neuroscientific psychology, and finally to the establishment of professionals who can work in the cultural heritage sector in museums, public and private institutions, foundations and associations.

    How to apply for the Ph.D. Programme in Humanities

    Course with limited number of positions
    Admission deadline
    Applications due by 29/06/2023
    Useful information

    Attention: Applications must be submitted exclusively online no later than 11.00 am (Italian time) on June 29, 2023. It is recommended to carefully read the Call for applications, including Annex A, to verify the admission requirements and the required documentation.

    The Call for applications can be consulted on "DOCUMENTAZIONE AMMINISTRATIVA " or on  "DOCUMENTAZIONE UTILE ".
    A guide for completing the application form is also available in the same folder.

    Information on teaching and research activities


    PhD Coordinator Prof. Giovanni Boccia Artieri


    ·         Communication Sciences and Digital Culture: prof. Giovanni Boccia Artieri - giovanni.bocciaartieri@uniurb.it
    ·         Sciences of Ancient Text : prof.ssa Liana Lomiento - liana.lomiento@uniurb.it
    ·         Contemporary History: prof.ssa Anna Tonelli - anna.tonelli@uniurb.it
    ·         Human sciences: prof.  Antonello Colli - antonello.colli@uniurb.it


    Giovanni Boccia Artieri

    Administrative contacts

    Secretary’s Office
    Ufficio Dottorati - Post laurea - Esami di Stato
    Via Veterani, 36 - Urbino
    Office hours
    Monday - Friday from 9.30 am to 13pm
     Tel. +39 0722 304630  dottorato@uniurb.it

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    Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
    Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
    Partita IVA 00448830414 – Codice Fiscale 82002850418
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