Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2023/2024 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Matteo Montani the hour will be determined according to the second semester schedule and communicated at the first lecture and via blended page.
Teaching in foreign languages
Course with optional materials in a foreign language English
This course is entirely taught in Italian. Study materials can be provided in the foreign language and the final exam can be taken in the foreign language.

Assigned to the Degree Course

Sport, Health and Physical Exercise (L-22)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The Physics course aims to provide students with the elements of the scientific method and the formal approach to the quantitative solution of scientific-technical problems. The objective is to provide the general knowledge of classical physics and the application of its laws, through the study of physical quantities and their measurement, the fundamentals of mechanics, hydrostatics, thermodynamics and electrostatics. The program is supplemented by multiple explanatory examples with special emphasis on topics related to applications of interest in the field of activity of Exercise Science. 


1. Units of measurement 1.1 Physical quantities 1.2 Systems of units of measurement 1.3 Conversion between units of measurement 1.4 Dimensional analysis 

2. Scalars and vectors 2.1 Geometric and analytical definitions 2.2 Projection of a vector onto an assigned direction 2.3 Addition and subtraction of vectors 2.4 Scalar and vector product 


3. Kinematics 3.1 equation of motion 3.2 Average and instantaneous velocity 3.3 Average and instantaneous acceleration 3.4 Uniform rectilinear motion 3.5 Uniformly accelerated motion 3.6 Free fall motion 3.7 Motion in two dimensions 3.8 Motion of a projectile 3.9 Uniform circular motion: centripetal acceleration  

4. Laws of dynamics 4.1 First principle of dynamics: state of quiet and uniform rectilinear motion 4.2 Second principle of dynamics: force as the cause of changes in motion 4.3 Link between force and acceleration, concept of mass 4.4 The principle of action and reaction 

5. Examples of Forces 5.1 Law of universal gravitation 5.2 Gravitational force near the earth's surface 5.3 Relationship between mass and weight, acceleration of gravity 5.4 Normal force 5.5 Elastic force: Hooke's law 5.6 Friction and air resistance 

6. Applications of the laws of mechanics 6.1 Inclined plane 

7. Work and kinetic energy 7.1 Work as scalar product between force and displacement 7.2 Kinetic energy 7.3 Kinetic energy theorem 

8. Potential energy and conservation of energy 8.1 Conservative and nonconservative forces 8.2 Potential energy 8.3 Gravitational potential energy 8.4 Elastic potential energy 8.5 Conservation of mechanical energy 

9. Rigid body dynamics 9.1 Definition of rigid body 9.2 Translation motion and center of mass 9.3 Rotational motion and momentum of a force 9.4 Equilibrium of rigid bodies 9.5 Moment of inertia 9.6 Angular momentum 


10 Fluids 10.1 States of aggregation of matter 10.2 Density and Pressure 10.3 Stevin's Law 10.4 Pascal's Principle: hydraulic leverage 10.5 Archimedes' Principle 10.6 Perfect fluid 10.7 Continuity equation 10.8 Bernoulli's Theorem 10.9 Viscosity 10.10 Hagen-Poiseuille Theorem.


11. Macroscopic point of view 11.1 Thermodynamic systems 11.2 State variables 11.3 Thermal equilibrium 11.4 Zero principle of thermodynamics 11.5 Definition of temperature 11.6 Temperature scales 11.7 Concept of "absolute zero" 11.8 Thermal expansion 

12. Microscopic point of view 12.1 Kinetic interpretation of Internal Energy 

13. I principle of thermodynamics 13.1 Definition of heat 13.2 I principle of thermodynamics: heat budget, work and internal energy

14 II principle of thermodynamics: order and disorder 14.1 II principle in the utterances of Kelvin-Plank and Clausius 14.3 Efficiency of heat engines


15. Electric charge 15.1 Definition of electric charge 15.2 Conductors and insulators 15.3 Coulomb force 

16. Electrostatic field 16.1 Definition of electrostatic field 16.2 Field lines 16.3 Uniform field 16.4 Field of a point charge

17. Electrostatic potential 17.1 Electric potential energy 17.2 Potential difference 17.3 Potential in a constant electrostatic field 17.4 Electric potential generated by a charge 17.5 Capacitors and capacitance

18. Electric current and elementary circuits 18.1 Electric current 18.2 Resistance and Ohm's law 18.3 Voltage generator and elementary circuit

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)


Four levels of evaluation are given for each item corresponding to: insufficient ( grade < 18); sufficient (17 < grade < 24); good (23 < grade < 28); excellent (27 < grade < 31)

Knowledge and ubderstanding: 

The student does not know or roughly describes the covered topics

The student describes with some inaccuracy the topics

The student describes accurately the topics

The student describes accurately and completely the topics

Applied knowledge and understanding

He/She does not know how to apply the principles and laws of physics to solving simple problems 

He/She can apply the principles and laws of physics to solving simple problems 

He/She can apply the principles and laws of physics to solving more complex problems 

He/She can apply the principles and laws of physics to solving more complex problems and relate them to real problems

Making judgments: 

He/She fails to evaluate the correctness of the procedure used and the plausibility of the results.

He/She can sufficiently assess the correctness of the procedure used and the plausibility of the results.

He/She can assess the correctness of the procedure used and the plausibility of the results.

He/She can evaluate the correctness of the procedure used and the plausibility of the results and can put the results in context.

Communication skills: 

He/She expresses in common non-specific language

Limited expression skills; use of some specific terms

Good ability of expression and use of some specific terms

Full use of specific language

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

Teaching materials and specific teacher communications can be found, along with other supporting activities, within the Moodle platform: blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Lectures and exercises


Attendance is strongly recommended.

Course books

Fundamentals of Physics, D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker, Wiley

Ketsen e Tauck, Fondamenti di Fisica-Volume 1 Meccanica, Termodinamica, Onde, Elettromagnetismo, Casa Editrice Zanichelli


Written exam followed by oral discussion (Italian or English). The written test consists of a multiple-choice test and open questions and is considered passed when a grade of 18/30 is achieved. The oral test will focus on discussion of the written test and exposition of topics covered in the course.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


It is recommended to contact the professor. The teaching materials and assessment methods are the same for both attending and non-attending students.

Course books

Fundamentals of Physics, D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker, Wiley

Ketsen e Tauck, Fondamenti di Fisica-Volume 1 Meccanica, Termodinamica, Onde, Elettromagnetismo, Casa Editrice Zanichelli


Written exam followed by oral discussion (Italian or English). The written test consists of a multiple-choice test and open questions and is considered passed when a grade of 18/30 is achieved. The oral test will focus on discussion of the written test and exposition of topics covered in the course. 

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.


Basics of mathematics
The concepts listed below, which are proposed during the pre-course and partly recalled during the course, are necessary to be able to follow the lectures profitably: 

- Algebra: first- and second-degree equations with one variable. System of first degree equations with 2 variables.

- Geometry: lines, segments, angles. Rectangle triangle and Pythagorean theorem. Area and volume.

- Trigonometry: sine and cosine functions. Relationship between length of hypotenuse and length of cathexes in a right-angled triangle. 

- Cartesian reference system, use of coordinates to represent the position of a point in the plane and in space.

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