Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2023/2024 9
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Pietro Gobbi On line only, by appointment by email (pietro.gobbi@uniurb.it) and the use (as preferred) of Skype, Zoom or Meet platforms.
Teaching in foreign languages
Course with optional materials in a foreign language English
This course is entirely taught in Italian. Study materials can be provided in the foreign language and the final exam can be taken in the foreign language.

Assigned to the Degree Course

Pharmacy (LM-13)
Curriculum: COMUNE
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course aim is to provide the Students with an adequate knowledge of the human body, integrating the microscopic, gross and morpho - functional points of view, fundamental aspect for the comprehension of biochemistry, phisiology, pathology and pharmacology.


Minute Anatomy:
- The Epithelia and the Glands.
- The Connectives, the Cartilages and the Bone.
- The Blood and outline of the immunity.
- The Muscles: cross-striated, cardiac and smooth.
- The Nerve cells and the neuroglia.
Gross Anatomy (distinct for the different body regions):
- The Locomotory system: Osteology, outline of Syndesmology and outline of Myology.
- The Circulatory system: Angiology: arteries, capillaries and veins. The Heart and the pericardium. Main trunks of the peripheral and pulmonary circulation. The Portal system of veins. The Brain circulation. The Lymphatic system and the lymphatic organs.
- The Respiratory apparatus: The Nose and Larynx; the Trachea and Bronchi, the Lungs and Pleurae; the Mediastinum.
- The Digestive apparatus: The Mouth and the Fauces; the Pharinx and the Esophagus; the Abdomen, the Stomach, the Small and Large Intestine; the Liver and the Bile Ducts; the Pancreas; the Peritoneum.
- The Urinary organs: the Kidney, the Ureters, The Urinary Bladder, the Male and Female Urethra.
- The Male and Female Genital organs.
- The Nervous system: Central: the Spinal Cord, the Hind - and the Mid - Brain; the Diencephalon and the Telencephalon, the Meninges and the Cerebrospinal fluid. Peripheral: the Spinal and Cranial Nerves; Sensory and Motor Pathways; the Receptors and the Pathways of the Special Senses (olfactory, optic, vestibulo - cochlear, gustatory systems).
- The Sympathetic system.
- The Endocrine apparatus: the Hypophysis and the Pineal Body; the Thyroid and Parathyroid glands; the Suprarenal Glands; endocrine interstitial structures of Pancreas, Kidney, Male and Female Gonads. Outline of the Ovarian and Uterine cycles.
- The Skin: , the Integument, the Appendages and Receptors of the skin.

Bridging Courses

A preparatory adequate knowledge of cytology is strongly recommended.

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

- The student has to demonstrate the possession of the mastery of basic knowledge about the overall structure of the human body, its organization at the level of tissues, organs in the organization of this and the location, shape structure, relationships, size, vascularization, innervation in different regions of the body .
- The student has to show the understanding of the concepts and theories provided by the course; he will have to be able to reconstruct three-dimensionally, in a theoretical way, the single organ and place in functional relationship with the other organs of the same apparatus and know how to integrate morphofunctional interactions between organs and regions of different devices.
- The student has to show the ability to use knowledge and concepts that allow to reason according to the specific logic of the discipline. He has to be able, in particular, to understand the relationship between morphology and function, sensing the potential fisopatologic structures and to rebuild, in different regions, the morphological structures belonging to the same apparatus.

- The student has to demostrate adequate communication skills both in terms of specialistic knowledge as well as in terms of popular dissemination of the scientific knowledge.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

The Professor is available, during office hours or by email, for tutorials. Further informations on the "moodle" platform.

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Frontal lessons. 

If it is mandatory to carry out the teaching remotely, students are asked to contact the teacher to define the technical teaching methods

Innovative teaching methods

flipped lessions 


The regular attendance at lessons has proven to be crucial to the smooth acquisition of the skills required and to pass the exam . It's essential to have adequate prior knowledge of the eukaryotic cell.

Course books

Gray's Anatomy (first edition) by R.L. Drake, W. Vogl and A.W.M. Mitchell; Churchill Livingstone Ed., 2008 + Color Textbook of Histology by L.Gartner and J.Hiatt; Saunders Ed., 2006


Given the ANNUAL scan of the Course, Students attending the FIRST YEAR of the Course will be able to take a PARTIAL ORAL EXAM during the WINTER exams SESSION, at the end of the First Semester. This possibility is also extended to all students enrolled in years subsequent to the first (they will be able to take the partial exam only, the overall exam directly or, in two different exams date of the same or different sessions, first the partial, then the overall). The program of the subject concerning this partial oral exam corresponds to PART ONE - ANATOMICAL PROPEDEUTICS and the exam will consist of two questions, one concerning topics of microscopic anatomy and one on body systems (ubiquitous). The student who passes this exam will be exempted from specific questions relating to the first part (it being understood that the skills acquired in the partial exam must be usable in the study of the other parts of the program) in the overall exam. The grade of the overall exam will also be determined by the grade obtained in the partial exam.

Starting from the summer session, both the students enrolled in the first year and the others will be able to take the only partial exam, directly the overall one or, in two different date of the same or different sessions, first the partial, then the overall.

