Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

Il corso fornisce conoscenze di base relative alla costruzione dei ruoli di genere e competenze per prevenire e contrastare discriminazioni, molestie e violenze basate sul genere e per perseguire e realizzare la parità di genere.

Open Knowledge


Learning Objectives

The course includes eight lessons on gender issues. 

The aim is to provide the participants with tools:

  • to have basic information on the mechanisms of biological sex determination during gestation;
  • to understand the variety of the construction of gender roles from a historical and anthropological perspective; 
  • to understand the implications of gender in today's societies;
  • to raise awareness of the mechanisms of gender discrimination and violence;
  • to foster the pursuit of gender equality.


At the end of the course participants are expected:

  • to be aware of the biological processes of male, female, intersex bodies formation;
  • to be aware of the historical and anthropological variability of gender roles;
  • to be aware of the subjective perception of gender identity;
  • to be aware of the implications of gender in relation to the inequalities and discrimination in contemporary society;
  • to be are able to recognise the dynamics that lead to the development of such inequalities, disparities, discrimination, harassment and violence, and to actively act to prevent, stop and repress them;
  • to be familiar with the main norms on gender equality and affirmative actions;
  • to be aware of the importance  of communication and language in promoting gender equality.
Scopri come migliore le tue soft skills
Ottieni l'Open Badge

Durata del corso

8 hours.

Modalità di erogazione

The course is delivered in a blended format (in person and online).

Programmazione e tempestiche di erogazione

21 Maggio 2024 dalle 9.00 alle 13.30 e dalle 14.30 alle 19.00 - online

Criteri di assegnazione del Badge

The badge is awarded to students who attend all eight lesson hours.

Competenze acquisite con la partecipazione al corso

Students attending the course will

  • acquire useful tools for developing a critical approach to gender issues; 
  • acquire useful skills for becoming aware of the historical, anthropological and social variability of gender roles;
  • be encouraged to reflect on the subjective perception of their own and others' gender identities;
  • acquire skills useful in interacting with people of different sexual and gender identities, and different sexual orientations;
  • be encouraged to become aware of gender stereotypes, to analyse them critically and to deconstruct them;
  • acquire skills and knowledge useful in preventing and combating discrimination, harassment and violence based on gender in family, friendship, work, presence and social relationships;
  • acquire skills and knowledge useful in pursuing and achieving gender equality in family, friendship, work, presence and social networking sites relationships.
Competenze trasversali - Soft Skills
  • Processing information, ideas and concepts
  • Dealing with problems
  • Thinking creatively and innovatively
  • Communicating
  • Following ethical code of conduct
  • Supporting others

Open Day online e in presenza

Da maggio a ottobre 2024 — È il momento ideale per conoscere da vicino l’Università di Urbino e la sua offerta formativa. Non perdere l’occasione di incontrare i docenti e i tutor dei corsi di laurea.

scopri il programma

How to apply for Generdì – Una giornata per capire il genere

Course with free access
Useful information

The registration procedure will be updated soon.

Sign up
Click here to enroll

Information on teaching and research activities

Raffaella Sarti

Administrative contacts


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Il tuo 5x1000 per sostenere le attività di ricerca

L'Università di Urbino destina tutte le risorse che deriveranno da questa iniziativa alla ricerca scientifica ed al sostegno di giovani ricercatori.

15 22

Se sei vittima di violenza o stalking chiama il 1522, scarica l'app o chatta su www.1522.eu

Il numero, gratuito è attivo 24 h su 24, accoglie con operatrici specializzate le richieste di aiuto e sostegno delle vittime di violenza e stalking.

Posta elettronica certificata



Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
Partita IVA 00448830414 – Codice Fiscale 82002850418
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