Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

Three-Year Undergraduate Degree Programmes - 180 ECTS


The degree in Biotechnologies (Class L-2) is aimed at creating professionals who can you the most modern molecular and cellular strategies for the production of new diagnostics, therapies and innovative vaccines. In particular, the student will be able to clone, express, purify and characterise recombinant proteins; he/she will be able to prepare genotyping molecular trials and immunological trials. During the course, the students will be assigned projects to carry out in the laboratory under the guidance of tutors, aimed at cloning and the expression of microbial, vegetable, animal and human genes with potential use in the healthcare and molecular diagnostics sectors. In addition to having access to the most modern instruments for genome sequencing, production of recombinant proteins and downstream processing, the student will also complete his/her training by learning about patent rights, bioethics and high-innovation company economics. Mandatory work placements with university departments, companies or laboratories and other universities with which special agreements have been drawn up, will allow the student to learn specific techniques to enrich his professional baggage, with responsibility and autonomy, in a context close to the world of work.

Economics and Management

The course develops the knowledge required for understanding corporate system operational and management processes, with specific learning of the main functional areas and bearing in mind the specific factors that come from the size, rate of internationalisation and sector it belongs to. The course aims to train professionals who can understand the economic-corporate contexts and act as managers in companies and their main departments, and also act as consultants and professionals (accounts experts and auditors, after passing the exam). As part of the degree course, there is a possibility for the students to follow a study path in collaboration with the Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration - University of Bamberg (Germany).

Applied Informatics

The Applied Informatics degree course aims to train a professional IT figure who knows about methods, techniques and instruments for the development of systems and applications, that are based on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), together with the basic culture required for adapting to the evolution of the area. The main content of the degree course in Applied Informatics is aimed at solid, basic training in the field of information sciences and technologies, that will open to further refinement in higher courses, allows the graduate to gain employment that requires familiarity with scientific methods and the ability to apply innovative techniques and methods in the ICT sector. From the 2014/2015 Academic Year, the degree course now offers interdisciplinary curricula (for information processing, digital territorial management, companies, new media, and logical-cognitive) that responds to the labour market’s specific needs and allows enrolment on several master's degree courses at the university.

Information, media and advertisement

The Computer Science, Media and Advertising degree course (L-20) is built on a learning project that integrates the dimension of “knowing” with “doing”, to develop the following skills: • critical analysis of the use of several techniques, methods and languages in the realm of social, media, organisation and show business; • design of media content, show business, products for cultural industry and for the world of publishing and advertising; • development and diffusion of communication products via several forms of media with particular attention to the languages and techniques developed by new technologies (blogs, podcasting, web services, mobile digital and high definition TV). Our goal is to train professional figures with skills relating to media language and show business topics, contemporary expression forms with special attention paid to new media forms for the purpose of: • working in the field of media communication, in particular in journalism and show business and entertainment creation, production and management in various areas of the cultural industry (cinema, radio/television, new media and internet); • working in the field of advertising, public and corporate communication, with particular reference to complex public and private organisations and cross-media communication.

Foreign Languages and Cultures

The course will provide students with solid linguistic expertise in at least two foreign languages, a good knowledge of the historical, cultural, artistic, socio-economic and institutional foundations of the countries that use these languages, and a total awareness of cultural differences, integration and intercultural communication problems. The scheduled programmes guarantee a thorough linguistic and cultural preparation in western, eastern and corporate contexts.

Nutritional Science

The aim of the Nutritional Sciences degree course is to train professional figures with the knowledge, skills and abilities in: nutritional value and chemical composition of food, food properties, supplements and nutraceuticals and chemical and microbiological control of foods. The graduate acquires the skills required to carry out professional activities in various areas of application: • quality control of foods; • information about products of nutritional interest; • technical support activities for staff in healthcare and/or health structures regarding nutritional value and chemical composition of foods, supplements and nutraceuticals; • surveys aimed at gathering information on eating habits and the refinement of nutritional education policies. The graduate also acquires the capacity to use English in written and oral form, in addition to Italian, also in reference to terminology.

