Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

A.Y. Venue
2021/2022 Urbino

Learning Objectives

The course is mainly aimed at the professional development of teachers, educators, trainers, librarians, employees of educational and cultural services, interested in deepening their knowledge and understating of the educational and playful applications of coding principles, instruments, and methods. The topic is addressed with special focus on all the activities that typical take place in a library, starting from the link between encodings and writing, analyzing the computational aspects of everyday tasks, analyzing literary examples, and bringing unplugged coding activities in the library. A theoretical and practical module is entirely devoted to gamebooks. The course offers the skills, knowledge and opportunities for practical experimentation necessary for the conscious application of computational thinking in public, private and school libraries.

Open Day online e in presenza

Da maggio a ottobre 2024 — È il momento ideale per conoscere da vicino l’Università di Urbino e la sua offerta formativa. Non perdere l’occasione di incontrare i docenti e i tutor dei corsi di laurea.

scopri il programma

The competences and skills provided can be mainly spent in teaching careers, library management, educational and cultural services

Unplugged coding in the library 1 ECTS
Theory and practice of gamebooks 1 ECTS
Computational Thinking in Literature (seminars) 1 ECTS
Coding lab 1 ECTS
Project work 1 ECTS

How to apply for Coding e pensiero computazionale in biblioteca

Course with free access
Number of positions
125 available
Application procedure
You can apply from the 17/05/2022 to the 15/07/2022 . Using the online procedure you can register to fill in the application and pay with PagoPA (Credit Card, PayPal) to complete the payment of the admission fee.
Online registration
Online registration Registration guidelines

Information on teaching and research activities

Alessandro Bogliolo
 0722304410   alessandro.bogliolo@uniurb.it

Administrative contacts

Secretary’s Office
Ufficio Dottorati - Post laurea - Esami di Stato
Via Veterani, 36 - Urbino
Office hours
Monday - Friday from 9.30 am to 13pm
 Tel. +39 0722 304631 / +39 0722 304632 / +39 0722 304634 / +39 0722 304635   corsi.postlaurea@uniurb.it

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
Partita IVA 00448830414 – Codice Fiscale 82002850418
2024 © Tutti i diritti sono riservati
