Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

A Passage to/from Africa: rhythmic exchanges in the Western Indian Ocean

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9.00 - Introduction, institutional greetings and instructions

Panel 1: 9.30 -11.15 (Anthropology)
Chair: Francesca Declich (Università degli Studi di Urbino)
- Iain Walker (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology): On Being servile in Ngazidja - Daniela Waldburger (University of Vienna): Violence on Mayotte – the role of languages on a multilingual island in the EU
- Daniela Waldburger (University of Vienna): Violence on Mayotte – the role of languages on a multilingual island in the EU
- Safia Ally Msami (University of California, Irvine): Haba na Haba Hujaza Kibaba: A Sartorial Look into the Afterlives of Swahili Daughters on the East African Coast 
- Gill Shepherd (London School of Economics and Political Science) : Using alliance and genealogy to conduct trade


Panel 2: 11.45-13.30 (History)
Chair: Iain Walker (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology)
- Manuel Ramos (CEI-ISCTE, Lisboa): Gone with the Monsoon: notes on the history of Christianity in the Indian Ocean
- Matteo Salvadore (American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates): Enslaved Ethiopians in the Western Indian Ocean: Evidence from the Portuguese Inquisition 
- Hideaki Suzuki (National Museum of Ethnology, Japan): Uniqueness of East Africa, Similarity of the Western Indian Ocean: A Case Study of Mangrove Poles
- Wolbert Smidt (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena): Ancient traders' networks in the northern Ethiopian highlands and the Afar lowlands: trade routes and their communities


Panel 3: 14.30 -16.15 (Global colonisation)
Chair: Gill Shepherd (London School of Economics)
- Erika Mattio (University Complutense of Madrid/ University Bicocca of Milano): Salt, lithium and ships
- Diana Stoica (West University of Timisoara, Romania): Eastern African land-transportation and the challenges to Afro-globalization. Reflections on the case of Tanzania and Mozambique
- Raffaele Maddaluno (La Sapienza University, Rome): The oceanic rhythms of resistance and transformation in the Comoros islands. Challenges and potentialities beyond Blue Economy policies
- Barbara De Poli (Ca' Foscari University): New Cultural Transfers in the Zanzibar Archipelago: The Italians in Unguja (1990 – 2024)


Panel 4: 16.45-18.30 (Religions)
Chair: Giorgio Banti (Università La Sapienza, Roma)
- Preben Kaarsholm (Roskilde University, Denmark): Rhythmic exchanges between religion and culture: Sufi ritual encounters in KwaZulu-Natal and Northern Mozambique
- Saada Wahab (The State University of Zanzibar): Diversification of religious Practice and their Migration Trajectories among the Indians in Zanzibar
- Tanvi Kapoor (New York University): Mourning as Devotion: The Uncanny Shi’i Mosque in Zanzibar
- Martinho Pedro (Universidade Pedagógica de Maputo, Moçambique): Da confluência de sistemas religiosos antagónicos à paradoxal formação de um comunitarismo local até 1920 no Canal de Moçambique Ocidental


Panel 5: 9.00-10.45 (Arts, literature, music)
Chair: Manuel Ramos (CEI-ISCTE, Lisboa)
- Silvia Neposteri (Università di Pavia): A crossroads of cultures. The sorabe manuscript tradition in the South-East Malagasy coast
- Dyoniz Kindata (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Germany): Rhymes of Empire Building and African World Making: Poetry and Print in Kiongozi Newspaper in German East Africa 1885-1918
- Jasmin Mahazi (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Germany): Bahari yetu na mahadhi yake – Our ocean/genre and its rhythms
- Ellen Hebden (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA): Feminine Beauty, Strategic Mobilities and the Expansion of Tufo Dancing in Mozambique


Panel 6: 11.15-12.45 (Mobilities & colonial times)
Chair: Beatrice Nicolini (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano)
- Catherine Odari (Spelman College, Georgia): Re-examining the Colonial Times: The Role of Indians and Indian-Owned Newspapers in the Reinterpretation of the Kenyan Anti-Colonial Struggle.
- Hatice Ugur (Marmara University, Turkey): From Italy to Zanzibar: The Trans local Network of an Anarchist in 1905
- Maïlys Chauvin (LAM-CNRS Sciences Po Bordeaux): Return mobilities of Zanzibar exiles in the 2010s and the reshaping of a common world


Panel 7: 14.15-16.00 (Archaeology)
Chair: Behnaz Mirzai (Brock University, Canada)
- Stefania Manfio (Stanford University): Maritime archaeology and slave shipwrecks in Mauritius
- Martin Kijava (Independent researcher, Dar es Salaam): Dissecting Restoration-Interpretation of Kunduchi Ruins
- Celso Simbine, Cézar Mahumane and Hilário Madiquida (Eduardo Mondlane University): The Archaeology of Trade on Mozambique Island, CE 1100 – 1800
- David Maina Muthegethi (Kenyatta University, Kenya): Women Artisans: New Frontiers of gendered spaces in Gedi City State


Panel 8: 16.30 -18.15 (Anthropology/Religions)
Chair: TBA
- Behnaz Mirzai (Brock University, Canada): African Healing and Cultural Traditions in the Persian Gulf Region
- Zahir Bhalloo (University of Hamburg): From Bushehr to Zanzibar: Shi?i Ritual Mobility and Rythmic Exchange in the Western Indian Ocean
- Salvatory S. Nyanto (University of Dar Es Salaam), Dances, Patronage and Belonging in Post-Abolition Unyamwezi, Western Tanzania
- Stephen Okumu Ombere (Maseno University, Kenya): We are still a kinship: Designing relatedness among migrating fishermen in Coastal Kenya



Panel 9: 9.00-10.45 (History/Anthropology)
Chair: Preben Kaarsholm (Roskilde University, Denmark)
- Beatrice Nicolini (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano): The Epistolary Intrigues of Napoleon: Unraveling Anglo-French Rivalry in the Gulf and Indian Ocean
- Abdelhakim Belhacel (Université Paris Nanterre): Understanding the Omani rule in East Africa in the 19th Century through the monsoon system
- Samson Peter Malekela (Stella Maris Mtwara University College, Tanzania): Slave trade and slavery in 19th century towns of Mgao and Mikindani in southeastern Tanganyika: resistance, agency and memories
- Marie-Pierre Ballarin e Hervé Pennec (Université Côte d’Azur, Urmis; CNRS, GIS Études Africaines, IMAf): Slavery and Post-slavery in African Indian Ocean Island Societies:current state of research


Panel 10: 11.15-13.00
(Representations) Chair: TBA
- Elcídio Rui Macuácua (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Eduardo Mondlane University) : Cultural Connections and Identity in the Indian Ocean between Macuas on the Mozambique Island and Mayotte
- Rufus Maculuve (independent researcher/ Artist, Maputo, Mozambique): A sonic approach to vernacular archives and cultural memory of the fishing communities of Mozambique Island
- Patrícia Ferraz de Matos (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal): Fluid like water: histories, representations and current challenges in the relations between Macau (China) and the (Lusophone) world
- Ute Fendler (University of Bayreuth): Oceanic Artists: polyrhythmic passages across the Indian Ocean


Saturday afternoon 14.30: Visit to Ducal Palace
Meeting in front of the main entrance h 14.20

Dettagli sull'evento

Data e luogo

  Inizio: 04/04/2024 alle ore 09:00 Fine: 06/04/2024 alle ore 13:00
Palazzo Bonaventura (Urbino, Via Saffi, 2) Aula Magna Rettorato

Organizzato e promosso da:

Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali

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