Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2015/2016 8
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Vieri Fusi

Assigned to the Degree Course

Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course has the main aim to provide students of the general chemistry bases taking into account the theoretical and applicative aspects. The main goal is to supply students of the right knowledge to can understand and analyze the matter, its properties as well as its transformations under the chemical point of view, mainly considering the biological field. In particular, the student will be able to use the chemical language, to understand and to use correctly the molecular formula and to foresee the chemicophysical characteristics of a compound as its reactivity on the base of its structure and elemental composition.


01 - The matter. Atoms and chemical elements. Molecule and ionic compounds. Isotopes. (1 ora)

02 – Aggregation states of the matter. Atomic structure: protons, neutrons and electrons. (1 ora)

03 - Atomic mass, atomic and molecular weights. Mole and molar mass. Percentage composition, minima and molecular formula. (3 ore)

04 - Energy. Electromagnetic radiations. Photoelectric effects. (2 ore)

05 - The hydrogen atom and its energetic levels. Atomic orbitals. Quantum numbers. Energetic levels in polyelectronic atoms. The spin quantum number. Rules for the filling orbitals. Electron configuration of the elements. (3 ore)

06 - Periodic systems. Ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity. (2 ore)

07 - Covalent bond. σ and π bonds. Valence bond and molecular orbital theory. Polar bond. Hybrid orbitals. (4 ore)

08 - Structural formula and molecular geometry. (1 ora)

09 - Ionic bond. (2 ore)

10 - Metal bond. (1 ora)

11 - Chemical bond and physical properties of the matter. (1 ora)

12 – Polar and apolar molecules. Intramolecular forces. Van der Walls forces. Hydrogen bond. (3 ore)

13 - Chemical properties and periodicity. Nomenclature of the chemical compounds. Oxides hydrides. Oxidation number. General characteristics and reactivity of groups and of main elements. Main compounds. (3 ore)

14 - Acid-base theory of BrØnsted-Lowry and of Lewis. Levelling effect of the solvent. (3 ore)

15 - Chemical reactions. Redox reaction. Acid-base reactions. The balance of a chemical reaction. (5 ore)

16 - Gas-state. Ideal gas. Kinetic theory of gas. Real gas. (1 ora)

17 - Solutions. The concentration of solutions. Vapor tension. Ebullioscopy and cryoscopy of solutions. Osmotic pressure. Solubility. (3 ore)

18 - Coordination compounds. (2 ore)

19 - Chemical equilibrium. Reversibility of chemical reactions. Law of mass action. Le Chatelier-Braun’s principle. Equilibrium of heterogenic systems. The solubility-product constant. (4 ore)

20 - Equilibrium for acid-base reactions. Ionic product of water. Buffer solutions. Salt hydrolysis. The pH. Determination of pH. The glass electrode. Titrations. Indicators of pH. (4 ore)

21 - Chemical Kinetics; rate of reaction, activation energy, catalysts. (2 ore)

22 - Thermodynamic in chemistry: work and heat; Thermodynamics’ laws. Enthalpy and entropy, Gibbs free energy. Equilibrium and free energy; equilibrium constant and temperature. (3 ore)

23 - Electrochemistry. The battery, electromotive force. Standard potentials. The electrolysis. (2 ore)

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

The course, directed to first class students, has the aim to provide the general chemistry bases together with the main inorganic information. It intends to supply the instruments to analyze and to stiochiometrically quantify a chemical process, developing the atomic-molecular vision of the matter.

The student must demonstrate to possess the mastery of base knowledge with respect to:

- Writing and reading the chemical formula of an inorganic compound

- The prevision of the acid-base and red-ox behavior of main compounds

- The Stoichioemetry calculus of the chemical reactions

- Solutions and concentration uses and measures as well as methods for the preparation of a solution.

- Physical properties of a solution

- pH calculus of acid-base and buffer solutions.

The student must demonstrate the understanding of the concepts and theories provided for the course. He must be able to state concepts supplying adequate examples.

The student must demonstrate to possess the capacities to utilize the theoretic knowledges for suggesting solutions to problems and questions asked by the teacher.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


The course consists in lecturers and stoichiometry together with practical experiences to favor the comprehension.

Students can attend the lectures asking explanations to the teacher  

Course books

Fusi, Bacchi, Giorgi, Marchetti, Messori, Paoli, Punzo, Sortino, Tolazzi. Chimica generale e inorganica. Idelson Gnocchi editore


The verification of the knowledge provides a written and oral examination

The aim of the written examination is to verify the student competences with respect to the balance of a chemical reaction as well as to the stoichiometric calculus of treated subjects

The aim of the oral examination is to verify the student preparation with respect to the writing of a chemical formula, to the prevision of the chemicophysical properties of the main compounds (oxides, hydrides, acids, bases, salts) as well as of concepts, explained during the course. The student must be able to furnish appropriate examples concerning the argument to demonstrate the full comprehension of it.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

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