Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

Create and interlink bio-based education centres to meet industry's needs of skills and competences

The call is aimed to determine the criteria and conditions for bio-based education centres to create dynamic ecosystems that include industry, education institutions, governments, and society. These ecosystems should operate at local, regional and/or national levels.

The scope of this topic includes specifying the need for these centres and testing their feasibility as regards their design, setting-up, running and maintaining, always together with the envisaged partners.

Proposals must state the appropriate level (regional, municipal, national etc.) for a bio-based education centre, taking into account the different educational systems across Europe. Proposals should also take into account the different levels of bio-based industry activities, bio-based industry potential, and bio-based industry strategies. Therefore, proposals must design bio-based education centres in at least three different regions/Member States in Europe, preferably one in each of: (i) north-west Europe; (ii) central and eastern Europe; and (iii) Mediterranean Europe. Proposals must also work with relevant partners in the selected regions and test this design with them and with regional stakeholders from industry, academia, government and civil society.

Data pubblicazione: 3/6/2020
Scadenza presentazione domande: 3/9/2020

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