Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

A.Y. Venue
2019/2020 Urbino

Learning Objectives

The course responds to the aims set by law 71 of 29 May 2017, which ratified that cyberbullying is a worrying phenomenon that involves school, families, and a broader social context. Such a phenomenon, which is perceived as ‘new’ because of the new technologies though which it manifests itself, is, on the other hand, an ancient one due to the relational dynamics in which it is declined. In particular, (cyber) bullying implies factors related to gender, status, social integration and inclusion, all central issues in an educational perspective aimed at creating a responsible citizenship. This high education project requires joint skills in three main areas: humanistic, psychological-pedagogical, and legal-regulatory. In addition to lecturers from the University of Urbino, the course will feature external experts.

The course welcomes both curricular and support teachers of all types of school, psychologists, educators, community educators, and cultural mediators. However, it is open to anyone with a three-year degree, who is interested in the topics covered for study or work reasons. It perfectly fits the requirements to form the reference figure that schools must identify according to law 71 of 29 May 2017.

The course includes a total of no. 200 hours of training activities, corresponding to 8 CFUs. The training activity will consist of 35 hours of lectures, 70 of alternative teaching and 95 of individual study.



• Developmental psychology

• Educational psychology

• Clinical psychology

• Legal psychology

• General and intercultural education

• Teaching of modern languages

• Philosophy of law

• Private law

• Sociology of cultural and communication processes

• Cinema, photography, and television

• Contemporary Italian literature

• History of genres

The lectures will be supplemented by practical exercises coordinated by experts in the field of Information security and Communication on social networks.


The lesson timetable can be consulted here (link)

Absences of up to one third of class time are allowed.

Classes will be held at the Projection Room of the Linguistic Center of the University, CLA, in via Budassi 28, Urbino.



• Intermediate test: multiple choice questionnaire

• Final exam: open questionnaire

Incomplete forms will not be accepted

The photocopy of a valid identity document duly signed must be attached to the application.

Lectures will be held at the Projection Room of the University Linguistic Center, CLA, via Budassi no. 28 (Urbino)

The Marche Region promotes and supports the high level of training of young unemployed graduates from the Marche region in order to increase their skills and facilitate their entry into the world of work by making available the granting of a voucher (corresponding to a financial contribution) to facilitate the participation in university Masters and specialization courses at universities, excluding those online, in Italy and in Europe, compatible with the training course carried out. The voucher, which will be recognized at the end of the Master's or specialization course, is granted on the basis of the actual registration costs incurred, as described in the Public Notice attached "A" of DGR 893 of 31/07/2017 (click on link useful at the bottom of the page)


How to apply for Cyberbullying: Prosocial and hostile relationships among peers in typical and atypical development

Course with limited number of positions
Number of positions
30 available
Admission deadline
Applications due by 10/01/2020
Useful information

A three-year degree is required. The selection procedure (if the number of members exceeds the maximum limit) will be based on the evaluation of the curriculum vitae and the attached qualifications.

A maximum of 6 people are admitted as auditors (depending on the number of students) even without a bachelor's degree, but with a high school diploma, in various capacities (eg parents).

The application for admission to the selection, together with any required documentation, must be received by the due date, unless extended, and by one of the following methods:

-delivered by hand to the Student Administration Office and Higher Education Courses, Palazzo Passionei -Via Valerio n. 9 - Urbino (opening times to the public: Monday to Friday from 9.30 am to 12.00 pm. Tuesday afternoon opening from 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm)

- by registered post sent to the University of Urbino, Carlo Bo - the Office of Student Administration and Training Courses, Via Valerio n. 9 - 61029 Urbino (PU) (the date of the postmark will not be taken into consideration);

- by certified electronic mail (PEC) to the address: amministrazione@uniurb.legalmail.it exclusively from a personal PEC address of the candidate.

Registration form
Application procedure
You can apply from the 15/01/2020 to the 22/01/2020 . Using the online procedure you can register to fill in the application and pay with PagoPA (Credit Card, PayPal) to complete the payment of the admission fee.
Online registration
Online registration Registration guidelines
Tuition fees

Registration fee: € 422 to be paid in a single payment upon registration.

Auditors: € 110 to be paid in a single payment upon registration.

The fees must be considered net of bank charges. Contributions will be returned only if the course is not activated, except the stamp duty.

The entitled professors will be able to use the Electronic Card (Art.121 Law n.107 / 15) intended for the training and updating of the tenured teachers following the instructions at the following link. Attention: the voucher must be generated with the "Postgraduate Courses" area (for information, contact the Office of Higher Education Courses

Payments can be made at any UBI Banca branch or at any bank, using the university online MAV bulletin produced at the end of the online registration procedure.

For payments from abroad, use the following bank details:

IBAN: IT 87N 03111 68701 000000013607


Useful documents and materials

Course sheet download

Information on teaching and research activities


Course Director: Prof. Carmen Belacchi, Full Professor M-PSI / 04

Scientific Committee:

• Prof. Carmen Belacchi (direction)

• Prof. Alessandra Calanchi (coordination)

• Prof. Elena Acquarini

• Dr. Massimo Eusebio

Teachers of the course: Elena Acquarini, Giovanni Adezati, Carmen Belacchi, Giovanna Carloni, Riccardo Donati, Massimo Eusebio, Andrea Laquidara, Eleonora Nocito, Rosella Persi, Virginia Pierucci, Enrica Rossi, Raffaella Sarti. The timetable will be available in September.


• Prof. Carmen Belacchi (Course Director), Tel. +39 0722 305813, cell. 3389298144, Email: carmen.belacchi@uniurb.it

• Prof. Alessandra Calanchi, Email: alessandra.calanchi@uniurb.it


Carmen Belacchi
 3389298144   0722305812   carmen.belacchi@uniurb.it
Alessandra Calanchi

Administrative contacts

Secretary’s Office
Ufficio Dottorati - Post laurea - Esami di Stato
Via Veterani, 36 - Urbino
Office hours
Monday - Friday from 9.30 am to 13pm
 Tel. +39 0722 304637   corsi.postlaurea@uniurb.it

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
Partita IVA 00448830414 – Codice Fiscale 82002850418
2025 © Tutti i diritti sono riservati
