The Italian Renaissance: Art, Literature and Political Thought
Summer/Winter School
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
A.A. | ||
2015/2016 |
Obiettivi formativi
The Winter School, called "The Italian Renaissance: Art, Literature, Political Thought" (Second Semester: February-April 2016), proposes to extend specific expertise to a potential international audience regarding Renaissance topics on three fundamental aspects of the Italian Renaissance: artistic production, literature, and political thought. Its main objectives are to: (1) provide systematic and updated knowledge relevant to the most important aspects of Italian Renaissance culture; (2) develop an understanding of themes, historiographical concepts, and interpretations of Italian Renaissance under an interdisciplinary perspective; (3) offer students the intellectual and methodological tools required to address basics research activities and learn to work directly with sources (both written and visual). In order to do so, topics will be covered, such as: geography and the periodization of the Renaissance - policies and institutions - art - philanthropy and patronage - humanism and political thought - literature and vernacular poetry - historiography. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- La Winter School, denominata "The Italian Renaissance: Art, Literature, Political Thought" (II Semestre: febbrario-aprile 2016), si propone di estendere a un potenziale pubblico internazionale competenze specifiche di materia rinascimentale con insegnamenti dedicati a tre aspetti fondamentali del Rinascimento italiano: la produzione artistica, la letteratura e il pensiero politico. I suoi obiettivi formativi specifici sono: (1) Fornire conoscenze sistematiche e aggiornate intorno agli aspetti più rilevanti della cultura rinascimentale italiana. (2) Sviluppare la comprensione di temi, concetti storiografici e interpretazioni del Rinascimento italiano in una prospettiva interdisciplinare. (3) Fornire agli allievi gli strumenti intellettuali e metodologici necessari per affrontare un'attività di ricerca di base e apprendere a lavorare direttamente sulle fonti (scritte e visive). Allo scopo, saranno trattati argomenti come: Geografia e periodizzazione del Rinascimento; Politica e istituzioni; Arte, mecenatismo e committenza; Umanesimo e pensiero politico; Letteratura e poesia volgare; Storiografia.
Prospettive occupazionali
Employment prospects: Class attendance - held entirely in English - will allow students to gain the knowledge and skills they will be able to use internationally in various areas throughout the business world, especially related to teaching (literature, history, philosophy, art history, etc.), to museum and historical research, and to cultural communication: publishing, tourism, journalism, and information dissemination through the media (traditional and new).
La frequenza al corso - tenuto interamente in lingua inglese - permetterà di acquisire conoscenze e competenze spendibili a livello internazionale in vari settori del mondo del lavoro, legati soprattutto all'insegnamento (letteratura, storia, filosofia, storia dell'arte, ecc.), alla ricerca storica e museale e alla comunicazione culturale: editoria, promozione turistica, giornalismo, diffusione informazioni attraverso i media (tradizionali e nuovi).
Struttura didattica del corso
Tipologia di attività svolta dai Dottorandi
Programme Director/Direttore del corso
Prof. Antonio Corsaro
Associate Professor of Italian Literature at the University of Urbino "Carlo Bo". Professor of Renaissance Literature at the University of Ferrara: 1993-2001. Visiting Professorship: Middlebury College (Vermont, USA - 1985); Dublin UCD (1988, 1998); The University of Leuven (1998, 2003); the Centre d'Etudes Supérieurs de la Renaissance, Univ. De Tours (2007).
Studies in Renaissance Literature with special interests in History of Culture and of Thought. Publications and conferences on the relationship between literature, religious censorship, and printed material in the 16th century.
He has written extensively on Michelangelo, Machiavelli, and other writers, is author of the monograph, "Percorsi dell'incredulità. Religione, amore e natura nel primo Tasso" (Rome 2003), has published a critical edition of "Paradoxes" by Ortensio Lando (Rome 2000; reissued for the series "Les Belles letters" in Paris, 2012), and the critical edition of the Literary Works of Machiavelli (Rome 2012).
