Movement and Health Beyond Care, MoviS: educational approach to exercise, nutrition and motivational goal in oncology.
Summer School
Dipartimento di Scienze Biomolecolari
A.Y. | ||
2022/2023 |
Learning Objectives
The summer school MOVEMENT AND HEALTH BEYOND CARE, MoviS is a training course for health and exercise professionals. The course is based on scientific evidence on the onco-preventive and onco-protective effects of exercise in terms of physical, psychological and social benefits. In particular, exercise helps to improve physical function and quality of life by reducing chronic fatigue often related to these diseases.
A healthy diet associated with an active lifestyle is a key tool in the prevention, management and treatment of many oncological diseases. This course aims to promote the integration of motor, nutritional and motivational interventions as adjuvants in cancer therapies.
Participation in this course is open to person affected with cancer belonging of Project Movis and Project DianaWeb who can write to to get information about the modality of attendance, students and patients can engage in an effective communication network that is crucial for future therapeutic alliances.
Career prospects
Experts will be able to fit into integrated public facilities (local health company, nursing homes, rehabilitation facilities, day care centers etc.) or private facilities (fitness centers, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, the Health Gyms network, etc.), contributing to integrated intervention and health promotion projects.
Contents and structure of the course / Syllabus
Activities of PhD Students
MAY 25 - 28 2023
Centro di Riabilitazione e Poliambulatorio Fisioclinics Pesaro; Via S. Pertini, 124, Pesaro;
Sezione Sc. Motorie e della Salute: Via I. maggetti, 26, Urbino;
Palazzo Albani Via Viti 10, Urbino.
Seminar activities (frontal/integrated and/or distance learning) and theoretical-practical activities are planned.
Special attention will be given to the following topics:
- Diagnostic therapeutic pathway and modifiable tumor risk factors.
- Clinical-functional setting: fitness level. Anthropometry, body composition and nutritional status.
- Nutritional recommendations for cancer prevention.
- Exercise prescription as prevention chronic inflammatory degenerative diseases and exercise protocols for primary and secondary prevention of breast cancer.
- Motivational aspects and translational evidence of exercise in oncology.
Practical activities:
- Anthropometric assessment, bio-impedancometry, body composition.
- Nutritional status assessment, MedDiet test, DianaWeb platform (
- Physical Activity level assessments and monitoring using werable accellerometers and IPAQ testing.
- Water workspace: demonstration of Ai-chi and Watsu®, techniques used for cancer patients, and hydrochiensitherapy for upper limb mobilization and lenfedema reduction.
Group activities and exercises:
- Dietary regimen planning based on the principles of oncology prevention
- Customized training sessions
- Programming and monitoring of training.
Work Plan
Students will be guided in the development of a project involving some basic steps, such as: ideation, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of individual case studies. To this end, the student will be supported to structure a personalized targeted nutrition and physical activity program to promote lifestyle change in the cancer patient. On the first evening individual case studies will be discussed, prognostic factors and functional predictor variables will be examined. On subsequent days there will be personal project development and personal project exercises will follow.
Information about final examination
Course structure and research training
Presentation of a personal project (individual or group work) based on the Work Plan and the specific case studies discussed by the participants.
Did you know that?
Professional opportunities
The fee includes:
participation in theoretical-practical activities, educational materials, coffee breaks, aperitif 'Wellcome party Movis 2022' May 25 in cooperation with Golden Brain Association and certificate of participation
How to apply for Movement and Health Beyond Care, MoviS: educational approach to exercise, nutrition and motivational goal in oncology.
- Admission
- Course with free access
- Number of positions
- 30 available
- Useful information
Bachelor's degree/Master's degree or enrollment in Exercise Science courses (L-22, LM-67, LM-68).
Bachelor's degree/Master's degree/ Single cycle or enrollment in courses in Biological Sciences (L-13), Nutrition Sciences (L-29)/ Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology (LM-13), Master's degree in Molecular, Health and Nutrition Biology (LM-6).
