Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2017/2018 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Franco Angeloni

Assigned to the Degree Course

Law (LMG/01)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course has two goals:
I) it offers the treatment to a deeper level compared to the necessary elementary one of Private Law Institutions taught at the first year, the more problematic points of Civil Law;
II) it proposes to give a proper mastery of the hermeneutic instruments, of the analysis of judge precedents and of the other research methods, also by consulting the various databases, with particular reference to those of CED of the Supreme Court of Cassation in Italy, illustrating the basic aspects of the program ItalgiureWeb that allows it to be consulted.


During the academic year 2017/2018 the course will be articulated into the following topics:
general categories, with particular reference to sources of law and interpretation; the contract.
Various research methods and databases questioning techniques also will be illustrated.
Graduate thesis are given by the course holder at reception times and will normally be followed by the same. Graduates, however, may be instructed by one or more assistant professors.
The sequent preferential criteria will be followed when assigning thesis: mastery of techniques for the interpretation of normative documents; previous active attendance of the course; media reported in the afferent exams.

Bridging Courses

To support the examination of civil law it is necessary to have passed the examination of private law institutions.

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

1) knowledge and understanding: relating to this descriptor the student will have to demonstrate that he/she has the knowledge and ability to understand civilian matter, such as to elaborate and apply original ideas, even within a research context;

2) applying knowledge and understanding: relating to this descriptor the student will have to demonstrate that he/she is able to apply his/her knowledge and understanding, and problem solving abilities related to the civilian mattern also within broader or multidisciplinary contexts related to his field of study;

3) making judgements: related to this descriptor the student will have to demonstrate that he/she has the ability to integrate knowledge and handle interpretative complexity, and formulate judgements with incomplete or limited information, but that include reflecting on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of his/her knowledge and judgements;

4) communication skills: relating to this descriptor, the student will have to demonstrate that he/she have the ability to communicate his/her interpretative conclusions at group work, seminars, workshops, interjecting with the professor and his/her collaborators in the context of working class clearly and unambiguously;

5) learning skills: related to this descriptor the student will have to demonstrate that he/she have developed those learning skills of civil law institutes that will enable him/her to continue studying in the most self-taught or self-study way.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

Teaching material and teacher’s specific communications can be found, along with other support activities, within the platform Moodle › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Frontal lesson.
Lessons can be accompanied by some seminars, reserved for the interested students, whose active participation is an essential part of the course. They aim both to provide an adequate degree of mastery of modern legal research tools and to deepen, including through the reading of specific case-law and /or doctrinal materials previously made available at the Faculty library, individual aspects and problems of the subject.


There are no frequency obligations.

Course books

- V. ROPPO, Il contratto, in Trattato di diritto privato a cura di G. Iudica e P. Zatti, Giuffrè, Milano, 2011 (the whole book);
- F. ANGELONI, Del contratto a favore di terzi, in Commentario del codice civile Scialoja - Branca, artt. 1411-1413, Zanichelli, Bologna-Roma, 2004 (the whole book).
It is also essential to systematically consult the civil code and the main legislative provisions that are complementary. We recommend the PORTION OF FIELD BEING COMPLETED, 2018 edition.
It is advisable, for those who want further insights, the consultation of other works of commentary or treaty, for which they are reported, for the volumes already published, the Commentario del codice civile Scialoja - Branca, published by Zanichelli, Bologna-Roma; the Trattato di diritto privato diretto da P. RESCIGNO, published by Utet; il Trattato di diritto privato a cura di G. IUDICA E P. ZATTI, published by Giuffrè.
All the above mentioned works can be consulted at the library of the faculty.
For students enrolled at the Faculty of Law at the University of Urbino and for those transferred from other Faculties, the course program is the same as the one indicated in the present vademecum for the academic year 2017/2018, which completely replaces each verse contained in the previous vademecum.


Examination will be carried out by an oral test.

The option for the oral test was made according to the foregoing considerations:
1) the oral test allows a dynamic and customized assessment by the teacher, who can, depending on the answers provided, modulate the level of depth of the examination topics and/or the duration of the test for a more analytical examination;
2) the oral test prevents the candidate from using an elaborate of another candidate or uses the collaboration of other (near or distant) subjects for the achieving of the elaborate, thereby making the professor’s assessment altered;
3) the oral test allows the candidate to talk to the examiner, giving him the opportunity to ask the professor clarification on the questions that are being asked, if he or she has doubts about the subject matter of the same question;
4) the oral test ensures greater uniformity of student treatment, as it is carried out seamlessly in a given time interval, while other types of evidence predict that the evaluation of the candidates may take a considerable amount of time
5) the oral test (considering that it takes place in public ) ensures greater transparency of the evaluation process.
The creative content of this field is subject to copyright protection, of which is the holder Professor Franco Angeloni, according to the law in force.

