Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


Learning Objectives

The Master aims to provide tools and to form a specific sensitivity, skills and effective relational skills to activate psycho-pedagogical, educational and educational interventions to prevent discomfort and promote well-being, as well as to manage difficulties in school, educational, social, and to know and read the signs of discomfort belonging to the different developmental phases.
For each theme addressed in the training course we will aim to provide general knowledge of the processes and basic models concerning subjects with typical development and in-depth analysis of atypical situations. Among the various and varied topics that will be covered in the training course, always in the concrete perspective of a practical and operational use in educational and scholastic contexts, will be studied in detail: The processes and models of learning, memory, reading and Specific Learning Disorders (DSA); The inalienable educational needs of children and adolescents and the management of subjects with Special Educational Needs (BES); Communication and listening with the child and with the adolescent; The relationship with children and adolescents with typical development and with pupils with learning disorders; Class management; Emotional-relational development; The education of emotions and emotional intelligence; Individual differences, learning styles and teaching strategies;The contribution of mental management in teaching-learning processes; Early identification of children's difficulties and learning disabilities; Observation and planning of the path for pupils with typical development and for pupils with atypical development;The personalization, the individualization of teaching and the compilation of the Personalized Learning Plan; Writing, Disgraphy and the re-education of writing;Mathematics learning, methodologies for pupils with typical development and for pupils with DSA and BES; Teaching tools and strategies; Methodologies and Educational technologies for empowerment; Typical cognitive and communicative development and Pervasive Disorders of DPS development (Autism Spectrum Disorders, ASD) and Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD); Autism in kindergarten and primary school; Language development and language and communication disorders;Linguistics applied to the learning and teaching of linguistic disciplines and to DSA, Coding.

The course is addressed to teachers of all levels with degrees, educators, socio-pedagogical professional educators, support educators, pedagogists, psychologists, social workers who work both in the public and private sectors. as part of educational, scholastic, rehabilitative, social and health services and to anyone with a three-year or specialized degree, would like to acquire, consolidate or deepen the knowledge and the valid tools to be used within educational institutions (school and family), social, health or rehabilitation

The lessons in attendance, mandatory for 2/3 of the scheduled hours, will be held  in a distance e-learning mode every Thursday afternoon starting from 24 February 2022  on a weekly basis. For information on the calendar, please contact 338-8195922.

The training course includes the following subjects:

• Psychology: Learning and Specific Learning Disorders (DSA) SSD M-PSI / 04 cfu 1

• Psychology: The typical development and identification and diagnosis of Developmental Disorders. SSD M-PSI / 04 cfu 7

• Pedagogy: Psychopedagogy SSD M-PED / 01 cfu 6

Special pedagogy and inclusion education SSD M-PED / 03 cfu 12

• Anthropology: Anthropology of education and communication SSD M-DEA / 01 cfu 6

• Teaching methods and technologies SSD M-PED / 03 cfu 6

• Computational Thinking (Coding) SSD M-PED / 04 cfu 6

Among the topics that will be discussed in the meetings, in the applications to the educational and educational fields, will be studied in depth:
• Relationship and communication with the child and the adolescent,
• Specific Learning Disorders (DSA),
• Autism spectrum disorders (Pervasive Developmental Disorders, DPS),
• Attention and Hyperactivity Deficit Disorders (ADHD),
• Cognitive styles in teaching-learning processes,
• Emotional intelligence,
• Language and Communication Disorders,
• Disgrafia and the re-education of writing,
• Special Educational Needs (BES),
• The management of relational and emotional dynamics in the class group in the presence of children with DSA and other Developmental Disorders,
• Linguistics applied to learning and teaching,
• Tools, technologies and strategies for teaching and learning,
• Normative and deontological references.

• Coding

The lectures will be integrated by online teaching, laboratories, direct experiences and simulations, also using the Education e-learning platform of the University of Urbino, through participative, interactive teaching methods, learning by doing, supervision, case studies and practical exercises.

The final exam will consist in the discussion of a short report on a topic chosen by the candidate.

