Dipartimento di Scienze Biomolecolari
A.Y. | Cycle | Venue |
2018/2019 | XXXIV | Urbino |
Learning Objectives
The following areas of research specialization can be pursued in the Life and Health Sciences and Biotechnology Ph.D. program:
- Erythrocyte-mediated delivery and targeting of diagnostics and drugs
- Fungal biotechnology
- New pharmacological approaches for the treatment of neoplasms by means of chromatin remodeling molecules (epidrugs)
- Oxidative stress
- Cell death mechanisms
- Cell differentiation
- Regulation of gene expression and signal transduction
- Intracellular communication
- Genetic polymorphisms in cancer prevention and control
- Structural and functional plasticity of the central and peripheral nervous system in physiological and pathological conditions
- Study methods and strategies for the biodiversity assessment
- Virulence factors and microbial pathogenicity
- Natural substances of plant origin as pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals compounds
- Movement analysis and physical exercise protocols in prevention, functional rehabilitation and sports
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Career prospects
The Ph.D. program in Life and Health Sciences and Biotechnology is designed to provide students with the necessary skills to perform cutting edge research in important areas of life, health and biotechnology sciences in accordance with the Horizon 2020 priorities. To achieve a fruitful integration of basic and applied research we offer our students a choice of three distinct curricula, each providing extensive training in a vast range of multidisciplinary areas. Hence, our graduates will have a solid foundation encompassing skills pertaining to the BIO, MED and M-EDF sectors and the technological infrastructure of the Department of Biomolecular Sciences.
The three curricula are designed to train students in the respective areas of:
1. health and pharmaceuticals, with a particular focus on the study of biologically active molecules and biotechnological therapeutic approaches;
2. cellular biology and the biology of unicellular and multicellular organisms and their morpho-functional, immunological , differential and evolutionary aspects;
motor activities, sports and physical exercise for health, developing skills to assess the responses induced by specific exercise protocols in healthy subjects and in those with various pathologies as well as in the field of advanced-stage rehabilitation.
Contents and structure of the course / Syllabus
Activities of PhD Students
Ph.D. students will pursue research pertaining to their doctoral project under the supervision of a tutor and, if necessary, a co-tutor, both of whom will be deeply involved in the project. Students will be able to use the equipment at the following laboratories and centers at the University of Urbino and affiliated hospital facilities: laboratories for biochemical and molecular analyses; cell biology and cell culture laboratories; optical and fluorescence microscopy laboratories; confocal microscopy laboratory; laboratories of transmission, scanning and environmental scanning electron microscopy; flow cytometry laboratories; electrophysiological and calcium imaging laboratory; functional assessment laboratory; laboratories of hospital and rehabilitation facilities; athletic facilities; enclosures for laboratory animals.
Students will have access to the materials found in the scientific libraries of the University, including 5000 subscriptions to magazines, scientific journals and databanks (Pub-med, Sportdiscus full text, Scopus, SciFinder Scholar, PsychInfo, and Psycharticles – 400 databanks; Springer e-books; interactive atlases).
Every student will have his/her own personal workstation and enjoy access to all the department facilities.
Students may apply for tutoring positions and may be asked to provide teaching assistance for a maximum of 40 hours.
Information about final examination
Course structure and research training
Language skills
Students can attend English courses at the University Center for Languages and are expected to reach a B2 level of proficiency. They are also expected to develop their speaking skills and ability to write abstracts for presentations at international conferences and scientific papers.
Computer skills
Students are expected to become proficient in the use of the most common computer programs (Word, PowerPoint, Excel), and to acquire in-depth knowledge of databanks necessary for bibliographic research.
Management of research and knowledge of research and funding systems
Students will be trained in the drafting and discussion of experimental procedures and the management of projects. In addition, they will be taught the methods used to obtain funding, the procedure to apply for funding and how to draft funding reports.
Optimizing research results and intellectual property
Students will learn to interpret research results, discuss those results and draw the appropriate conclusions. The Technology Transfer Office of the University of Urbino can assist students with possible patents and will hold training seminars on this topic.
Students will be asked to attend Biostatistics seminars.
Students will attend lessons on biohazards as part of their laboratory research training.
Seminars on relevant research topics
Students will be asked to attend seminars, held by prominent Italian and International scholars, on topics related to the areas of research explored in the Ph.D. program.
Board of Lecturers
Did you know that?
Professional opportunities
Employment opportunities
Graduates of the Ph.D. program will have employment opportunities in the following areas:
universities; public and private research organizations; pharmaceutical, chemical and nutraceutical companies; the food industry; public and private chemical-clinical testing laboratories; centers for environmental research and monitoring; biobanks; zoos; schools; specialized athletic facilities.
How to apply for the Ph.D. Programme in Sciences of Life, Health and Biotechnologies
- Admission
- Course with limited number of positions
- Admission deadline
- Applications due by 27/08/2018
- Useful information
Selection process
- Assessment of qualifications
- Interview/oral assessment, including an evaluation of the candidate’s knowledge of English
Qualifications and documents to be attached to the Ph.D. program application
- Curriculum vitae (CV)
- Scientific publications
- Second level degree thesis abstract
- Letters of reference
- Other relevant qualifications
Information on teaching and research activities
- Contacts
- Marco Rocchi
- 0722 303304 marco.rocchi@uniurb.it
Administrative contacts
- Secretary’s Office
- Ufficio Dottorati - Post laurea - Esami di Stato
- Via Veterani, 36 - Urbino
- Office hours
- Monday - Friday from 9.30 am to 13pm
- Contacts
- Tel. +39 0722 304630 dottorato@uniurb.it