Bachelor's degree in medicine and surgery or enrollment in graduate programs in medicine and surgery (LM-41).
- Application procedure
- You can apply from the 26/04/2023 to the 20/05/2023 . Using the online procedure you can register to fill in the application and pay with PagoPA (Credit Card, PayPal) to complete the payment of the admission fee.
- Online registration
- Online registration Registration guidelines
Useful documents and materials
Presentation sheet | download |
Information on teaching and research activities
- Organization
Prof.ssa Elena Barbieri, Professore Associato in Biologia Applicata (BIO/13) Docente di Biologia Umana presso la Scuola di Scienze Motorie, Uniurb.
Prof.ssa Luciana Vallorani, (BIO/10) Docente di Meccanismi molecolari degli stati patologici, Scuola di Scienze Motorie, Uniurb.
- Dott.ssa Rita Emili, Dirigente medico oncologo U.O.C. di Oncologia Ospedale di Urbino.
- Dott. Piero Benelli, Medico dello sport, Medico nazionale italiana pallavolo maschile, Medico VL basket Pesaro, Direttore del Centro di Medicina dello Sport e Docente presso la Scuola di Scienze Motorie, Direttore Sanitario Fisioclinics
- Dott.ssa Valentina Natalucci, PhD, Esperta in esercizio fisico in oncologia, Università La Statale, Milano
- Keli Procopio, Watsu® Italia
- Dott. Mirco Della Martera, Idrochinesiologo, Massofisioterapista
- Dott. Giacomo Serafini, Idrochinesiologo, Laureato Scienze Motorie, Master Rieducazione Funzionale
Speakers: VITALITY PNRR WP-6.5 in collaborazione con l'Univeristà di Camerino
- Prof.ssa Maria Cristina Albertini, MED/04 Patologia Generale
- Prof.ssa Elena Barbieri, BIO13 Biologia Applicata
- Prof. Simone Lucarini, CHIM/08 Chimica Farmaceutica
- Dott. Matteo Micucci, CHIM/10 Chimica degli Alimenti
- Prof. Daniele Fraternale, BIO/15 Biologia Farmaceutica
- Prof. Mauro Formica, CHIM/03 Chimica Generale e Inorganica
- Prof. Stefano Amatori, MED/46 Scienze Tecniche di Medicina di Laboratorio
- Prof.ssa Iolanda Grapassonni, MED/42 Igiene Generale ed Applicata
- Prof.ssa Valeria Polzonetti, BIO/10 Biochimica
- Dott.ssa Giorgia Vici, MED/49 - Scienze tecniche dietetiche applicate
- Proff.ssa Rosita Gabbianelli, BIO/10 Biochimica
School of Exercise Science Scientific Committee:
Dott. Stefano Amatori, Dott. Giosuè Annibalini, Dott. Mauro De Santi, Dott.ssa Sabrina Donati Zeppa, Dott. Carlo Ferri Marini, Dott. Marco Gervasi.
Scientific Committee of the School of Biological Sciences.
Tutor: Dott.ssa Roberta Saltarelli/Dott. Matteo Bocconcelli/ Dott.ssa Marta Imperio/Dott.ssa Alessia Bartolacci
Referente didattico: Prof.ssa Deborah Agostini
Staff Fisioclinics Pesaro
Piero Benelli – Medico sportivo – Direttore Sanitario Fisioclinics
Keli Procopio – Watsu® Italia
Mirco Della Martera – Idrochinesiologo, Massofisioterapista
Giacomo Serafini – Idrochinesiologo, Laureato Scienze Motorie, Master Rieducazione Funzionale
- Contact
- Contacts
- Elena Barbieri
- 0722 303417 0722 303401
- Deborah Agostini
- 0722 303418 0722 303401
Administrative contacts
- Secretary’s Office
- Ufficio Dottorati - Post laurea - Esami di Stato
- Via Veterani, 36 - Urbino
- Office hours
- Monday - Friday from 9.30 am to 13pm
- Contacts
- Tel. +39 0722 304637