Learning Objectives
LEVEL ONE MASTERS IN RE-EDUCATION TECHNIQUES FOR SPECIFIC LEARNING DISORDERS University of Urbino Carlo Bo, University of the Republic of San Marino and the University of Modena Reggio Emilia, The one-year Masters aims to train highly qualified professionals in various subjects, such as speech therapists, psychomotricians, educators, and teachers to enable them to provide treatment and prevention service to individuals and educational bodies in the realm of specific learning disorders.
The following training goals are proposed:
Acquiring practical and theoretical knowledge of the physiopathology of learning processes in developmental stages.
Discussing the most useful re-education techniques for recouping difficulties.
Presenting the most current IT and technological tools for learning support..
Knowledge of re-education techniques for learning disorders in the developmental age.
Knowledge of re-education techniques using computers
Capacity to construct a work plan for increasing an ability.
Capacity to construct a re-education project and check efficacy.