Studiare con Metodo: work in progress. Favorire l’empowerment e le abilità trasversali per il metodo di studio
Soft Skills & Talent Development
“Studiare con Metodo: work in progress” è un corso teorico-applicativo per l’empowerment e l’acquisizione delle abilità trasversali utili al metodo di studio in ambito universitario.
Open KnowledgeDipartimento di Studi Umanistici
A.Y. | ||
2024/2025 |
Learning Objectives
"Studying with Method: work in progress" is a series of group meetings on the study method, aimed at students who want to improve their study strategies in order to be better prepared for their exams. The course is open to all students of the University.
The course aims to enable participants to improve their self-observation skills and promote awareness of their motivation in the academic experience by encouraging the acquisition of strategies for observing one's own functioning in relation to the study experience. It is also intended to increase students' knowledge of a number of useful strategies for coping with stress in relation to the academic experience.
The course aims to encourage the development of strategies for organizing time and study load in relation to academic course planning. In particular, it aims to provide participants with useful strategies for the construction of concept maps, specific for discipline and purpose (i.e., study strategies, elaboration of compensatory tools in the presence of certification of specific learning disorder or sensory disability), offering the opportunity to use traditional and computerized tools.
The activities and organization of the course are designed to stimulate in the participants the ability to: work in a group context, giving contribute to creating a collaborative, trusting and non-judgmental climate, and using methods and tools that encourage sharing and openness; listen to and understand others and value their participation. Themes related to the emotional-motivational aspects of studying, learning strategies, and study methods will be explored through the different lessons.
Program of the course:
- How and why I study: cognitive styles, attributions and motivation
Aim: To stimulate self-observation and provide tools for observing one's own functioning in relation to the study experience. - Organization and planning of the study
Aim: to encourage the development of strategies for organizing time and study load. - How to deal with texts: strategies for reading, elaboration and studying
Objective: To increase knowledge of strategies for reading, text processing and (digital) tools available for content elaboration. - Lab: Cards, notes and learning technologies
Objective: to increase knowledge of traditional and computerized tools for constructing concept maps, considering the differences between concept/learning maps and other compensatory tools that can be used under L.170 or L.102. - (Almost) ready: strategies for reviewing and coping with the stress of exams
Aim: To promote knowledge of useful revision methods, increase self-assessment skills and provide some useful strategies for managing pre-exam stress.
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15 hours.
The course will be taught in presence.
It provides for each module: a period of personal reflection followed by some short information sessions with content delivered in the traditional way (frontal lecture, slides, handout, ...), but leaving ample space for individual and/or group experiential activities and/or group activities of an applied nature.
Click here for a view of the course calendar.
How to study, managing pre-exam stress, concept maps, motivation.
The course is successfully completed through participation in at least 80% of the scheduled hours.
Any deferred income and anticipated outgoings recorded must be motivated.
- Ability to use methods and tools that can promote personal reflection in relation to the educational experience;
- Ability to observe one's own belief system and motivation in relation to the learning experience;
- Ability to use planning skills aimed at the best organization of one's studies;
- Ability to identify elements that trigger stress reactions and to activate strategies for their regulation;
- Ability to acquire strategies for approaching study in relation to different types of texts;
- Ability to acquire strategies for the strategic elaboration and organization of information;
- Ability to use traditional and computerized tools for information retrieval and management during studies.
- Ability to work in a team context, contributing to a collaborative climate;
- Ability to engage with different stakeholders;
- Ability to value the participation and contributions of different stakeholders;
- Ability to modulate a communicative/behavioral style according to the context and the people with whom one is co-operating;
- Ability to empower strategies for problem solving.
Università Aperta: online e in presenza
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How to apply for Studiare con Metodo: work in progress. Favorire l’empowerment e le abilità trasversali per il metodo di studio
Information on teaching and research activities
- Contacts
- Manuela Berlingeri
- Mirta Vernice
Administrative contacts
- Contacts