Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

Ciclo di seminari

Noninterference Analysis of Reversible Probabilistic Systems


Nell'ambito del ciclo LAAG:IT - Logica, Algebra, Analisi, Geometria, Informatica Teorica e loro applicazioni, i Proff. Marco Bernardo e Giovanni Molica Bisci sono lieti di invitarvi al seminario intitolato "Noninterference Analysis of Reversible Probabilistic Systems"
che sarà tenuto dal Dott. Andrea Esposito dell'Università di Urbino.

Noninterference theory supports the analysis of secure computations in multi-level security systems: when a group of agents at a high security level performs some actions, the effect of those actions should not be seen by any agent at a low security level. In a nondeterministic setting, the approach to noninterefence based on weak bisimilarity turns out not to be adequate for reversible systems. This limitation can be circumvented by employing a more expressive semantics, which has been proven to be branching bisimilarity. In this talk we present an extension of the aforementioned result to reversible systems that feature both nondeterministic and probabilistic behaviors. We recast noninterference properties by employing probabilistic variants of weak and branching bisimilarities. Then we investigate a taxonomy of those properties as well as their preservation and compositionality features, along with a comparison with the nondeterministic taxonomy. The adequacy of the extended results for reversible systems is illustrated via a probabilistic smart contract example.

Il seminario si svolgerà in presenza, ma sarà anche possibile seguirlo a distanza collegandosi ad https://meet.google.com/hcf-mbcc-jko

Dettagli sull'evento

Data e luogo

  Inizio: 28/02/2024 alle ore 17:00 Fine: 28/02/2024 alle ore 18:00
Collegio Raffaello (Urbino, Piazza della Repubblica, 13) Aula Olivetti

Organizzato e promosso da:

LAAG:IT - Logica, Algebra, Analisi, Geometria, Informatica Teorica e loro applicazioni.

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
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