Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


The muon magnetic anomaly

Abstract dell'evento

Comparing a precise measurement of the muon magnetic moment with its theory prediction it is possible to check whether our world is accurately described by the Standard Model of particle physics, a theory that has been extremely successful so far, or whether there is a difference between the experimental measurement and the theory prediction that is caused by yet unknown particles or forces. We have recently observed a large deviation from the theory prediction, larger than 5 standard deviations, with the recent measurements of the muon magnetic anomaly in 2021 and 2023. Are physicists convinced that there are new particles or new forces? Not yet. A large community of physicists is working hard and planning new experiments and calculations to understand what causes the deviation of the measurement from its prediction. Also, a new more precise measurement of the muon magnetic anomaly is expected in 2025.


Alberto Lusiani - Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa

Dettagli sull'evento

Data e luogo

  Inizio: 25/03/2024 alle ore 16:00 Fine: 25/03/2024 alle ore 18:00
Palazzo Albani (Urbino, Via Viti, 10) Aula C5 - Sala Lauree

Organizzato e promosso da:

Dipartimento di Scienze Pure e Applicate

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