Biological Sciences

The degree course offers training in biological-molecular and naturalistic-environmental contexts. The course is aimed at producing junior biologists who operate with multi-disciplinary cultural vision and tools, in experiment and research laboratories, and who have suitable technical skills for entering the field of environmental protection and territorial resources. Students acquire the skills to work in different sectors of vegetable and animal biology - including Man - involving cells, molecules and micro-organisms.

Education Sciences

• Acquisition of fundamental knowledge and methodological skills, pertaining to educational (also in a historical and social sense),philosophical, methodological-teaching, psychological and sociological knowledge, completed by historical and social management knowledge and skills of educational and training services, aimed at a general understanding of educational issues, taken from a theoretical and operational-methodological point of view. • Theoretical knowledge and methodological skills regarding educational planning in: suitable possession of tools for analysing educational situations from various viewpoints: historical, cultural, social, psychological; suitable expertise in educational planning methods, also aimed at research; suitable possession of organisational and management strategies in educational interventions; suitable expertise in monitoring and assessment procedures for educational interventions. • Theoretical knowledge and methodological skills regarding educational intervention, also referred to the dimension of teaching/learning, in the various development phases of the individual (from the age of development to adult age), suitably integrated with the ability to solve specific educational problems to various socio-educational services and subjects, also in relation to integrating the disabled. • Oral and written skills in the English language, in addition to in Italian. • suitable information management and communication skills using IT tools.

Psychology - Sciences and Techniques

• Acquisition of solid basic knowledge of all areas of psychology through the activation of at least one course for each subject group. • Acquisition of suitable knowledge about psychology and scientific research methodology, through specific courses and through the acquisition of methodological skills in highly specialised laboratories and guided experiences. • Acquisition of theoretical knowledge and level one operational and applicational skills with particular reference to the subject of clinical psychology, dynamic psychology and social psychology. • Acquisition of problem analysis and contextualisation skills in an interdisciplinary context, by comparison with cultural perspectives of philosophy and pedagogy. • Acquisition of adequate knowledge and applicational skills, using specific laboratories, for management information using common IT tools, also for processing research data. • Acquisition of skills in the oral and written use of English, with particular reference to psychological scientific language; thanks to laboratories, skills will be acquired for an adequate and correct communication in written English and in Italian.

Law Degree for Labour Consultancy and Safety at Work

The course is aimed at: a) on the one hand, providing graduates with knowledge in the basic sectors for legal preparation, in observance of qualifying goals in the degree class L14, with specific reference to subjects that are part of historical-legal, philosophical-legal, private law, constitutional, economic and public law areas; b) on the other hand, to provide graduates with in-depth knowledge and skills in various areas of law, with particular reference to labour law and business and sector law, with particular attention to employment profiles. In this way, the graduate will acquire the knowledge and competences required for labour consultancy in both the private and public sector, also specifically regarding legal problems connected with the health and safety of workers, management of labour and trade union relations, and referring to the activities of associations that represent collective and professional interests.

Sport, Health and Physical Exercise

The Sport, Health and Physical Exercise degree course is the natural evolution of experience gained in previous courses and is born of the need to respond more suitably to significant changes that society has undergone in recent years, and to the continuing transformation of professional activities. For this purpose, the course sets up a training path that allows the biological bases of movement and adaptation to physical exercise to be learnt through knowledge of anatomic, physiological and biochemical aspects. Also, the course involves the learning of motor and sports techniques and methods aimed at measuring and evaluating the effects of physical exercise with particular reference to the biomechanical aspects of movement, aimed at setting up recovery programmes for postural and walking defects and the use of techniques and tools for carrying out physical and sports activities correctly. The educational bases for individual and group physical and sports exercise programmes are provided, in order to interact with subjects of all ages, genders and social conditions, aimed at maintaining and increasing a person’s psychological-physical wellbeing. The educational tools used to achieve these goals will be classroom lessons, seminars, workshops and technical-practical activities, with regular and final learning tests.

