Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


progettazione delle imprese non profit

A.Y. Credits
2017/2018 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Jacopo Emiliano Cherchi at the margins of lesson hours or by appointment via e-mail
Teaching in foreign languages
Course with optional materials in a foreign language Spanish
This course is entirely taught in Italian. Study materials can be provided in the foreign language and the final exam can be taken in the foreign language.

Assigned to the Degree Course

Management of Politics, Social services and Intercultural Mediation (LM-87)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course has the following training objectives:

1. Provide the theoretical, economic and organizational foundations for the creation and development of the different types of non-profits, with particular reference to the management and creation of social services;

2. Provide training tools for the management, work and design of non-profit businesses within the framework of the new Welfare policies;

3. Provide the student with an overview of the various presentation schemes for the projects required in the field of social intervention and not only;

4. Give students a practical approach to design, by building a project in response to a real call.


Beside a series of theoretical lessons devoted to presenting and discussing concepts, theories, and theories in the classroom, the course includes an exercise consisting of elaborating a project that will simulate the response to the call for a real financing call. The entire class will take part to this tutorial, divided into working groups. Each working group will have the opportunity to become a team of designers and collectively plan, under the guidance of the teacher, the various phases of a social design.

Classroom lessons and discussions will cover the following topics:

The third sector between the State and the Market. Classifications and economic dimensions of the third sector. Role of the Third Sector in Welfare Reform. Third sector regulation. Characteristics of training and start-ups of non-profit enterprises. The economic, organizational management of work in the non-profit enterprise. The relationship with local authorities in service management. Nonprofit business development strategies. Project Cycle Management: Project Phase Analysis: The feasibility study with the consequent identification of general and specific objectives, their logical matrix concatenation, the evaluation of evaluation criteria, the tools for evaluation in IT and the ex post, the procedure for possible reprogramming of the intervention

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

Knowledge and understanding.

Students will have to master the main theoretical perspectives regarding the discipline and have acquired critical analysis skills in relation to the main study objects, such as the history and evolution of the third sector in relation to the organization of welfare systems;
Students will have to become familiar with the fundamental concepts of the discipline (numerical and economic significance of the third sector, legal figures, laws), demonstrating how to define them accurately.
history and the evolution of the third sector and the organization of welfare systems, so that they can manage ongoing activities and build innovative strategies in the organization of social services in the national, European and international fields. The student must be in a position to interact effectively with other professional figures on the specific issues of the management and design of non-profit enterprises. The student will be able to apply his / her skills to the definition of design lines of specific services, to carry out managerial functions in the programming of welfare mix policies.

Applying knowledge and understanding.

Particular attention will be given to the relationship between the theoretical and the practical-application component of the course. From this perspective, starting with the theories and concepts illustrated and discussed in the lessons, a classroom exercise will take place in the form of writing a real project with social application. The class will become a design team committed to all phases of the same. Through the exercise, students are expected to:

They test and consolidate their level of learning and understanding of theoretical notions;
They learn to move from abstract theories and concepts to a complete elaborate design;
Affine their ability to translate complex concepts into variables, through operationalization;
By engaging in a design lab, it is expected that their methodological skills (definition of goals, strategies and actions; research, analysis and re-elaboration of real data available from different sources) will be expected; interpretation of results in relation to literature, presentation and discussion of results in the classroom).
Through teamwork, the student is expected to improve his / her ability to co-ordinate with others and to work in groups.

Making judgments.

The course aims to provide students with a series of tools for analyzing and interpreting the "Third Sector" phenomenon and its relationship with the various welfare systems, with a special focus on the Italian context. For this reason, students are expected to derive useful tools to rigorous and autonomous critical analysis of complex phenomena such as those that characterize contemporary social trends and contemporary welfare systems.

Communication skills.

It is expected that students will be able to analyze and discuss critically the topics proposed by using the appropriate and "technical" language at the end of the course.
In addition, the elaboration of the results of the research (through the analysis of the design work) will be conducted by groups of 3-4 students, who will work independently. At the end of the work, each group will be invited to present the results and their interpretations to the rest of the class with an oral report accompanied by visual support (slide to PowerPoint), and to participate in the debate that will result: through this phase we expect hence an improvement in display and public speaking skills.

Learning skills.

Students should have developed appropriate learning skills, on the basis of which they can broaden the knowledge gained during the course, applying knowledge gained on general and / or specific questions to new questions of analysis and research. The methods of teaching work through which the course intends to achieve this is the following: frontal lessons on basic issues, visual material use (slide in PowerPoint), classroom discussion, participation in classroom exercises.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Participation in classroom lessons and discussions, participation in group exercise.


Study of the indicated material

Participation in the classroom exercise

To attend the exam as a frequent occurring, the frequency of at least 3/4 of the lessons

Course books

- Cimini C., Lombardi E., Marcon G., Naletto G., Lavorare nel terzo settore, Carocci, Milano 2005. Text out of production, available at the university library or by contacting the teacher by e-mail;

- Gesualdi F., L'altra via - dalla crescita al benvivere, programma per un'economia della sazietà, Altreconomia, Milano 2009. Downloadable free on line at the address: http://www.cnms.it/attachments/article/24/altravia_0.pdf;

- Marcon Giulio (a cura di), Lavorare nel sociale. Una professione da ripensare, Edizioni dell'asino, Roma 2015. Available in hard copy or downloadable from the web site: http://www.asinoedizioni.it/products-page/ebook/lavorare-nel-sociale-una-professione-da-ripensare-ebook/


The skills acquired by the students will be evaluated through an oral interview in order to verify the ability to support a reasoning and discussion on the subjects studied. Even individual work during the classroom exercise will be evaluated. The oral interview will weigh for 2/3 on the final outcome, while 1/3 will be determined by the individual contribution in the classroom exercise.

As for the oral interview, particular attention will be paid to the following dimensions:

- ability to define clearly and timely the main theories and core concepts of discipline;
- Level of responses and arguments articulation;
- Critical repetition of concepts and analysis through the theoretical tools proposed in the course.
As far as the exercise is concerned, the evaluation will mainly take into account:

of the individual commitment in the design laboratory;
of the ability to make a relevant individual contribution;
of teamwork skills;
of the ability to adopt methodologically correct practices and arrangements;
of the exhibition capacity and the discussion of the results.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


individual study of the indicated material


study of the indicated material

Course books

- Cimini C., Lombardi E., Marcon G., Naletto G., Lavorare nel terzo settore, Carocci, Milano 2005. Text out of production, available at the university library or by contacting the teacher by e-mail;

- Gesualdi F., L'altra via - dalla crescita al benvivere, programma per un'economia della sazietà, Altreconomia, Milano 2009. Downloadable free on line at the address: http://www.cnms.it/attachments/article/24/altravia_0.pdf;

- Marcon Giulio (a cura di), Lavorare nel sociale. Una professione da ripensare, Edizioni dell'asino, Roma 2015. Available in hard copy or downloadable from the web site: http://www.asinoedizioni.it/products-page/ebook/lavorare-nel-sociale-una-professione-da-ripensare-ebook/


The skills acquired by the students will be evaluated through an oral interview in order to verify the ability to support a reasoning and discussion on the subjects studied.

During the oral interview we will pay particular attention to the following dimensions:

- ability to define clearly and timely the main theories and core concepts of discipline;
- Level of responses and arguments articulation;
- Critical repetition of concepts and analysis through the theoretical tools proposed in the course.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

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