Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2019/2020 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Alessandra Cattaneo It is received at the end of the lessons by appointment. For the request please send an email to: alessandra.cattaneo@uniurb.it
Teaching in foreign languages
Course with optional materials in a foreign language English
This course is entirely taught in Italian. Study materials can be provided in the foreign language and the final exam can be taken in the foreign language.

Assigned to the Degree Course

Conservation and Restauration of Cultural Heritage (LMR/02)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course intends to provide the basics of theory and history of restoration and a more complete picture of the main themes of protection and conservation, illustrating the basic concepts of safeguarding the historical, urban and territorial environment, and movable  property.

In addition, specific, theoretical and practical insights will be carried out on topics concerning both the Italian legal framework of protection and the technical aspects such as those related to the programmed maintenance procedures of the cultural heritage. Exemplary restoration cases will be illustrated to stimulate critical reflection in students.

POINTS “A”,“B” “C” After an introduction to the complex case of restoration with historical, legislative and regulatory implications (restoration papers, international conventions, issues related to the organization of inventories and cataloguing etc.), in the second part of the course, POINTS " D "," E "," F "and" G " will be dealt with all those topics that start to the most specific design practices; To those standards, that is,of preparation for the restoration plan by analyzing the multiple aspects of documentary collection and direct study - with specific arrangements for a correct illustration, description, characterization and thematic representation (historical, structural and deterioration) to conclude , with a third part at the POINT "H" where it will be general criteria and current trends for the design and implementation of restoration through Italian and foreign exemplary cases.


A01  Definitions and basic terminology of restoration (2 hours)

A02 The field of restoration, from the single object to the territory (2 hours)

A03 Disciplinary skills of architect, restorer, art historian and archeologist (1 hour)

A04 The restoration between the late antiquity and the Middle Ages  (2 hours)

A05 The Renaissance and Baroque restoration  (2 hours)

A06 The restoration between the Eighteenth Century and the Neoclassicism  (2 hours)

A07 The Nineteenth Century in France: Eugène Emmanuel Viollet-Le-Duc  (2 hours)

A08 John Ruskin and the conservative position  (2 hours)

A09 The historic restoration: Luca Beltrami  (2 hours)

A10 The philological restoration: Camillo Boito  (2 hours)

A11 The scientific restoration: Gustavo Giovannoni and the Roman school  (2 hours)

A12 Critical Restoration and Theory of Cesare Brandi  (2 hours)

A13 Current problems and trends: central position, restoration as pure conservation, restorative tendency  (2 hours)

A14 Archeology and Restoration  (2 hours)

B01   Brief summary of the Italian Legislative Framework on Protection  (2 hours)

C01 International organizations  (2 hours)

D01 Preliminary studies: Act of Knowledge; Bibliographic research, historical - archival and direct observation (1 hour)

D02 Preliminary investigation of the subject that will be undergoing restoration: sketches and graphical syntheses useful for preliminary reading (1 hour)

D03 Graphic documentation (1 hour)

D04 Photography and photographic documentation (1 hour)

D05 The work plane (1 hour)

D06 The historical, structural, metrological investigation (1 hour)

D07 The deterioration study; Causes and proposals for intervention (1 hour)

E01 The issues of conservation and valorisation (1 hour)

E02 The vulnerability and critical situations of cultural heritage (1 hour)

E03 Prevention and Maintenance (1 hour)

F01 Short overview of management modes: principles and strategies (1 hour)

F02 The influence of management choices on conservation (1 hour)

G01 The restoration project in professional practice  (2 hours)

G02 The Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape: aspects of fundamental interest to the professional who is planning to draw up a restoration project (2 hours)

Bridging Courses


Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

The student will be evaluated:

1) on the ability to be able to express a critical independent judgment based on sound scientific bases on the reading of the monuments;

2) the ability to learn and understand the notions of the discipline of the history of architecture in order to make them part of their cultural baggage;

3) the ability to collect, synthesize and interpret scientifically the collected data relating to the study of a monument;

4) the communicative ability to express their thoughts with appropriate terminology;

5 ) the ability to be able to graphically return a critical and direct reading of the monuments.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

During the course, the teaching material will be distributed electronically.

