The Stoic Synthesis of Biology and Cosmology: A Framework for Determinism
Abstract dell'evento
This seminar explores the relationship between biology and cosmology in Stoic physics, emphasizing the deterministic role of pneuma. After outlining key aspects of early Stoicism, the first part of the seminar will examine pneuma as the cohesive force of all natural bodies and the vital principle governing life, motion, and psychic functions. In the human body, pneuma is primarily associated with the heart and blood - rather than the brain, as in Platonism - underscoring the Stoic commitment to a unified, law-governed nature.
The second part will extend this biological framework to Stoic cosmology, where the cosmos itself is conceived as a living, rational organism governed by an immanent, divine intelligence. Here, pneuma ensures the interconnection of all natural phenomena through sympathy (sumpatheia), a strictly deterministic but non-mechanical causality. This doctrine reinforces the Stoic vision of a universe in which every event unfolds according to an inescapable, rational order, affirming a holistic and necessity-driven view of nature.
Emmanuele Vimercati (Pontificia Università Lateranense)
Dettagli sull'evento
Data e luogo
Inizio: 19/03/2025
alle ore 11:00
Fine: 19/03/2025
alle ore 13:00
Palazzo Albani (Urbino, Via Viti, 10) Aula C5 - Sala Lauree
Organizzato e promosso da:
Dipartimento di Scienze Pure e Applicate
Scuola di Scienze, Tecnologie e Filosofia dell'Informazione
Modalità di partecipazione
Altre informazioni utili
Ingresso libero. Seminario in presenza e online su Zoom: clicca qui per partecipare
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