Scientific and steering committee / Comitato di direzione scientifica
1. Prof. Antonio Corsaro
2. Prof. Guido Dall'Olio
3. Prof. Giorgio Nonni
4. Nicola Panichi
5. Giovanna Perini
6. Marcella Peruzzi
Courses taught / Insegnamenti
1. Italian Renaissance Art (15th-16th centuries)
(Letteratura italiana: L-FIL-LET/10 - 6 Credits/CFU)
2. Culture and Literature in the Italian Renaissance (15th-16th centuries)
(Storia dell'arte moderna: L-ART/02 - 6 credits/CFU)
3. Italian and European Renaissance Political Thought (16th-17th centuries)
(Storia della filosofia: M-FIL/06 - 6 credits/CFU)
Final exam: 2 credits/CFU
1. Italian Renaissance Art (15th-16th centuries)
Course description. This course aims to show the main artistic trends in Italy between the 15th and 16th centuries, through the study of the great masters: Giotto, Brunelleschi, Donatello, Masaccio, Leon Battista Alberti, Piero della Francesca, Sandro Botticelli, Giovanni Bellini, Leonardo da Vinci, Donato Bramante, Raffaello, Michelangelo, Giorgione, Tiziano, and Federico Barocci. Artistic productions of this period will be analyzed through investigating style, iconography, technique, patronage, function, connection with classical antiquity, as well as historical, geographical, and social context. Special attention will be given to pictorial and architectural masterpieces of the Renaissance in Urbino, with a focus on the artists Piero della Francesca and Raffaello.
Course objectives. The purpose of this course is to give students, through a stylistic and iconographical reading of the art work, the basic knowledge and methodological tools required to correctly contextualize the movements, artists, and works in their specific historical, social, and geographical context.
Lecturer: Dr. Marilena Luzietti - After completing a degree in History of Medieval and Modern Art in 2009 at the University of Urbino "Carlo Bo", Marilena Luzietti received a PhD in History of Modern Art in 2013 from the University of Rome "La Sapienza" with a dissertation on the "Iconography of the True Cross during the Counter-Reformation", which has since been published online at Her publications include a monograph on Saint Joseph's Oratory of Urbino ("Arte e devozione nella Urbino degli Albani: l'Oratorio di San Giuseppe di Urbino", Centro Studi G. Mazzini, Fermignano, 2012) in addition to essays on art in the Marche Region. She now teaches History of Art in a "Liceo Classico" (High School) in Pesaro.
2. Culture and Literature in the Italian Renaissance (15th-16th centuries)
Course description. The course will consist of 18 lessons of two hours each. After a preliminary introduction to the Renaissance period in Italy (15th-16th centuries), the course will focus on some main authors and literary gendres. A general pattern will be reconstructed about the principal cultural and literary events of the period in the Italian peninsula, using a thematic perspective and an interdisciplinary pausing approach (focusing on some Renaissance capital cities). A special attention will be given to the territories of Urbino and Florence, analyzing some of the foundation texts of this period ("Il libro del cortegiano", "Il Principe"). Finally, a special emphasis will be given to some musical and theatrical aspects of this period.
Course objectives. The aim is to introduce students to a first approach to the complex territory of Italian Renaissance Culture and Literature, with a particular stress on its main authors and characters.
Lecturer: Prof. Antonio Corsaro (see above).
3. Italian and European Renaissance Political Thought (16th-17th centuries)
Course description. The course is intended as an introduction to the political philosophy of the Renaissance as seen through an examination of some of the major texts and thinkers, especially in an Italian context, but considered under a European perspective. The course will analyze the main political ideas and topics developed in Renaissance thought, such as the relationship between ethics and politics, the theoretic foundations of "buon governo" (good government), the theories of princely and republican governments, political prudence and "reason of State", the satirical critique of power, the relationship between politics and religion, and the birth of political science.
Course objectives. The aim is to provide students with the basic knowledge of an important section of western political thought, at the dawn of the theoretic developments that would lead to modern democratic ideas. - Expected Learning outcomes: Students should be able to directly address a number of primary sources, in order to examine and critically analyze the main topics in Renaissance political thought. They should also be able to place problems and ideas in their peculiar historical context and also discuss them in a comparative perspective and in their relationship with more modern views.