Political Science, Economics and Government

The Political Science, Economics and Government degree course aims to provide an education that is useful for gaining employment in several sectors of economic activity and in several functional areas, and for continuing further education in Italy and overseas. For this purpose, and thanks to its multi-disciplinary nature, the course develops the several subject areas of knowledge of political, historical, legal, economic and social phenomena, addressed in a local, national, European and international dimension. One of the training goals of the course is to place the graduate in the condition to enter public institutions, private organisations and services and third sector through planning and implementation of initiatives that aim to promote economic, civil and social development and to possess methodological and cultural knowledge that can be used to interpret organisational change and innovation in administrations and enterprise. The specific nature of the degree in Political Science, Economics and Government can be found in the formation of a teaching programme focused on the integration of administration science, government science (in the broadest sense), economic science and political communication science. In fact, the overall project intends to contribute to training professionals who can fill different roles in the public and private sector. Also, the foundations are provided for training a political class and governors with thorough multi-disciplinary preparation, also founded on administration science, and a class of administrators that have good skills in politics and government.

Humanities. Literature, Arts and Philosophy

The degree course in “Humanities, Cultural Heritage Studies and Philosophy” belongs to the literature degree class (L-10). It offers a fundamental education in historical, philosophical, artistic, archaeological, linguistic, philological and literary areas, with four separate paths (programmes) that have some courses in common and some separate ones depending on the path chosen. In this way, the courses (basic, specialised, optional) introduce the student to the specific characteristics of knowledge, guiding him to acquiring several disciplinary methods and expanding their skills with interdisciplinary perspective. The course also promotes knowledge of at least one EU language, both written and oral, other than Italian, and the main IT resources (research, consultation and remote communication tools) available for each area of study, guiding the students in the various expression of European culture. Teaching does not end with institutional courses, but is also integrated with several activities, such as conferences, seminars, congresses, work placements, laboratories, study trips etc. The four programmes are structured to allow the student to access one of the similar masters’ degrees directly after the three-year course.

Sociology and Social Work

The interclass degree course is aimed at gaining a degree in Social Services (class L-39) or a degree in Sociology (class L-40). It is targeted at those wishing to understand the function and transformation modes of contemporary society, in light of scenarios dictated by globalisation and new information technologies. Using interdisciplinary perspective, the course provides the conceptual tools and techniques for understanding and intervening in social and personal dynamics, grasping relational, communication, cultural, religious, political and economic implications.


Five-Year Undergraduate Degree Programmes - 300 ECTS

Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology

To prepare professionals with technical-scientific skills suited to working in the industrial field, in sectors that are directly or indirectly connected with design, development, production, control and sale of medicines and healthcare products. In particular, the masters degree course in PCT intends to provide: • le methodological bases of scientific investigation applied to sector topics; • fundamental multi-disciplinary knowledge in the understanding of pharmaceutical products, their structure and activities in relation to their cellular and systemic interaction with bio-molecules, and for the necessary preparation and control activities on medication; • chemical, biological, biotechnological and national and EU legislation knowledge regulating various activities in the sector, guaranteeing safety, quality and efficacy requisites required by World Health Organisation regulations and national and European directives; • useful knowledge for training a professional who operates in the pharmaceutical sector of the National Health Service and interact with other healthcare professions; • knowledge of English, in addition to Italian, with reference to sector terminology;; The graduate also acquires knowledge for becoming a pharmacist in European Union (EU) countries and also pharmaceutical consultancy and information.

Conservation and Restauration of Cultural Heritage

The masters degree in conservation and restoration of cultural heritage intends to train graduates who must: • have thorough, specific skills in the most advanced methods and techniques regarding the prevention of physical-chemical-biological damage to conservation and restoration of cultural heritage; • have advanced scientific knowledge of materials that constitute cultural heritage, their physical-chemical properties, their deterioration processes and interaction with the conservation environment; • have the ability to intervene in emergency situations of cultural heritage, starting up suitable action in catastrophes; • have specific skills in treatments and interventions to be carried out on materials and their conservation environment, to prevent or limit deterioration; • have the capacity to monitor and evaluate suitability of the conservation environment, and to organise and manage micro-climate control of cultural heritage conservation environments; • known how to manage the design and realisation of maintenance, conservation and restoration in all its phases, using the most modern and least invasive methods, also using or coordinating different areas of knowledge; • have the capacity of planning diagnostic protocols aimed at analysing and evaluating the state of conservation of cultural heritage and the ongoing deterioration processes; • promote knowledge of these methods and techniques in both a scientific and applicational context; • possess thorough knowledge of at least one European language other than Italian. The course lasts five years and follows one of the main professional training paths regulated by the Min. Decree. 87/2009; • Items painted on wood and fabric, wooden sculptures, furnishings and wooden structures, items in synthetic materials that are assembled or painted (PFP2).


