Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

The University of Urbino uses social networks to inform, communicate, and promote participation, discussion, and dialogue with its users, especially students.

Complete and updated information is available on the University Portal and its connected sites; the presence on social networks is in no way an alternative to the institutional website, nor do social activities in any way replace the activities and tasks carried out by the Student Services, Teaching Offices, and all the front office offices and services of the University of Urbino.

Through social media, the University of Urbino disseminates information about services, projects, and initiatives. The published content may include institutional and service information, events, projects, research results, engagement and participation actions, and updates in emergency situations.

Regarding the possible presence of advertisements alongside content on social network pages, it is specified that these are not under the control of the Administration but are managed independently by the social networks themselves.

List of social media related to the University

Rules and moderation

Social networks have terms of service that must be respected by all users. In the social spaces of the University of Urbino, everyone has the opportunity to participate actively and express their opinion, within the limits of the law and without offending others. Users are therefore invited to present themselves with their first and last name and to respect some fundamental rules:

  • express their opinion with correctness and moderation, based as much as possible on verifiable facts, and respect the opinions of others;
  • avoid insults, vulgarities, offenses, threats, and, in general, violent behavior;
  • always respect the privacy of individuals, avoiding references to facts or details that are irrelevant to the public and that infringe on the personal sphere of third parties;
  • not use these spaces to address personal cases and therefore limit themselves to topics of public interest;
  • respect the specific and general interest theme of the discussions, avoiding broad and indiscriminate comparisons;
  • avoid any form of advertising, spam, or promotion of private interests or illegal activities;
  • not publish content that violates copyright and not use registered trademarks without authorization.

Content moderation

The University of Urbino moderates its spaces afterwards, i.e., after publication, in order to contain, within reasonably achievable times and methods, any behavior contrary to the rules of use. In the most serious cases - and particularly in the event of non-compliance with the rules shared in this document - the Administration reserves the right to delete content, remove users from its spaces, and report them to the moderation filters of the hosting social network.


The social spaces of the University of Urbino are usually monitored from Monday to Friday. The University of Urbino commits to reading questions and messages and providing, when requested, a response as quickly as possible.

Response times vary depending on the type of request; if social channels are not the appropriate tool to meet the request, the editorial staff will inform about the correct methods and offices to contact.


It is reminded that the processing of users' personal data complies with the policies in use on the platforms used (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.). The data shared by users through private messages sent directly to the channels of the University of Urbino will be treated in compliance with Italian privacy laws.

Il tuo feedback è importante

Raccontaci la tua esperienza e aiutaci a migliorare questa pagina.

Il tuo 5x1000 per sostenere le attività di ricerca

L'Università di Urbino destina tutte le risorse che deriveranno da questa iniziativa alla ricerca scientifica ed al sostegno di giovani ricercatori.

15 22

Se sei vittima di violenza o stalking chiama il 1522, scarica l'app o chatta su www.1522.eu

Il numero, gratuito è attivo 24 h su 24, accoglie con operatrici specializzate le richieste di aiuto e sostegno delle vittime di violenza e stalking.

Posta elettronica certificata



Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
Partita IVA 00448830414 – Codice Fiscale 82002850418
2024 © Tutti i diritti sono riservati
