Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali
A.Y. | Venue | |
2018/2019 | Urbino |
Learning Objectives
The Summer School in Greek Metrics and Rhythmics intends to form a scientific introduction to the metric and rhythmic discipline, to the ancient musical culture, to the main problems linking metric to ecdotics and hermeneutics, with specific reference to the general principles of versification and to the history of the discipline, to the notions of ancient prosody, to the meters of recitation, to the lyric meters, to the structures of versification, to the transmission and critical tradition of the versified text, to the notions of ancient rhythmics and music. The survey on the compositional principles of the text will be put in dialogue with the analogous survey on the compositional principles in the iconography and in the history of ancient art.
Career prospects
The acquired competence, which arises from the practice of close reading and careful observation of the texts under study, in light of the ancient metric sources and the ancient tradition of lyrical texts, will contribute to the training of professionals able to study and understand, in a manner philologically founded, every type of poetic composition coming from ancient Greece. It will also allow the rigorous interpretation of the verses and the metrical arrangement of poetic texts. This specific skill can support both a more conscious teaching practice and a more specialized critical and editorial activity.
Contents and structure of the course / Syllabus
Activities of PhD Students
The course takes place every year in the first week of September, from Monday to Friday. This year it will take place from the 3rd to the 7th September 2018.
It includes lectures, workshops, two Evening Conferences, a final check and a concluding Round Table.
The workshops are moments of application and in-depth analysis of the topics covered during the lessons; the Evening Conferences and the concluding Round Table are experiences of direct confrontation with specialists of the sector, coming from Italian and foreign Universities. They also have the purpose of providing the necessary additions, for what concerns the historical-artistic aspects (musical iconography) and musicological aspects.
The languages that will be used in the course of the lessons will be Italian, Spanish, and English.
Obtaining the certificate of participation is subject to the frequency of the didactic activity and to passing the final exam.
The structure of the course includes a total of n. 100 hours of training activities, corresponding to n. 4 credits for the scientific disciplinary sector L-FIL-LET / 02; the internal structure of the lessons will be as follows:
Summer School in Greem Metrics and Rhythmics
September, 3rd-7th, 2018
School (Palazzo Albani, Aula C 1), September, 3rd-6th, 2018
Strophic Construction and Dramaturgy in Greek Tragedy
Juan Silva Barris (IES Antoni Pous i Argila), Luigi Bravi (University “G. D’Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara), Maria Grazia Fileni (University of Urbino Carlo Bo), Giampaolo Galvani (University of Urbino Carlo Bo), Liana Lomiento (University of Urbino Carlo Bo), Giovanna Pace (University of Salerno), Susanna Sarti (Archaeological Superintendence, Fine Arts and Landscape for the metropolitan city of Florence and the provinces of Pistoia and Prato)
Lunedì 3 settembre, h. 15-19
(1) Introduction to the study of metrics and rhythmics. (2) The lyric-epirrhematic amoibaia
Martedì 4 settembre, h. 9-13
(1) Astropha and songs without strophic responsion; (2) Anapaestic sections
Martedì 4 settembre, h. 15-17.45
Laboratory on: The lyric-epirrhematic amoibaia
Conferenza serale
Martedì 4 settembre, h. 18-19.30
Susanna Sarti
Schemes and compositional elements in Greek iconography
Mercoledì 5 settembre, h. 9-13
(1) Monodies; (2) Antistrophic songs
Mercoledì 5 settembre, h. 15-17.45
Laboratory on: Astropha and songs without strophic responsion; Anapaestic sections
Conferenza serale
Mercoledì 5 settembre, h. 18-19.30
J. Silva Barris
Strophe, Responsion and Sense in Agamemnon
Giovedì 6 settembre, h. 9-13
Laboratory on: (Monodies; Antistrophic songs
Giovedì 6 settembre, h. 15-17.45
Final written exam
Round Table, Friday, September, 7th, 2018, h. 9.15-14
"Building poetry" in ancient Greece: compositional principles of poetry for music
J.A. Fernández Delgado, Universidad de Salamanca,
Inversione euripidea (El. 860-889) di iporchema saffico
E. Cerbo, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Il complesso monodia-parodo nelle Troiane di Euripide (struttura, drammaturgia, metro)
F. Pordomingo, Universidad de Salamanca
La configuración estrófica de los cantos trágicos en los papiros
S. Novelli, Università di Cagliari
Il I stasimo dei Sette contro Tebe
Discussants: Antonietta Gostoli, University of Perugia, Tristano Gargiulo, University of Cagliari
Information about final examination
Course structure and research training
The final exam takes place in the form of a written test.
It consists in the analysis and metric interpretation of a passage drawn from the archaic and classical Greek lyric and / or the songs of the Attic drama.
Did you know that?
Professional opportunities
The Summer School in Greek Metrics and Rhythmics is addressed to Italian and foreign students, non-graduates and graduates (undergraduates, masters), PhD students and PhDs; it is also addressed to teachers of classical high schools or other schools interested in classical metrics, and to all scholars and colleagues interested in the history of the poetic forms of ancient Greece.
The necessary requirement is sufficient knowledge of ancient Greek language.
All registered candidates will be guaranteed food and accommodation in the structures of the ERDIS (Regional Body for the Right to Education), and the educational material necessary for the conduct of study and laboratory activities (stationery, photocopies, etc.). ). In particular, the members will be housed in the Central International College, Vicolo San Filippo, 2, in double rooms (with special needs that will be communicated beforehand to the organization) and will use the Mensa del Duca, located in the immediate vicinity, Via Budassi, 3.
For those who do not want to use the residential facilities and facilities described above, no reimbursement will be made for the costs incurred.
The certificate of participation, which is subordinate to the teaching activity and to passing the final exam, guarantees the acquisition of 4 credits.
On occasion of the Round Table, the "Bruno Gentili" award will be delivered to the author of the best Master or PHD thesis on Ancient Greek Metrics, Rhythmics and Music.
- Admission
- Course with limited number of positions
- Number of positions
- 50 available
- Application procedure
- You can apply from the 14/06/2018 to the 22/08/2018 . Using the online procedure you can register to fill in the application and pay with PagoPA (Credit Card, PayPal) to complete the payment of the admission fee.
- Online registration
- Online registration Registration guidelines
Useful documents and materials
Information on teaching and research activities
- Organization
Director: prof. Liana Lomiento, Professor of Ancient Greek Literature
- Contact
Segreteria Organizzativa
Dott.ssa Iuna Rossi
Summer School di Metrica e Ritmica Greca
Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali (DiSCUI)
Via Veterani, 36 I-61029 Urbino (PU)
Tel. 0722.304802 - Fax 0722.305652
E-mail: iuna.rossi@uniurb.it
Prof. Liana Lomiento, (Direttore della Scuola e Responsabile didattico)
Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali (DiSCUI)
Via Veterani, 36 I-61029 Urbino (PU)
email: liana.lomiento@uniurb.it
Docenti o tutor di riferimento
Liana Lomiento 0722 305672 liana.lomiento@uniurb.it
Giampaolo Galvani 0722 305762 giampaolo.galvani@uniurb.it
- Contacts
- Liana Lomiento
- 0722 305672 liana.lomiento@uniurb.it
- Giampaolo Galvani
- 0722 305672 giampaolo.galvani@uniurb.it
Administrative contacts
- Secretary’s Office
- Ufficio Dottorati - Post laurea - Esami di Stato
- Via Veterani, 36 - Urbino
- Office hours
- Monday - Friday from 9.30 am to 13pm
- Contacts
- Tel. +39 0722 304637 corsi.postlaurea@uniurb.it