The Masters degree in Pharmacy offers to prepare professionals who are experts in pharmaceutical and healthcare products, who can work as a pharmacist in Europe and operate in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, dietetic/nutritional, herbal medicine, diagnostic and chemical-clinical sectors, in healthcare articles and medical devices. The aim of the course is also to produce a graduate that can work as a healthcare education professional and collaborate with doctors, patients and healthcare structures, providing useful indications, particularly the correct use of medicines. In particular, the masters degree course in Pharmacy intends to provide the graduates with: • thorough preparation in basic science subjects (physics, chemistry, biology, medicine) with the aim of acquiring familiarity with the scientific approach to solving problems connected with the profession; • thorough knowledge of the composition of technological characteristics, therapy efficacy, contraindications, methods of use, regulations and any other indication approved by the Ministry of Health regarding medicines; • suitable knowledge of cosmetic and dietary products; • technological knowledge and legislation required for preparing and controlling medicinal products; • knowledge of English, in addition to Italian, also regarding subject terminology; • knowledge and learning capacity required to continue training in pharmaceutical specialisation schools, in PhDs and level 2 Masters degrees.


The learning goals of the degree course are: • ln depth knowledge of the national and European legal culture, also with case study techniques and methods, regarding topics that serve to understand and assess principles or institutions of positive law; • achieving historical knowledge that allows evaluations of positive law, also in view of their evolution; • the ability to produce clear legal texts (legislation and/or negotiation and/or trial), also with the use of computerised tools, that are pertinent and efficient in relation to the contexts of use, well argued; • the acquisition of interpretive skills, case study analysis, legal qualification (relationship of facts to case in points), representing interpretive results and the acquisition of basic tools for updating their skills; • acquisition of methods and skills needed to develop interdisciplinary analysis of the matters addressed.

Primary teacher education

• Acquisition of advanced knowledge on disciplinary matters relating to areas taught (language-literature, mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, history, geography, art, music and movement) integrated by corresponding educational-subject knowledge. • Acquisition of knowledge and thorough methodological skills in educational (also in historical and experimental sense),psychological, sociological and education technology areas, aimed at understanding and managing the scholastic context, also referring to integrating students with disabilities or special educational needs. • Original processing of acquired knowledge, aimed at the effective educational transposition of teaching content, planning of teaching/learning situations, assessing learning results and management of classes, also referring to the inclusion of disabled students. • Thorough theoretical and methodological knowledge for teaching and programme planning, divided into the analysis of teaching content; the preparation of teaching contexts and tools suited to the characteristics of students; in the definition of general and specific goals; in the organisation and management of class groups; the assessment of learning results and more generally, efficiency in teaching programmes. • English language oral and written skills, also relating to the subject.

Two-Year Postgraduate Degree Programmes - 120 ECTS

Sanitary Nutritional and Environmental Biology

The masters degree course is aimed at training specialists with thorough basic and applicational scientific preparation in the bio-healthcare, diagnostic, molecular, nutritional and environmental contexts, bearing in mind the entrance requisites for becoming a biologist. In particular, the course is aimed at training experts in professional activities and projects in areas related to biomedical laboratory molecular diagnostics, the correct application of human nutrition and the biological evaluation of an eco-system and also specialists in basic and applied research activities related to biology, bio-chemistry and bio-molecular studies.

Advertising and Organizations Communication

A degree course for those who desire a future in communication and advertising. For anyone who wishes to refine their sensitivity towards contemporary society and its image, acquire advanced skills on creativity and on the world of communication and consumption, in managerial and communication areas. The masters degree course provides an acquisition of advanced communication and managerial skills in relation to communication strategies and techniques, with special attention paid to new forms of contamination between production and consumption, to the new season of social media and the most innovative forms of marketing and non-conventional communication.

