Italian Art and Architecture in an International Perspective: Projecting Solutions between History and Innovation
Corso di formazione permanente e ricorrente
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
A.Y. | ||
2024/2025 |
Learning Objectives
The course is aimed at training professional figures who know how to combine knowledge of the history of art and architecture with technical and design skills to consciously develop, through innovative tools and methods based on advanced International experiences, functional spaces in historical contexts, with particular reference to Italy, and aims:
1) to provide students with a basic knowledge of the history of art and architecture in Italy through analyzing specific case studies, i.e., monuments and artworks the students will visit during the course. Issues related to periodization, historiography, and methodology will be addressed, and movements, artists, monumental complexes, and works of art will be examined and contextualized. An emphasis will be given to the leading Italian museums, of which we will see not only their history and contents but also how the contents are communicated to the public, thus entering the field of museology;
2) to document spatial and morphological aspects of the historical and contemporary city using a variety of techniques, such as videography, photography, photogrammetry, hand-drawn surveys, and physical modeling as tools to understand better the spatial and temporal attributes of your subject areas. Among the various architectural typologies, the museum will be taken into consideration since, in the contemporary world, it has acquired a new role, becoming an urban sculpture and the city's new public square;
3) to explore solutions to architectural problems/projects, with a heavy emphasis on technology applications in these intervention solutions, as well as the interrelationship between historical structures and modern intervention. There will be a focus on museums, increasingly characterized by the absence of pre-established compositional registers and by the need to connect the history of the urban context within which they were built and the history of the works they preserve; this part has a purely museographic approach: it describes and frames the museum as a "perceptive space" where the design of the museum display, setup, and lighting integrates with the poetics and means of museum representation based on the "User Experience" also through digital tools.
Career prospects
In the United States:
Employment opportunities for those attending this interdisciplinary and international course are increased in the U.S. as this series of courses represents experience by the student(s) with a growing global perspective and understanding of other cultures through an immersive experience. A value-added is gained, which is appreciated by potential employers (i.e., architectural services firms).
In Italy:
Participating in this international student educational experience can provide prospective employers in Italy with a differentiator when interviewing potential employees. Most businesses need a global perspective to pursue an international client base. These interdisciplinary experiences help prepare potential employees through cross-cultural team building and group project-based learning.
Contents and structure of the course / Syllabus
Activities of PhD Students
Teaching will be delivered entirely in English, primarily by American professors, using frontal and laboratory methods. Students who are not native speakers of English must have the highest level of language certifications recognized by the Italian Association of University Language Centers - AICLU. Students will be engaged in class for at least 21 hours per week. Numerous inspections are also planned to visit monuments and museums of interest (usually the whole day on Thursday and several weekends). Attendance at all activities is mandatory.
Course Titles
History of Art and Architecture in Italy (3 cfu)
International design - studio (6 cfu)
International studies - drawing (communications) (3 cfu)
Information about final examination
Course structure and research training
Final exam in History of Art and Architecture in Italy (1 cfu)
Final project in International design - studio (1 cfu)
Final project in International studies - drawing (communications) (1 cfu)
How to apply for Italian Art and Architecture in an International Perspective: Projecting Solutions between History and Innovation
- Admission
- Course with free access
- Number of positions
- 75 available
- Application procedure
- You can apply from the 25/01/2024 to the 29/01/2024 . Using the online procedure you can register to fill in the application and pay with PagoPA (Credit Card, PayPal) to complete the payment of the admission fee.
- Online registration
- Online registration Registration guidelines
Information on teaching and research activities
- Organization
DIRECTOR: Prof. Grazia Maria Fachechi
CO-DIRECTOR: Prof. John Murphy
Prof. Grazia Maria Fachechi
Prof. John Murphy
Prof. Curtis Fish
Prof. Rene Baldaras
Prof. Michael Guarino
Prof. Scott Carpenter
Prof. Monica Mazzolani
Prof. Antonio Troisi
- Contacts
- Grazia Maria Fachechi
Administrative contacts
- Secretary’s Office
- Ufficio Dottorati - Post laurea - Esami di Stato
- Via Veterani, 36 - Urbino
- Office hours
- Monday - Friday from 9.30 am to 13pm
- Contacts
- Tel. +39 0722 304637