Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2018/2019 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Elena Acquarini
Teaching in foreign languages
Course partially taught in a foreign language English
This course is taught partially in Italian and partially in a foreign language. Study materials can be provided in the foreign language and the final exam can be taken in the foreign language.

Assigned to the Degree Course

Clinical Psychology (LM-51)
Curriculum: COMUNE
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The Course purpose is to provide students with theories, processes and diagnostic methodologies common in clinical psychopathological events.

Diagnosis is necessary for the formulation of the case: a sort of mapping of psychic functioning. The differential use of the testological and psychodiagnostic investigation (categorical and dimensional) and contemporary nosografies allow to maintain an effective orientation in the complexity of the clinical and dynamic evaluation of an individual or a clinical case.

The Course aims to the acquisition of basic concepts of clinical and dynamic psychodiagnostics, the development of the necessary expertise in the formulation of differential diagnosis and the acquisition of clinical and technical language relevant to scientific communication.


After a classification of the fundamental concepts of psychodiagnosis, the psychopathological declinations of the personality will be analyzed starting from the current psychiatric nosography in order to analyze and apply the psychoanalytic psychodiagnostic model. The Course, divided into the diagnostic continuum (testing - interview - clinical interview), will focus on the main screening/assessment tools and the underlying theories, together with all dynamic characteristics of the subjectivity (diagnostician - patient) involved in the evaluating processes and the construction of a diagnostic alliance. The fundamental nodes of the assessment process will be treated in leading to the differential diagnosis and starting from the main psychodiagnostic models.

Particular attention will be paid to the importance of infant psychodiagnostics in the identification of vulnerability factors in the development of subsequent disorders. Lectures will be spent to exemplify clinical cases and practical exercises on the expected assessment. Among these, a specific modular space will be focused on screening and assessment of the psychological trauma in the span of life, even in the migratory context.

Focused module, seminars and lectures will be taken by specialists on topics of current scientific and clinical-diagnostic areas (in English too).

Bridging Courses


Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

The expected results and skills for Dynamic-Clinical Psychodiagnostics are as following:

- knowledge and understanding: knowledge related to theories and models presented and related to the clinical and psychoanalytic diagnostic process. The ability of understanding expected on the proposed concepts related to screening/assesment methods and tools together with the ability of constructing and formulating a clinical-diagnostic reasoning.

- applying knowledge and understanding:  the ability of apply acquired knowledge and concepts to critical reason, according to the discipline logic of the focused areas, even in terms of potential and/or limit of the proposed tools and methods.

- autonomy of judgment (making judgment): ability to apply their knowledge and their ability to understand so as to demonstrate a professional and scientific approach also in interdisciplinarity;

- communication skills: acquiring communication skills using specific disciplinary terminology clearly communicating the meaning of concepts and knowledge learned;

- learning skills: ability of reading scientific papers in clinical-dynamic area and, specifically, acquired management and use of expected clinical, psychoanalytical and scientific terms.

Students have to be able to use the learning-points acquired and to apply them properly to the (clinical) contexts examined.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

Integrative seminars of theoretical and practical focuses and applicative contexts of tools and methods in current scientifics.

Additional learning pdf/ppt and specific communications can be found, together with (eventually) other learning support activities, within the Moodle platform> blended.uniurb.it 

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Lectures (integrated with focused seminars) that will examine theoretical, exemplary and application aspects, promoting an active and critical participation of students.


There is no mandatory of attending the Course but presence at lessons/seminars is strongly recommended for their application contents.

Course books

Course books:

Dazzi, N., Lingiardi, V. & Gazzillo, F. (2009) (a cura di). La diagnosi in psicologia clinica. Personalità e psicopatologia. Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore.

McWilliams, N. (2002). La diagnosi psicoanalitica (II ed. ampliata). Roma: Astrolabio, 2012 

Reichenberg, L.W. (2014). DSM-5. L'essenziale. Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2015

Focused books (optional):

Lucarelli, L., Piperno, F. & Balbo, M. (a cura di) (2008). Metodi e strumenti di valutazione in psicopatologia dello sviluppo. Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore.

Freilone, F. & Valente Torre, L. (2009). Psicopatologia clinica e Rorschach. Torino: UTET.

Barron J.W. (1998). Dare un senso alla diagnosi. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2005.

Nussbaum, A.M. (2013). L'esame diagnostico con il DSM-5. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2014

Hilt, R.J. & Nussbaum, A.M. (2016). L'esame diagnostico con il DSM-5 per bambini e adolescenti. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2017


Written part with oral integration.

Written examination aims at evaluating the acquired knowledge, ability of mastering concepts in the use of specific language and reasoning/integrative clinical abilities. It consists of open-questions (up to 5) about the whole program to be answered in (max) 60 minutes. Oral integrative examination becomes optional if the written part assessment overcomes a minimum of 21/30 vote.

The evaluation criteria will be coherent with the learning skills and the expected outcomes described above.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


There are no differences between attending/non-attending students.


Lessons: lectures and seminars (mainly proposed in Italian language) and an English module. Course books, supplementary papers and the final examination can be attended in English.

Students not attending the Course and/or with different course-program and textbooks can be evaluated on the expected program for the academic year of attending or on the current one (if equal CFU). If possible, it is advisable to notify the professor of the chosen program for the correct formulation of the written part of examination and if the final assessment will be attended in English.

ERASMUS Project students can agree with the professor the examination program, course books and (eventually) to attend the examination in English.

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