Convegno Internazionale
International Congress “Philosophy and Religion in History and in the Present”
Abstract dell'evento
This International Congress is the 10th in a series of academic meetings organised since 2010 by the Chairs of Theoretical and Moral Philosophy of the University of Urbino in collaboration with the Department DESP. Their constant aim has been not only that of spreading the general knowledge of genuine academic philosophy to scholars of new generations, but also, and especially, of acquainting them with the great epistemological, metaphysical and moral problems dealt with, in its more than bi-millennial historical development, by philosophical Idealism, and with the different solutions of them put forward by outstanding thinkers such as Plato, Aristotle, Plotin, Proclus, Spinoza, Kant, Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel and his followers in German, Italian, Anglo-Saxon and Russian contemporary philosophy.
The topic chosen for this year’s International Congress is the philosophical, not simply apologetic but also critical, understanding of the essence of religion and of its dogmatic, institutional and moral realisation. Special attention will be paid to the original definition of the theoretical content of Christian religion in the Byzantine epoch, to Hegel’s epoch-making “speculative” and “systematic” conception of it, to the role played by Orthodox religion in the metaphysical and political outlook of the Russian philosopher Ivan Aleksandrovich Il’in and, finally, to the not always wholly consistent, yet deep and stimulating philosophy of religion as the “abstractly objective absolute form of spirit” set out by the major Italian philosopher of the XX century, Giovanni Gentile, in the framework of his Actual Idealism.
Wednesday 2 October 2024
9.15–9.30: Prolusion by Prof. Dr. Tengiz Iremadze (New Georgian University)
9.30–10.30: Prof. Dr. Tengiz Iremadze (New Georgian University)
Philosophie und Christentum. Zur christlichen Philosophie im spätantiken Byzanz und Georgien
10.30–11.30: Prof. Dr. Giorgi Khuroshvili (New Georgian University)
Political Theology as a Paradigm of Political Thinking in Medieval Georgia
11.30-12:30: Dr. Jonathan Salina (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)
La fondazione filosofica nel Novecento italiano tra immanenza e trascendenza
15.00–16.00: Prof. Helmut Schneider (New Georgian University/Grigol Robakidze University)
Die Gabe und das Opfer in Philosophie und Religion
16.00–17.00: Prof. Dr. Giacomo Rinaldi (Università di Urbino)
Lineamenti fondamentali della Filosofia della religione
17.00–18.00: Prof. Dr. Norbert Waszek (Université de Paris “Sorbonne”)
Religion and Politics in Hegel and His Unruly Disciples
18.00–19.00: Plenary Session (I)
Thursday 3 October 2024
9.30–10.30: Prof. Dr. Mikheil Gogatishvili (Grigol Robakidze University/New Georgian University)
Hegel’s Dialectic and Theory of Truth in 20th Century Georgian Philosophy (Kote Bakradze and Savle Tsereteli)
10.30–11.30: Prof. Dr. Philip T. Grier (Dickinson College, Emeritus)
Ivan Aleksandrovich Il‘in: The Intersection of Philosophy of Law and Orthodox Religion in his Concept of “Rechtsbewusstsein”
11.30–12.30: Prof. Dr. Lali Zakaradze (Shota Rustaveli Batumi State University/New Georgian University)
Religion and Nationalism in Ivan Ilyin
15.00–16.00: Dr. Giacomo Cerretani (Università di Urbino)
La trascendenza nell’Attualismo. La Filosofia della religione di Giovanni Gentile
16.00–17.00: Assistant Prof. Dr. Nikoloz Kopaleishvili (New Georgian University)
The Christian Platonism of St. Augustine
17.00–18.00: Prof. Mattia Cardenas (Università di Venezia)
Trascendenza, immanenza e non-essere in Maurice Blondel e Giovanni Gentile
18.00–20.00: Plenary Session (II)
Friday 4 October 2024
9.30–10.30: Prof. Hervé A. Cavallera (Università del Salento, Lecce)
Il sacro e il processo di secolarizzazione in Italia dal neoidealismo ad oggi
10.30–11.30: Dr. Antonio Messina (Università di Catania)
Tra Buddha e Cristo. Le religioni orientali nell’interpretazione filosofica di Giovanni Gentile
11.30–12.30: Prof. Stefano Berni (Università di Siena)
Dalla teologia politica alla politica teologica, dalla comunità allo Stato
15.00–15.30: Dr. Damiano Lembo (Università di Pisa)
Lo sfondo filosofico-religioso della riflessione democratica di Stafford Cripps
15.30–16.30: Dr. Carlo Marsonet (Università di Torino)
Filosofia, religione e società libera secondo John Hallowell e Richard Weaver
16.30–17.00: Dr. Juan M. de Lara Vásquez (Università di Catania)
I culti religiosi nell’ideologia e nella prassi del regime franchista
17.00–18.00: Dr. Maria Luisa Orunesu (0lbia)
Il pensiero di Agostino sulla vera religione
18.00–19.00: Conclusion of the Congress. Programming of new initiatives
The Congress’s official languages are Italian, English and German
- Prof. Dr. Tengiz Iremadze (New Georgian University)
- Prof. Dr. Giorgi Khuroshvili (New Georgian University)
- Dr. Jonathan Salina (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)
- Prof. Helmut Schneider (New Georgian University/Grigol Robakidze University)
- Prof. Dr. Giacomo Rinaldi (Università di Urbino)
- Prof. Dr. Norbert Waszek (Université de Paris “Sorbonne”)
- Prof. Dr. Mikheil Gogatishvili (Grigol Robakidze University/New Georgian University)
- Prof. Dr. Philip T. Grier (Dickinson College, Emeritus)
- Prof. Dr. Lali Zakaradze (Shota Rustaveli Batumi State University/New Georgian University)
- Dr. Giacomo Cerretani (Università di Urbino)
- Assistant Prof. Dr. Nikoloz Kopaleishvili (New Georgian University)
- Prof. Mattia Cardenas (Università di Venezia)
- Prof. Hervé A. Cavallera (Università del Salento, Lecce)
- Dr. Antonio Messina (Università di Catania)
- Prof. Stefano Berni (Università di Siena)
- Dr. Damiano Lembo (Università di Pisa)
- Dr. Carlo Marsonet (Università di Torino)
- Dr. Juan M. de Lara Vásquez (Università di Catania)
- Dr. Maria Luisa Orunesu (Olbia)
Dettagli sull'evento
Data e luogo
Inizio: 02/10/2024
alle ore 09:00
Fine: 04/09/2024
alle ore 00:00
Palazzo Battiferri (Urbino, Via Saffi, 42) AA - Aula Amaranto
Organizzato e promosso da:
Dipartimento di Economia, Società, Politica
Scuola di Scienze Politiche e Sociali
Interclasse L-39 Servizio Sociale e L-40 Sociologia - Sociologia e servizio sociale
Modalità di partecipazione
Altre informazioni utili
Ingresso libero
Per informazioni contattare: Segreteria Dipartimento DESP - Roberta Piergiovanni (+39 0722 305509)