In addition, bibliographical references will be provided on the specific topics discussed for further details.

The teaching material and the teacher's specific communications can be found, together with other support activities, within the

Moodle platform > blended.uniurb.it

Along with the students, any visits to the Urbino monuments will be agreed to jointly verify the acquired knowledge.

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


In order to refine the manual skills of the students, during the course, concrete graphic exercises will be performed, during which, the theoretical assumptions of the course can be verified. Students will be guided to the reading - for example, of the object analyzed in laboratory exercises – to the production of a opportune photographic documentation, the collection of all the sketches necessary to understand the state of facts but, above all, to the drawing up of direct relief graphs, produced in opportune scale, that allows the implementation of a model on which it will be easy to draw up the pre-established design objectives for solving the main restoration problems.

In order to pass the exam, it is mandatory for each student to prepare a term paper that will cover the critical historical analysis of a monument, and the choice of the latter will be agreed with the teacher. The term paper must be delivered in digital format at least 10 days before the exam.


Class attendance is appreciated

Course books

Reference text:

G. CARBONARA, Avvicinamento al restauro. Teoria, storia, monumenti, Liguori, Napoli, 1997, pp. 5 - 323.

Deepening texts:

C. BRANDI, Teoria del restauro, Einaudi, Torino, 1977

S.A. CURUNI, Guida allo studio diretto dell’edificio storico – Appunti di anatomia dell’architettura per l’intervento di restauro, Plus, Pisa, 2009.

A. CATTANEO, S.A. CURUNI, N. SANTOPUOLI, L’utilità della fotografia per l’interpretazione dell’organismo architettonico, ed. Felici, Pisa, 2014.


The exam is oral and individual and will verify the overall knowledge of the student on all the topics covered during the course, referring to the texts of a general nature indicated in the bibliography. For students who attend classes after an interview on the topics discussed in the lessons and in the basic bibliography, we will go to the discussion of the exercises carried out during the semester and to the illustration of a term paper covering the critical historical analysis of a monument. The choice of the latter will be agreed with the teacher.

The evaluation criteria are: the level of mastery of the topics covered; the degree of articulation of the answers; the ability to know how to apply a method for studying a monument; the ability to know how to express a critical judgment.

The oral test will take into account the judgment of the essay and will be evaluated in thirtieths.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


In order to pass the exam, it is mandatory for each student to prepare a term paper that will cover the critical historical analysis of a monument, and the choice of the latter will be agreed with the teacher.

The term paper must be delivered in digital format at least 10 days before the exam.


Class attendance is appreciated

Course books

Reference texts:

G. CARBONARA, Avvicinamento al restauro. Teoria, storia, monumenti, Liguori, Napoli, 1997, pp. 5 - 323.

C. BRANDI, Teoria del restauro, Einaudi, Torino, 1977

Deepening texts:

S.A. CURUNI, Guida allo studio diretto dell’edificio storico – Appunti di anatomia dell’architettura per l’intervento di restauro, Plus, Pisa, 2009.

A. CATTANEO, S.A. CURUNI, N. SANTOPUOLI, L’utilità della fotografia per l’interpretazione dell’organismo architettonico, ed. Felici, Pisa, 2014.


The verification of the results achieved by the students will be conducted by individual examination. After an interview on the topics discussed in the lessons and in the basic bibliography, we will go to the discussion of a term paper covering the critical historical analysis of a monument. The choice of the latter will be agreed with the teacher.

The evaluation criteria are: the level of mastery of the topics covered; the degree of articulation of the answers; the ability to know how to apply a method for studying a monument; the ability to know how to express a critical judgment.

The oral test will take into account the judgment of the essay and will be evaluated in thirtieths.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.


The students will be appreciated who, although are not attending, will carry during examination the practices carried out from the colleagues attending during the course. The didactic material in order to carry out them can be found within the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
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