Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


Ensuring Continuity in Education for Refugee - A state of the art


he Continugee Project is a three-year KA2 Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership in the field of Strategic Partnerships for school education, with the aim to assess and improve access and success of refugee youth in education in Europe. This first seminar is aimed to discuss the state of the art.

9:00am CEST / 10:00am EEST - Conference Opening
Eduardo Barberis, University of Urbino Carlo Bo
Napoleon Maravegias, NKUA, Continugee Scientific Coordinator
Theodoros Sakellaropoulos, EPEKSA

9:45am CEST / 10:45am EEST
Greetings by the National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme - Anastasios Barmpas, IKY

10:00am CEST / 11:00am
NKUA Presentation on State of the Art - Roussakis Ioannis

10:15am CEST / 11:15am EEST
EPEKSA Presentation on State of the Art - Nikos Kourachanis

10:30am CEST / 11:30am EEST
University of Urbino Carlo Bo Presentation on State of the Art - Eduardo Barberis

10:45am CEST / 11:45am CEST
Fachhochschule Kiel Presentation on State of the Art - Vassilis Tsianos

11:00am CEST / 12:00am EEST
Conversation with the audience
Conference Closing
Eduardo Barberis, University of Urbino Carlo Bo, host

Dettagli sull'evento

Data e luogo

  Inizio: 28/07/2021 alle ore 09:00 Fine: 27/07/2021 alle ore 11:30
 Evento online via Zoom

Organizzato e promosso da:

Dipartimento di Economia, Società, Politica

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