Lecturer: Dr. Raffaella Santi - Lecturer in the Department of Human Sciences, she received her PhD in Philosophy in 2000 from the University of Urbino Carlo Bo, with a dissertation on Plato and Hegel (published as "Platone, Hegel e la dialettica", Vita e Pensiero, Milan 2000). She is a translator of Hobbes's "Leviathan" (Bompiani, Milan 2001, 2004, 2012), a correspondent from Italy, and reviewer for the Bulletin Hobbes ("Archives de Philosophie", Paris). Her recent publications include two monographs, "Ragione geometrica e legge in Thomas Hobbes" and "Etica della lettura e scrittura filosofica in Thomas Hobbes" (Cedam, Padua 2012 and 2013). She is currently working on the research project, "History of Modern Natural Right", directed by Prof. Franco Todescan.
Informazioni sulla Prova Finale
Offerta formativa / Attività di formazione alla Ricerca
La prova finale consisterà nella presentazione e discusiione di un elaborato scritto unitamente ad un esame orale sui contenuti del corso.
Iscriversi a The Italian Renaissance: Art, Literature and Political Thought
- Accesso
- Corso ad accesso limitato
- Posti
- 50 posti disponibili
- Ammissione
- Termine utile per presentare la domanda di preiscrizione / ammissione: 11/01/2016
- Raggiunta numerosità sostenibile
- Nuova disponibilità posti
- Indicazioni
Admission requisite: High school diploma or college degree.
Limited admission: 50 seats available - Pre-registration deadline: January 11th, 2016
Admission procedure
If the number of applicants is greater than the number of admissions allowed, the procedure will be the following:
a) for students of Iowa University (USA), a special committee made up of professors of this university will provide to establish eligibility for the course.
b) for all other students, a copy of your Resume/Curriculum Vitae is required, and a special commission appointed by the President will initiate a selective process based on the following parameters:
- level of education (grades obtained and relevance to the course): 40% (from 0% to 40%)
- research and relevant activities (publications, etc.): 30% (from 0% to 30%)
- professional activities: 30% (from 0% to 30%)
Titolo di accesso: Diploma di scuola media secondaria superiore o diploma di laurea.
Modalità di ammissione
nel caso in cui il numero delle domande superi quello dei posti disponibili, si procederà come segue:
a) Per gli studenti della Iowa University, un'apposita commissione costituita da docenti della stessa Università americana provvederà ad accertare l'ammissibilità al corso.
b) Per tutti gli altri studenti, si richiederà copia del Curriculum Vitae e un'apposita commissione nominata dal Direttore avvierà una procedura selettiva in base ai seguenti parametri:
- titolo di studio (votazione conseguita e pertinenza rispetto al corso): 40% (da 0% a 40%)
- attività scientifica (pubblicazioni, ecc.): 30 % (da 0% a 30%)
- attività professionale: 30 % (da 0% a 30%)
I candidati ammessi devono presentare domanda di iscrizione seguendo la procedura on-line di seguito riportata collegandosi all'indirizzo
All'indirizzo internet sono disponibili le Modalità iscrizione e modalità di pagamento della contribuzione per master di primo e secondo livello.
La domanda di ammissione e di iscrizione dovranno pervenire al seguente indirizzo: Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo - Ufficio Alta formazione post laurea e pergamene, Via Valerio,9 - 61029 Urbino (PU)
- Modulistica
- Modulo di ammissione
- Iscrizione
- Puoi iscriverti dal 12/01/2016 al 20/01/2016 . Tramite la procedura online puoi iscriverti al corso ed effettuare il pagamento della contribuzione con PagoPA.
- Iscrizione online
- Iscriviti online Guida all'Iscrizione online
- Contribuzione
Tassa di iscrizione / Tuition fee
Euros 1.000,00
Da pagarsi come segue: versamento unico - da effettuarsi entro il 20 gennaio 2016
The total amount of the tuition fee for the Winter School is 1.000,00 Euros, to be paid in a single installment by the 10th of december 2015. This may be paid using the MAV bill that is generated through the online registration process.
Bank transfer coordinates for payments from outside Italy:
IBAN: IT91H0605568700000000013607
Richiesta informazioni sulla didattica del corso
- Contatti
- Antonio Corsaro
- 0722.305651 0722.305652
- Raffaella Santi
Supporto per immatricolazioni e iscrizioni
- Segreteria
- Ufficio Dottorati - Post laurea - Esami di Stato
- Via Veterani, 36 - Urbino
- Orari di apertura
- Dal lunedì al venerdì dalle ore 9.30 alle ore 13
- Contatti
- Tel. +39 0722 304637