Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

A.Y. Cycle Venue
2021/2022 XXXVII Urbino


Curriculum 1. Text and communication sciences

Communication and media studies; Internet studies; Sociology of Culture; Consumption analysis; Forms and languages of the contemporary collective imagery; Cinema, photography and perfomance studies; Audience studies; Public communication; Philology, Exegesis of sources; Classical Theater History; Reception and fortune of classical Greeks; Genres and forms of literary communication; Study of metrical-rhythmic forms in poetic communication, and of their history;

Curriculum 2. Contemporary history and comparative cultures

Contemporary history; Political and social history of Italy and Europe; History of the Italian and European political system; History of political movements and parties; Cultural history and cultural studies; Intercultural Studies; Identity and cultural memory in humanistic studies; Linguistics and linguistic heritage; European and American literature.

Curriculum 3. Human Sciences

Theoretical and logical philosophy; Moral Philosophy and Religious Philosophy; History of philosophy and ideas; Culture and education; Educational models; Empirical research in psychotherapy; Neuroscience of aging processes and of psychological processes; Pathological psychological processes in clinical specimens; Development of language.

PhD students will do the following activities:

  • study and theoretical research
  • empirical research that includes the acquisition of the ability to:
    • build a research design
    • make the design operative
    • select the best methodology and survey techniques
    • detect data with quantitative or qualitative tools
    • processing and interpreting data,
    • write a research report
  • tutoring activities and teaching activities
  • writing reviews and working papers
  • participation in conferences
  • study stays abroad

Each curriculum course is organized in a series of courses, meetings and seminars involving the active participation of doctoral students and the intervention of both internal and external lecturers of the University.

First year

A) at least 3 seminars common to all doctoral students;

B) Lectures by national and foreign scholars relevant in the field;

C) specialized seminars on defined research topics;

D) trans-curricular courses:

  • language courses (curated by the Linguistic Center of the University),
  • Computer literacy courses (in collaboration with Cisdel)
  • orientation courses for library services and information literacy (use of electronic resources, bibliographic consulence - by the SSBA).

Second Year

For the second year, in addition to seminars and international lectures, it is scheduled to start writing an individual thesis under tutorship, to specify the aim of the thesis and to present an introductory work on the topic and a synthesis of the work already done. PhD students are encouraged to attend national and international conferences and to submit their research results to the most appropriate congress venues.

Third Year

The third year training activity is fundamentally individual, under the guidance of the tutor and specifically addressed to the realization of the doctoral thesis.

Verification of learning will take place on two levels: a. The first one, which is the responsibility of the tutor and other experts of the University in the same field, is carried out in different ways: individual interviews, presentation to the professors, class discussions, oral reports, written exercises, workshops; b. The second, which is responsibility of the “Teachers’ Committee”, consists in presenting each years a report of the activities carried out and a report on the state of progress of the research. At the end of each academic year, the Teachers’ Committeedecides if admitting or not the PhD student to the following year, after the assessment of the activities carried out.

Lecturer Institution Url
Margherita Amatulli Università di Urbino
Giuseppe Stefano Azzarà Università di Urbino
Massimo Baioni Università di Milano -
Massimo Baldacci Università di Urbino
Andrea Baravelli Università di Ferrara -
Roberta Bartoletti Università di Urbino
Carmen Belacchi Università di Urbino
Manuela Berlingeri Università di Urbino
Giovanni Boccia Artieri Università di Urbino
Roberto Bordoli Università di Urbino
Axel  Bruns  Queensland University of Technology  -
Alessandra Calanchi Università di Urbino
Antonello Colli Università di Urbino
Loretta De Franceschi Università di Urbino
Marco Massimo Dorati Università di Urbino
Gea Ducci Università di Urbino
Claus Ehrhardt Università di Urbino
Fabio Frosini Università di Urbino
Monica Galfrè  Università di Firenze -
Patrizia Gaspari Università di Urbino
Laura Gemini Università di Urbino
Giuseppe Ghini Università di Urbino
Fabio Giglietto Università di Urbino
Pauline  Le Ven  Yale University  -
Liana Lomiento Università di Urbino
Amoreno Martellini Università di Urbino
Berta Martini Università di Urbino
Anna Maria Medici Università di Urbino
Maria Chiara Michelini Università di Urbino
Antonella Negri Università di Urbino
Monica Pacini Università di Firenze -
Venanzio Raspa Università di Urbino
Mario Rizzardi Università di Urbino
Mario Rossi Monti Università di Urbino
Cristina Santinelli Università di Urbino
Raffaella Santi Università di Urbino
Piero Toffano Università di Urbino
Anna Tonelli Università di Urbino
Roberto Travaglini Università di Urbino
Manuela Valentini Università di Urbino

How to apply for the Ph.D. Programme in Humanities

Course with limited number of positions
Admission deadline
Applications due by 24/08/2021

Information on teaching and research activities

Giovanni Boccia Artieri

Administrative contacts

Secretary’s Office
Ufficio Dottorati - Post laurea - Esami di Stato
Via Veterani, 36 - Urbino
Office hours
Monday - Friday from 9.30 am to 13pm
 Tel. +39 0722 304630  dottorato@uniurb.it

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
Partita IVA 00448830414 – Codice Fiscale 82002850418
2025 © Tutti i diritti sono riservati