The oral test is functional to ascertain the student’s preparation and will only concern the topics covered in the previously mentioned study texts.
The test is carried out through the formulation of questions to the candidate and the evaluation of the answers provided.
The evaluation is expressed in marks out of thirty and is carried out also in accordance with the provisions of Art. 28 of the University’s didactical regulations issued by Royal Decree no. 487/2013 of 4?? November 2013, which can be consulted on the University’s website.

Only students who attend the whole course will have the faculty to support, at the end of the course, a test of the ability to consult various databases (topic that will be covered); for those who successfully pass that test, the final exam test will be in the oral discussion only on topics related to the following texts:
- V. ROPPO, Il contratto, in Trattato di diritto privato a cura di G. Iudica e P. Zatti, Giuffrè, Milano, 2011 (the whole book except chapters 41 to 48 (from page 829 to page 975));
- F. ANGELONI, Del contratto a favore di terzi, in Commentario del codice civile Scialoja - Branca, artt. 1411-1413, Zanichelli, Bologna-Roma, 2004 (the whole book).
In any case, the student is free to use or not of the outcome of the test and will report it to Prof. Franco Angeloni at the beginning of the final exam interview.
For those who do not pass the test positively or for those who, despite having passed them, have submitted a vote that does not meet their satisfaction, the final exam test will be in the oral discussion of the whole program.
It should be noted that the student will only be able to avail him/herself of the outcome of the test within and not later than the last appeal of the last exam session for the academic year in which the test was held.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


There are no frequency obligations.

Course books

- V. ROPPO, Il contratto, in Trattato di diritto privato a cura di G. Iudica e P. Zatti, Giuffrè, Milano, 2011 (the whole book);
- F. ANGELONI, Del contratto a favore di terzi, in Commentario del codice civile Scialoja - Branca, artt. 1411-1413, Zanichelli, Bologna-Roma, 2004 (the whole book).
It is also essential to systematically consult the civil code and the main legislative provisions that are complementary. We recommend the PORTION OF FIELD BEING COMPLETED, 2018 edition.
It is advisable, for those who want further insights, the consultation of other works of commentary or treaty, for which they are reported, for the volumes already published, the Commentario del codice civile Scialoja - Branca, published by Zanichelli, Bologna-Roma; the Trattato di diritto privato diretto da P. RESCIGNO, published by Utet; il Trattato di diritto privato a cura di G. IUDICA E P. ZATTI, published by Giuffrè.
All the above mentioned works can be consulted at the library of the faculty.
For students enrolled at the Faculty of Law at the University of Urbino and for those transferred from other Faculties, the course program is the same as the one indicated in the present vademecum for the academic year 2017/2018, which completely replaces each verse contained in the previous vademecum.


Examination will be carried out by an oral test.

The option for the oral test was made according to the foregoing considerations:
1) the oral test allows a dynamic and customized assessment by the teacher, who can, depending on the answers provided, modulate the level of depth of the examination topics and/or the duration of the test for a more analytical examination;
2) the oral test prevents the candidate from using an elaborate of another candidate or uses the collaboration of other (near or distant) subjects for the achieving of the elaborate, thereby making the professor’s assessment altered;
3) the oral test allows the candidate to talk to the examiner, giving him the opportunity to ask the professor clarification on the questions that are being asked, if he or she has doubts about the subject matter of the same question;
4) the oral test ensures greater uniformity of student treatment, as it is carried out seamlessly in a given time interval, while other types of evidence predict that the evaluation of the candidates may take a considerable amount of time
5) the oral test (considering that it takes place in public ) ensures greater transparency of the evaluation process.
The creative content of this field is subject to copyright protection, of which is the holder Professor Franco Angeloni, according to the law in force.

The oral test is functional to ascertain the student’s preparation and will only concern the topics covered in the previously mentioned study texts.
The test is carried out through the formulation of questions to the candidate and the evaluation of the answers provided.
The evaluation is expressed in marks out of thirty and is carried out also in accordance with the provisions of Art. 28 of the University’s didactical regulations issued by Royal Decree no. 487/2013 of 4?? November 2013, which can be consulted on the University’s website.

Only students who attend the whole course will have the faculty to support, at the end of the course, a test of the ability to consult various databases (topic that will be covered); for those who successfully pass that test, the final exam test will be in the oral discussion only on topics related to the following texts:
- V. ROPPO, Il contratto, in Trattato di diritto privato a cura di G. Iudica e P. Zatti, Giuffrè, Milano, 2011 (the whole book except chapters 41 to 48 (from page 829 to page 975));
- F. ANGELONI, Del contratto a favore di terzi, in Commentario del codice civile Scialoja - Branca, artt. 1411-1413, Zanichelli, Bologna-Roma, 2004 (the whole book).
In any case, the student is free to use or not of the outcome of the test and will report it to Prof. Franco Angeloni at the beginning of the final exam interview.
For those who do not pass the test positively or for those who, despite having passed them, have submitted a vote that does not meet their satisfaction, the final exam test will be in the oral discussion of the whole program.
It should be noted that the student will only be able to avail him/herself of the outcome of the test within and not later than the last appeal of the last exam session for the academic year in which the test was held.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

« back Last update: 29/07/2018

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