Economics and Management

The course intends to provide thorough knowledge of company structures and processes. And to teach the main management, economic, accounting, legal and quantitative methods and techniques required for managing economic and financial companies and institutions. The course aims to train highly qualified professionals who are suited to covering managerial, entrepreneurial and consultancy roles in various areas of company activity and other institutions, in both a national and international context. A dedicated programme offers training aimed at working as a chartered accountant. The possibility for students to follow a study path in “Management and Economics of Sustainable Development” carried out in collaboration with the Department of Corporate Economics of the New Bulgarian University (NBU) in Sofia.

Philosophy of Information. Theory and Management of Knowledge

Besides traditional philosophical competences, graduates in Philosophy of Information will learn:

  • philosophy of mind, theory of information and computational models of intelligence
  • fundamentals of physics, theory of games, theory of decisions
  • developing a web site, organization of web work and net theory
  • history and philosophy for teaching
  • logic, cognitive illusions, critical thinking and philosophy of mathematics
  • moral dilemmas and ethics of technological civilization

Management of Politics, Social services and Intercultural Mediation

The goal of the course is to prepare specialisation graduates with a high analysis, interpretation and management capacity of social phenomena in multicultural societies. The course provides skills in various sectors of welfare policies, with particular reference to intercultural relations. In the second year of the course, the students will choose between the programme in Policy Management and Social Services, with a specific technical-professional slant, and the programme in Social Sciences and Multi-Cultural Studies, focused on theoretical and operational problems of multi-cultural societies.

Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures

The Interclass specialisation degree course graduates in Classical and Modern Literature must have a thorough preparation in languages, literature and classical and modern cultures from the Greek-Roman world to contemporary Italian literature, without renouncing comparisons with other literary traditions. The course provides a critical-literary, historical, philological and linguistic preparation through direct contact with the authors and texts of classical and modern literary tradition and with historical-archaeological documents, with solid theoretical foundations on literary communication processes and the necessary tools for philological and linguistic survey, and the critical use of classical and modern sources. By acquiring these skills, the student consolidates his own capacity to produce written texts. The specialisation course graduates obtain a good level of knowledge of the different methods and main interpretive critical-literary theories, and also in relation with other realms of expression, such as the figurative arts, and will know how to use the main information remote and communication tools in literary, philological, historical-archaeological and linguistic subjects.

Foreign languages and intercultural studies

The course provides the students with advanced linguistic skills in two foreign languages and in-depth knowledge of the cultures of the countries where the languages are spoken as native tongues. The course also provides specific training for continuing studies as research. The three programmes ensure the possibility of specialisation and application of linguistic-cultural knowledge on the one hand, in publishing, of translation and didactics of languages and on the other hand, in international business communication, business management in international markets and international business communication management.

Marketing and Business Communication

The aim of the specialisation course in Economics and Business Communication is to create professionals with high-level technical and managerial skills for managing relations between businesses and the market. The course aims on the one hand to develop skills aimed at allowing a continuous future update of knowledge, on the other hand at the acquisition of operational knowledge and skills for the formulation and management of competitive strategies and business marketing aiming at: • understanding evolution processes of marketing; • learning concepts, languages and models taken from statistics and IT, aimed at marketing marketing; • formulation of business’ competitive strategies and strategic marketing choices; • planning of marketing policies with particular reference to communication policies and optimisation of the internet; • Coordination of marketing processes, with attention to the optimisation of human resources involved; • understanding the economic and legislative context. The teaching methods adopted provide for active student participation, with practising of case discussions, aimed at developing the ability to read and interpret complex texts, communication, relational skills and teamwork, application of studied techniques and problem-solving abilities. The work placements in companies, participation in company visits, the organisation of seminars and talks with marketing managers, and preparation of the thesis are all functional to increasing these skills.

