Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

Convegno Internazionale
The Technology Transfer Cycle - Linking societal needs and innovation


Language: English

Free entrance – On-line registration required, click here

Possibility of acquiring credits by Ordine degli  Avvocati di Pesaro and Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili di Pesaro e Urbino (n. 4 credits).


The Conference is organized on the occasion of the World Intellectual Property Day. The seminar  focuses on two main topics that altogether compose the technology transfer cycle:

1. Understand how medtech companies  intercept  the needs of rare genetic disease patients and oncologic patients and consequently plan their research for product development in order to address these demands:

Are patients and their families effectively involved by companies in their research decision making process?

At which stage farmaceutical companies consider patient engagement across the product lifecycle, from clinical development through product launch?

Which are the benefits for companies that maximize direct patients engagement strategies?

2. Understand the ways  through which research results reach the market to satisfy the needs of the patients affected  by these pathologies:

How do medtech companies intercept University research results? 

Are patents an effective technology transfer mode from Universities to companies?

Which are the academic patent transfer modes to reach life science companies?

Which companies are interested in Italian University life science patents? How can they be identified?

How do research result reach the patients? Which are the benefits of the overall technology transfer cycle for patients?

Congress program

9.00  Registration

9:30  Welcome: Vilberto Stocchi, Rector, University of Urbino, and Authorities

9:50  Introduction: Fabio Musso, University of Urbino

Morning session, Chairman: Giorgio Calcagnini (University of Urbino, Italy)

10.10 What does a patent protect? Incentives for companies and public research institutes
Loredana Guglielmetti (UIBM, Italian patents and Trademarks Office, Italy) 

10.30 Innovation and technology transfer: the role of IP
Mariagrazia Squicciarini (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, France)

10.50 University knowledge transfer
Mauro Magnani (University of Urbino, Italy)

11.10  Coffee break

11.40 Academic patent transfer modes
Marta Catarino (University of Minho, Portugal)

12.00 The Technology transfer cycle
Michele Guescini (University of Urbino, Italy)

12.20 Discussion

Afternoon session, Chairman: Walter Balduini (University of Urbino, Italy)

14.20 Patents economic evaluation
Roberto Moro Visconti (Catholic University of Sacred Heart of Milan. Italy)

14.40 Scouting and partnership models in the early stages of research projects development
Lorenzo Polenzani (Angelini S.p.A., Italy)

15.00 Patients engagement across companies product lifecycle development 
Sabrina Moretti, Francesco Sacchetti (University of Urbino, Italy)

15.20 Discussion


  • Loredana Guglielmetti, Head, division VII (National and European Patents, International Applications), UIBM (Italian Patents and Trademarks Office) (Italy)
  • Mariagrazia Squicciarini -  Senior Economist, Head of Unit, Head of Microdata Lab OECD, Patent expert at OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) (France)
  • Mauro Magnani - Full Professor of Biochemistry and Director of the School of Biology and Biotechnology, University of Urbino (Italy)
  • Marta Catarino – Director of the Technology Transfer Office, Advisor to Vice-Rector for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, University of Minho (Portugal)
  • Michele Guescini – Researcher, Department of Biomolecular Sciences, Member of the Third Mission Working Group, responsible for industrial property valorization and university patent activities, University of Urbino (Italy)
  • Roberto Moro Visconti - Professor of Corporate Finance, Catholic University of Sacred Heart of Milan (Italy)
  • Sabrina Moretti / Francesco Sacchetti - Full Professor / Research fellow, Department of Sciences of Communication and Humanities, University of Urbino (Italy)
  • Lorenzo Polenzani - Head of Scientific Networking & Competitive Intelligence Unit, Research Regulatory & Development (RR&D) - ANGELINI | S. PALOMBA, Angelini S.p.A. (Italy)

Dettagli sull'evento

Data e luogo

  Inizio: 13/04/2018 alle ore 09:30 Fine: 13/04/2018 alle ore 13:30
Palazzo Bonaventura (Urbino, Via Saffi, 2) Aula Magna Rettorato

Organizzato e promosso da:

Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo - Settore Ricerca e Terza Missione - Ufficio Terza Missione

Link e risorse utili

On-line registration  aggiungi al calendario

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