How to apply for Learning disabilities, special educational needs, and developmental and behavioral disorders. psychopedagogy, teaching method, coding, and inclusive education

Course with limited number of positions
Number of positions
160 available
Admission deadline
Applications due by 09/02/2022
Useful information

Is possible to apply for admission and early registration only for school staff, or other institutions, which needs to produce certification of actual enrollment by November 2021 to take advantage of the right to study (150 hours) for attendance to the Master or for those who have other deadlines - up to a maximum of 30 places available - with deadline for submission of the application for admission by 19/08/2021, date of publication admitted within 25/10/2021, deadline for submitting the application form starting on 25/10/2021 and before 15/11/2021.

For everyone else, the application must be submitted starting July 1, 2021 by 09/02/2022.

The admission application must be sent to the Doctoral and Advanced Training Office --Ufficio Dottorati - Post laurea - Esami di StatoVia Veterani, 36 - Urbino (PU), by 9 February 2022 according to the modalities indicated in the announcement.
The list of admitted candidates will be published starting February 14, 2022. All candidates will be notified by e-mail.
Signing up
Candidates admitted to attend the course must submit an application by 19 February 2022 by following the on-line procedure.
1) Deadline for all (except point 2):
• Deadline for submission of the application for admission by 09/02/2022
• Ranking publication date admitted by 14/02/2022
• Deadline for submission of application for registration by 22/02/2022

2) Possibility of application early admission only for school staff, or other institutions, which must produce certification of actual enrollment by November 2021 to take advantage of permits for the right to study for attendance to the Master or for those who had other necessity (up to a maximum of 30 places available):
• Deadline for submission of application for admission: by 19/10/2021
• Permitted ranking publication date: by 25/10/2021
• Deadline for submission of application for registration: by 15/11/2021



Tuition fees

€ 940.00 to be paid as follows:
• 1st installment: € 500.00 to be paid upon registration by 19/02/2022
• 2nd installment: € 440. to be paid by 30/04/2022

Only for school staff, or other institutions, interested in taking advantage of the right to study and for anyone who needs early registration
€ 940.00 to be paid as follows:
• 1st installment: € 500.00 to be paid upon registration by 15/11/2021
• 2nd installment: € 440.00 to be paid by 30/04/2022

Registration form
Application procedure
You can apply from the 25/10/2021 to the 22/02/2022 . Using the online procedure you can register to fill in the application and pay with PagoPA (Credit Card, PayPal) to complete the payment of the admission fee.
Online registration
Online registration Registration guidelines
Tuition fees

Tuition fees

€ 940.00 to be paid as follows:
• 1st installment: € 500.00 to be paid upon registration by 22/02/2022
• 2nd installment: € 440. to be paid by 30/04/2022

Only for school staff, or other institutions, interested in taking advantage of the right to study and for anyone who needs early registration
€ 940.00 to be paid as follows:
• 1st installment: € 500.00 to be paid upon registration by 15/11/2021
• 2nd installment: € 440.00 to be paid by 30/04/2022

Useful documents and materials

List of admitted students download

Information on teaching and research activities


Director and Scientific Coordinator: Professor Mario Rizzardi mario.rizzardi@uniurb.it

Educational Coordinator: Professor Barbara Tognazzi 338-8195922 barbara.tognazzi@uniurb.it



For information please contact Professor Barbara Tognazzi by calling 3388195922 or by writing to the e-mail address barbara.tognazzi@uniurb.it.


Director and Scientific Coordinator: Professor Mario Rizzardi mario.rizzardi@uniurb.it

Educational Coordinator: Professor Barbara Tognazzi 338-8195922 barbara.tognazzi@uniurb.it

For information please contact Professor Barbara Tognazzi by calling 338-8195922 or by writing to the e-mail address barbara.tognazzi@uniurb.it.

professor Mario Rizzardi
professoressa Barbara Tognazzi
 338-8195922   barbara.tognazzi@uniurb.it

Administrative contacts

Secretary’s Office
Ufficio Dottorati - Post laurea - Esami di Stato
Via Veterani, 36 - Urbino
Office hours
Monday - Friday from 9.30 am to 13pm
 Tel. +39 0722 304637   corsi.postlaurea@uniurb.it

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
Partita IVA 00448830414 – Codice Fiscale 82002850418
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