Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2017/2018 5
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Michele Papi

Assigned to the Degree Course

Conservation and Restauration of Cultural Heritage (LMR/02)
Curriculum: MODULO 3 B
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

Shipyard teaching : Teaching experience on issues previously developed - Conclusion of the works started in the previous modules and review of photographic documentation and graphic eseguite.Schedatura conservative works with system SICAR.Documentazione photographic and graphic . Pre-consolidation of the paint film and the substrate. Issues of tension and media on canvas rinfunzionamento frame .


Il corso è articolato sull'esperienza didattica da svolgere in Laboratorio/Cantiere su opere e su tematiche sviluppate nei precedenti moduli. La parte pratica verrà svolta sui dipinti su tela presenti in Laboratorio e la parte teorica riguarderà l'approfondimento delle operazioni in corso di svolgimento.

01.Introduzione al comportamento meccanico dei materiali costitutivi (2 ore)
02.Storia delle tecniche di foderatura tradizionale (4 ore)
03.Esame delle tipologie di degrado che portano alla scelta della foderatura (2 ore)
04.Esempi di tecniche tradizionali di foderatura tra cui colla pasta alla fiorentina, colla pasta alla romana, foderatura a cera-resina (5 ore)
05.Illustrazione di casi esemplari (2 ore)
01.Preparazione di tele-modello per prove di foderatura (24 ore)
02.Utilizzo del telaio interinale, sistema del dritto filo (8 ore)
03.Tecniche di consolidamento naturali e sintetiche ( 12 ore)
04.Introduzione alla tecnica di foderatura alla fiorentina e alla romana e successiva applicazione su modelli (24 ore)
05.Prove di velinatura e rimozione su modelli (17 ore)

Bridging Courses


Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

Acquire the main concepts in the artefacts painted on textile backing, through the knowledge of the techniques used and the constituent materials , the phenomena of degradation and techniques of historical restoration .
Acquire some previous knowledge related to restoration ( consolidation , compensation for injuries , lining , partial, smoothing of the deformation , aesthetic presentation , etc . ) And the main materials to be used that will be detailed in subsequent modules .

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

visits to exhibitions and museums

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


The teaching of the course will be based on practical work carried out on the works in the laboratory

Course books

Stephen Hackney , relining lined remove old linings in RESTORATION PROJECT , N ° 44 , The Lawn, Padua 2007

Tensioning paintings on canvas / Giorgio Capriotti Antonio Jaccarino Edilson / publisher Nardini .
The book of art / Cennino Cennini / Blacks Pozza
The items painted on textile support / Daphne De Luca / Il Prato
Failure mechanisms in the paintings on canvas . Approaches to the development of protocols of consolidation / Mecklenburg MF / The lawn
Alessandro Pergolini Campanelli CASSIODORO to the origins of the idea of ??restoration -Jaca Book
Ornella Casazza RESTORATION PICTORIAL unity of methodology - nardini publisher
Marco Ciatti Francesca Martusciello ROLE Umberto Baldini STORAGE OF CULTURAL HERITAGE . A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE - Edifir
Simona Rinaldi ART HISTORY TECHNICAL carocci publisher
Cristina Giannini Roberta Roani DICTIONARY OF RESTORATION nardini publisher


To take the exam, the student must submit a technical report on the restoration works carried out in the laboratory, drawn in a group or individually (a report for each work regardless of the number of students who worked there), including:

description of the techniques used and the constituent materials;
description of the state of conservation;
description of any restoration work earlier reported on the article;
detailed description of the restoration carried out on the manufactured article and of any transactions yet to be performed (the latter described by points).
The report will be drawn up according to the model provided by the lecturers during the modules and will be inclusive of:

graphic documentation;
photographic documentation;
detection card and documentation.
The work will be completed and corrected during the course of the module and delivered in electronic form and hard copy, at the time of the exam.
Photographic images should be properly numbered and accompanied by its caption.

The exam consists of an interview to be incurred with teachers who belong to the modules followed. The oral exam will focus on:
operations carried out in the laboratory;

bibliography provided by the teachers

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

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