The part of the subject concerning this I ° Oral Partial Exam corresponds to PART ONE - THE ANATOMICAL PROPEDEUTICS and the exam will consist of two questions, one concerning generalities and microscopic anatomy and one on body systems (ubiquitous). The student who has passed this exam will be exempt from specific questions regarding the first part (it being understood that the skills acquired in the partial exam must be usable in the study of the other parts of the program) in the overall exam. The grade of the overall exam will also be determined by the grade obtained in the partial exam.

Starting from the summer session, both students enrolled in the first year and the others will be able to take the partial exam only, the overall exam directly or, in two different sessions, first the 1st partial exam, then the 2nd partial exam.

The 2nd partial exam (sustainable only by those who have already taken the 1st partial exam) consists of at least 3 questions on three different regions of the body, one of which is always represented by the Head and Neck

The overall oral exam consists of an interview based on 5 fundamental questions, aimed at verifying adequate knowledge and skills on: 1st and 2nd question: anatomical preparatory; 2nd and 3rd question: two different regions of the body; 4th question: head / neck.

For each topic dealt with in the exam (partial and overall), the student will have to demonstrate that they are able to describe the structures and place them in an adequate spatial and functional relationship with the rest of the organism.

The presentation of the topics will also be assessed on the basis of the correctness and completeness of the terminology used and the level of understanding achieved on the individual topic.

The student's ability to use his / her knowledge to autonomously reach morphofunctional conclusions not directly specified in the program will also be assessed.

Sufficiency in the evaluation must therefore concern all the aforementioned aspects (completeness in knowledge of the topics, clarity of presentation, adequacy of the terminology used, demonstration of autonomy of judgment and synthesis). Negative results on a topic that is part of the partial or overall exam program are also not considered acceptable, as it must be possible to achieve sufficiency on each topic, in a truly integrated morphological vision of the entire human body.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


In order to pass the exam, the non-attending student must refer to the program indicated in the teaching sheet in the part relating to attending students and face the study, on the recommended texts and teaching material, independently. The teacher is however available for a didactic tutoring, to be carried out via email (pietro.gobbi@uniurb.it) or IT platforms (by prior email appointment), in order to concentrate their study activity on the fundamental elements of the subject and refer correctly to the educational objectives of the Course.


The Student must have solid knowledge on the structure of the eukaryotic cell.

Course books

Gray's Anatomy (first edition) by R.L. Drake, W. Vogl and A.W.M. Mitchell; Churchill Livingstone Ed., 2008 + Color Textbook of Histology by L.Gartner and J.Hiatt; Saunders Ed., 2006


Given the ANNUAL scan of the Course, Students attending the FIRST YEAR of the Course will be able to take a PARTIAL ORAL EXAM during the WINTER exams SESSION, at the end of the First Semester. This possibility is also extended to all students enrolled in years subsequent to the first (they will be able to take the partial exam only, the overall exam directly or, in two different exams date of the same or different sessions, first the partial, then the overall). The program of the subject concerning this partial oral exam corresponds to PART ONE - ANATOMICAL PROPEDEUTICS and the exam will consist of two questions, one concerning topics of microscopic anatomy and one on body systems (ubiquitous). The student who passes this exam will be exempted from specific questions relating to the first part (it being understood that the skills acquired in the partial exam must be usable in the study of the other parts of the program) in the overall exam. The grade of the overall exam will also be determined by the grade obtained in the partial exam.

Starting from the summer session, both the students enrolled in the first year and the others will be able to take the only partial exam, directly the overall one or, in two different date of the same or different sessions, first the partial, then the overall.

The part of the subject concerning this I ° Oral Partial Exam corresponds to PART ONE - THE ANATOMICAL PROPEDEUTICS and the exam will consist of two questions, one concerning generalities and microscopic anatomy and one on body systems (ubiquitous). The student who has passed this exam will be exempt from specific questions regarding the first part (it being understood that the skills acquired in the partial exam must be usable in the study of the other parts of the program) in the overall exam. The grade of the overall exam will also be determined by the grade obtained in the partial exam.

Starting from the summer session, both students enrolled in the first year and the others will be able to take the partial exam only, the overall exam directly or, in two different sessions, first the 1st partial exam, then the 2nd partial exam.

The 2nd partial exam (sustainable only by those who have already taken the 1st partial exam) consists of at least 3 questions on three different regions of the body, one of which is always represented by the Head and Neck

The overall oral exam consists of an interview based on 5 fundamental questions, aimed at verifying adequate knowledge and skills on: 1st and 2nd question: anatomical preparatory; 2nd and 3rd question: two different regions of the body; 4th question: head / neck.

For each topic dealt with in the exam (partial and overall), the student will have to demonstrate that they are able to describe the structures and place them in an adequate spatial and functional relationship with the rest of the organism.

The presentation of the topics will also be assessed on the basis of the correctness and completeness of the terminology used and the level of understanding achieved on the individual topic.

The student's ability to use his / her knowledge to autonomously reach morphofunctional conclusions not directly specified in the program will also be assessed.

Sufficiency in the evaluation must therefore concern all the aforementioned aspects (completeness in knowledge of the topics, clarity of presentation, adequacy of the terminology used, demonstration of autonomy of judgment and synthesis). Negative results on a topic that is part of the partial or overall exam program are also not considered acceptable, as it must be possible to achieve sufficiency on each topic, in a truly integrated morphological vision of the entire human body.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.



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