Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2016/2017 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Michele Betti From monday to friday by appointment

Assigned to the Degree Course

Biological Sciences (L-13)
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course aims at providing useful stimuli student learning the anatomy and physiology basis of the eukaryotic cell. We want offer the opportunity to learn and use proper and rigorous scientific language and a method of study that tends to favor the understanding of the relationship structure / function exists for each component or cellular compartment. Another aim of the course is to offer students of scientific criticism instruments to be able to read independently and critically a scientific work.


Major differences between the eukaryotic cell and prokaryotic cell. General organization of the eukaryotic cell: cell membranes, membrane transport of small molecules and ionic basis of membrane excitability, intracellular compartments (all organelles: nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi , lysosomes), protein trafficking and vesicular trafficking in secretory and endocytic pathways. Cytoskeleton: intermediate filaments, microtubules, filaments actinide. The mitotic cell cycle.Meiosis. The cell cycle regulation. Cellular communications: general principles of cell signaling, including signaling through cell surface receptors linked to G proteins, signaling through cell surface receptors linked to enzymes. Germ cells and fertilization. The advantages of the existence of different sexes. Genetic consequences of meiosis. Mendel's laws, and some aspects of the transmission of Mendelian traits. 

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

D1- KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING When the course is over, to pass the exam, students must demonstrate that they have acquired the knowledge about the general concepts of living matter: the cellular modifications due to a stimulus, the intra- and extra-cellular communication pathways, the application of cellular communication "in vitro" and "in vivo", the Mendelian’s genetics foundations.

D2- CAPACITY 'TO APPLY KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING The student will demonstrate the ability to identify the most common mechanisms of cellular communication.

D3- JUDGEMENT The student will have acquired knowledge to favor the understanding of the structure / function relationship exists for each component or cellular compartment and their application in various biological systems.

D4- communicative skills The student will have the ability to relate in a professional and competent manner with public and private entities. The student will have the ability to transmit the knowledge acquired in a clear and understandable and accessible to unqualified persons.

D5- LEARNING ABILITY The student will be able to examine and understand scientific texts, will also have to demonstrate that they have learned a fair and rigorous scientific language and a method of study that employ them in everyday contexts for the profession and for research.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Traditional lessons.

On Moodle platform is made available to the students teaching materials containing most of the images used in support of the explanations; It said material does not substitute for class attendance or the study of textbooks.

Course books

Any textbook in accordance with the program.

Alberts et al., L’Essenziale di Biologia molecolare della cellula, Zanichelli.
Campbell N.A., Reece J.B. et al, "Biologia e Genetica" Pearson Education editore 1° edizione 2012.
Other recommended textbooks will be provided at the beginning of the course.


Oral examination.

Disabilità e DSA

Le studentesse e gli studenti che hanno registrato la certificazione di disabilità o la certificazione di DSA presso l'Ufficio Inclusione e diritto allo studio, possono chiedere di utilizzare le mappe concettuali (per parole chiave) durante la prova di esame.

A tal fine, è necessario inviare le mappe, due settimane prima dell’appello di esame, alla o al docente del corso, che ne verificherà la coerenza con le indicazioni delle linee guida di ateneo e potrà chiederne la modifica.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


On Moodle platform is made available to the students teaching materials containing most of the images used in support of the explanations; It said material does not substitute for class attendance or the study of textbooks.

Course books

Any textbook in accordance with the program.

Alberts et al., L’Essenziale di Biologia molecolare della cellula, Zanichelli.
Campbell N.A., Reece J.B. et al, "Biologia e Genetica" Pearson Education editore 1° edizione 2012.
Other recommended textbooks will be provided at the beginning of the course.


Oral examination.

Disabilità e DSA

Le studentesse e gli studenti che hanno registrato la certificazione di disabilità o la certificazione di DSA presso l'Ufficio Inclusione e diritto allo studio, possono chiedere di utilizzare le mappe concettuali (per parole chiave) durante la prova di esame.

A tal fine, è necessario inviare le mappe, due settimane prima dell’appello di esame, alla o al docente del corso, che ne verificherà la coerenza con le indicazioni delle linee guida di ateneo e potrà chiederne la modifica.

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