International Politics, Society, and Economics

The specialisation study course in International Politics, Society and Economics aims to provide the student with advanced knowledge of cultural, scientific and professional content for economic-legal and socio-political training in national, EU and international institutions. The main goal is to produce professionals who have multi-disciplinary skills suitable for interpreting change and organisational innovation in public and private organisations in contemporary society, by managing activities, projects and initiatives for the promotion of economic, social and civil development. The specific nature of the specialised degree course in International Politics, Society and Economics offered by the University of Urbino is found in the outline of a study programme hinged on the integrated study of political, sociological and economic sciences, with a comparative and international perspective. The training aims to form a class of politicians and governors, as well as administrators and entrepreneurs, who have solid multi-disciplinary training and an international vision of political, social and economic problems.

Clinical Psychology

• Advanced preparation in several theoretical, project and operational areas of psychology, with special reference to clinical , dynamic and social psychology, both for individual interventions and institutional contexts. In addition to a solid preparation on the aims and methods of interventions in traditional contexts of application (additions, psychiatric communities and services, judicial contexts) particular attention will be paid to emerging contexts, connected with social and demographic change (marginality, immigration, the elderly). • Capacity to stabilise important characteristics, particularly from a clinical point of view, of people, groups and institutions, bearing in mind the various existing theoretical approaches in literature and to evaluate them using an appropriate method. • Capacity to plan and manage individual and group interactions, consistent with the analysis of demand and individual, group, organisation and community needs. • Capacity to evaluate the quality and efficacy of own and others’ interventions, thanks to the knowledge of different models of theoretical and methodological approach and to encouraging critical capacities in the student. • Capacity to assume responsibilities for interventions focused on the individual for the prevention, diagnosis, psychological intervention, rehabilitation and analysis of social and institutional contexts. • Capacity to carry out interventions in the field in full professional autonomy, but also in relation to the complexity and type of intervention, the capacity to interact with professionals in a collaborative, effective manner in an interdisciplinary, work and supervisory context. • Acquisition of advanced knowledge of English in a scientific context, especially of specialised psychological and clinical terminology. • Acquisition of knowledge on ethics and professional responsibility in psychology activities.

Sport Sciences

The specialised degree course in Sports Sciences comes from the natural evolution of the previous specialised degree course in “Sporting activities techniques and Science” (class 75/S) (Min Decree 509). The current training path aims to train graduates who are able to respond to the needs of the labour market, to requests from Bodies and Associations and to satisfy the students’ expectations. The courses set up and relative scientific-disciplinary sectors totally acknowledge the indications in the ministerial table for the LM-68. The experience gained in previous years is combined with the need to train graduates in the new course that can meet the requests for specific professional skills in the world of employment,sport and research, covering roles of top responsibility. The course guarantees the necessary preparation for planning and programming athletic training and sports techniques for competitions, observing a person’s health and the preventive value of sport and physical exercise, also using the ability to plan, manage and coordinate technical staff. The graduate will be able to carry out exercise and sports activities programmes for individuals and groups, interacting with subjects of all ages, gender, physical and social condition. Achieving the course goals will also be possible thanks to the targeted work placements that helps to prepare the student using paths identified in the degree course in the technical-sports, biomedical, educational, information technology and linguistic areas.

Physical Education for Health and Prevention

The goal of the course is to train highly qualified professionals that can: • acquire the notions and conceptual categories required to interact with various professions that operate in healthcare and social services, aware of the extension and limits of own area of competence; • possess advanced theoretical bases on human motion and its control, that allow several situations to be faced that the profession will bring, with a high rate of decision-making autonomy and responsible creativity; • know hygiene-healthcare regulations regarding environments in which the profession is carried out; • know communication content and strategies for the correct health promotion and education; • possess the ability to grasp the psychological and sociological aspects connected with reformulating one’s own body image, with social deprivation and reintegration, after clinical events; • have the skills for carrying out a functional evaluation of the motor capacities of people of various ages, healthy or in stable clinical conditions, with the doctor, as far as competence allows; • know how to assess the impact of pharmacological therapies on motor capacity and known how to consequently modulate activities; • know how to programme, manage and carry out a personalised motor activity programme, using specific tools, also in water, that does not introduce additional risk factors, optimises residual capacity and where possible, allows the doctor to decide to reduce the pharmacological therapy; • know how to assess results obtained.

Art History

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
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