Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2019/2020 1
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Angelo Catricalà ---

Assigned to the Degree Course

Primary teacher education (LM-85bis)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The Art Laboratory aims at achieving the following objectives:

  • Knowledge and application of the fundamental elements of the semantics of representation in order to emancipate themselves from the forms of the stereotype;
  • Knowledge and recognition of learning according to the practice and according to the poiesis;
  • Building a Didactic Unit.


The activities will be organised as follows:

First lesson:

  • Topics: brief introduction to the construction of a Didactic Unit; genesis of the representation according to the basic elements of the point and of the line; critical analysis of the activity carried out;
  • Field of experience: laboratory activity transposed according to the methodological criteria of the Didactic unit;
  • Point of view: pedagogical (responsibility and intentionality of the formative processes);
  • Specific problems: learning of the semantics of representation; learning according to the practice and according to the poiesi;
  • Skills: create the basic path of an art didactic unit; competence in using the basic elements of the representation;
  • Difficulty: apperception of the educational value of the basic elements of the representation; distinction between praxis and poiesi;
  • Exercise: individual laboratory activity taken by B. Munari, Viaggio nella fantasia; recording of activities carried out on predefined grids;
  • Competenze: creare il percorso base di una unità didattica di arte; competenza nell'utilizzo degli elementi base della rappresentazione;
  • Criticità: appercezione del valore formativo degli elementi base della rappresentazione; distinzione fra prassi e poiesi;
  • Esercitazione: attività laboratoriale individuale ripresa da B. Munari, Viaggio nella fantasia; registrazione delle attività svolte su griglie predisposte;

Second lesson:

  • Topic: compensatory path related to the didactic unit; genesis of the advanced representation according to the basic elements of the point and the line that are functional to the overcoming of the stereotyped form;
  • Field of experience: laboratory activity transposed according to the methodological criteria of the Didactic unit;
  • Point of view: pedagogical (responsibility and intentionality of the formative processes);

·  Specific problems: overcoming the stereotype through the methodological use of the basic elements of the graphical representation;

·  Skills: create a compensatory path of an art didactic unit using the same elements of the basic path;

·  Difficulty: apperception of the educational value of the basic elements of the representation; distinction between praxis and poiesi; apperception of the educational value of the basic elements of representation to gain enhanced learning;

·  Exercise: group workshop activity taken by B. Munari, Come disegnare un albero; recording of activities carried out on predefined grids;

Third lesson:

  • Topic: presentation of the students’work assigned by the teacher; discussion and collective correction;
  • Specific problems: discuss effectively about activities and contents dealt during the wokshop;
  • Skills: demonstrate to know and understand the acquired potential of basic graphic activity for  elementary and advanced learning

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it


Bibliography that can be consulted (not compulsory):

  • Martini B., Didattiche disciplinari, Pitagora, Bologna, 2000;
  • Michelini M.C., L'Unità Didattica, in Unità di apprendimento e programmazione, a cura di M. Baldacci, Tecnodid, Napoli, 2006;
  • Munari B., Design e comunicazione visiva, Laterza, Bari 2018 [testo adottato in Storia dell'arte moderna e didattica dell'arte];
  • Munari B., Fantasia, Laterza, Bari 2017 [testo adottato in Storia dell'arte moderna e didattica dell'arte];
  • Munari B., Come disegnare un albero, Corraini, Mantova 2014;
  • Munari B., Viaggio nella fantasia, Corraini, Mantova 1992.
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