Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


Modalities of scientific discovery
Modalità della scoperta scientifica

A.Y. Credits
2019/2020 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Isabella Tassani Individual tutorials: Eventual preliminary talks will be on Tuesday after lectures. Wednesday (10-11) after lectures, or when they are requested by students (upon agreement fixed by e-mail).
Teaching in foreign languages
Course partially taught in a foreign language English
This course is taught partially in Italian and partially in a foreign language. Study materials can be provided in the foreign language and the final exam can be taken in the foreign language.

Assigned to the Degree Course

Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

How scientific revolution and the age of Enlightenment were influential emerges clearly, through the history of longitude’s measurement. In the seventeenth and eighteenth century, in fact, an ancient practical problem became an intellectual challenge for many scientists, like Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton, a sort of epic dilemma or very discussed scientific question. So, through the story of longitude’s calculus, the course is designed to develop a more general epistemological reflection on modalities of scientific research.

The course is designed to improve the student’s awareness of how scientific discovery represents a punctum dolens for neo-positivist epistemologists, who are above all in search of “the logic” of discovery in the “justification context”. Their successors, instead, deny that scientific discovery can be completely explained by rationality. They emphasize the relevant role of the historical context and even of not always rational dynamics of explanation, fruit of the divergent thinking, of an intuition, of an unexpected observation or of the recognition of an “anomaly” (according to a Thomas Kuhn’s definition).

The course intends to emphasize how epistemological questions are influenced by many recent psychological studies on modalities of our understanding and above all on cognitive bias, which could be explained by biological origins of our species.

Finally, the course is designed to improve the student’s awareness of the fact that a meaningful contribution to the debate can be given by darwinian evolutionistic theories, that underscore the relevant role of chance in biological explanation. What can we learn by the evolutionistic perspective on discovery and human intelligence? In fact, these are within the bounds of lows of conservation of the species and of the natural selection, on the one hand, but also fruit of the individual creativity, on the other.

The reading of the proposed texts and a critical analysis of theoretical concepts will help students appreciate epistemological debate on discovery and, above all, on topics such as logic and heuristic of scientific research, evolutionism.

Knowing theoretical and philosophical concepts which are at the basis of modern scientific theories is essential if a student’s curriculum is to be complete.


The following topics will be studied, in the subsequent order:

1. The definition of “scientific discovery”, through the history of longitude’s measurement.

2. Epistemology of discovery: does the “logic” of scientific discovery exist? Epistemological debate on “context of justification” vs. “context of discovery”; the role of intuition and of  misleading ideas in discovery (T. Kuhn).

3. Psychology of scientific discovery: cognitive bias, methodological opportunities and divergent thinking (T. Kuhn, D. Kahneman).

4. Darwinian evolutionistic perspectives and the role of “chance” in biological explanation. Natural selection and conservation of the species. Human intelligence and discovery in evolutionistic perspectives.

Bridging Courses

There are no pre-requisites for this course.

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

Knowledge and understanding:

After the course, the student is expected to have acquired basic knowledge of the historical and epistemological debate on the conceptual foundations of modern science (theories, questions, methods, scientific instruments). The student is expected to understand elementary and basic philosophical and scientific texts, to face the main classic historical and epistemological questions, to use bibliographies and information systems tools, to know some aspects that will be informed by knowledge of the forefront of his field of study.

Applying knowledge and understanding:

The student is expected to understand and apply his knowledge, to use his problem solving abilities in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to his field of study, particularly to face the philosophical questions presents in the history of science. The student is expected to understand the concepts and the theories put forward during the lectures, to be able to put them to use in his own research. The student is expected to be able to demonstrate he has acquired the numerous historical and epistemological interrelations between scientific theories and philosophical conceptions. The student is expected to be able to use appropriately historical and epistemological terms, in teaching or within a research context, and to have acquired the skills necessary to argue effectively.

Making judgements:

The student is expected to have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (within his field of study) to inform judgements that include reflection on relevant social and scientific issues. The student is expected to be able to demonstrate he has acquired the skills necessary to analyse the texts proposed critically and to elaborate on them personally, making personal judgements. The student is expected to have acquired a correct methodological awareness and to be able to recognize autonomously the main interpretative schools of thought behind history of science.

Communication skills:

The student is expected to be able to demonstrate he has acquired the skills necessary to communicate his conclusions clearly and unambiguously, to specialist and non-specialist audiences, particularly on the main historical, scientific and epistemological debates. The student is expected to communicate on the concepts and the theories put forward during the lectures.

Learning skills:

The student is expected to be able to demonstrate he has acquired awareness of the complexity of the historical and epistemological events, so to study them autonomously. The student is expected to have developed the learning skills to allow him to continue to study in a manner that may be largely self-directed or autonomous.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

No activities are provided to support the teaching.

The teaching material and specific communication from the lecturer can be found, together with other supporting activities, inside the Moodle platform >blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Frontal lectures, comments and, where appropriate, debates on questions which are of particular interest to the students, only if they are pertinent to the course.


There are no specific attendance rules. The student is expected to have achieved the formative objectives in the course of his Triennial Degree.

Course books

In addition to the slides and other electronic teaching material eventually made available by the lecturer inside the Moodle platform, lectures will be on the following books, articles or parts of books:

1) D. Sobel, Longitude. The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time, London, Harper Perennial, 2007.

2) D. Wootton, “Knowledge is power”, in The Invention of Science. A New History of the Scientific Revolution, London, Penguin Books, 2016, pp. 476-489.

3) T. Kuhn, “The Historical Structure of Scientific Discovery”, Science, 1962, 136, pp. 760-764.

4) D. Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow, Allen Lane, London, 2011, Introduction, Chapter I.

5) E. Mayr, What Makes Biology Unique? Considerations on the Autonomy of a Scientific Discipline, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004.

6) E. Mayr, The Growth of Biological Thought. Diversity, Evolution and Inheritance, Massachusetts, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2000.


Oral exams, which enable the examiner to evaluate to what extent the formative objectives have been achieved by the students. The final mark will be determined by taking into account not only of the knowledge acquired by the student (theories, questions, methods, scientific instruments), but also of his skills in using conceptual and bibliographical tools, also in new or unfamiliar environments, of his ability to use specific terms, to interpret texts critically and to argue effectively. Active participation in the classroom will also contribute to the final evaluation. Autonomous judgements will be particularly well-appreciated.

All this criteria (in terms of knowledge and understanding, applying knowledge and understanding, making judgements, communication skills, learning skills) will have egual wheight in the assessment, and will be well distinguished on a scale of four levels (not sufficient, sufficient, good, excellent). A sufficiently clear exposition, using adeguatly specific terms, of the basic contents, concepts and methods will be sufficient to pass the examination (18/30). Definitely, the final mark will be expressed on a range from 18/30 to 30/30.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


Students that do not attend lectures will study on their own (individually or with others) according to the directions of this Vademecum and will be in contact with the lecturer by e-mail.


A hard and careful study is required.

Course books

Students that do not attend lectures will follow this programme, in order to prepare to better for exams. In addition to the slides and other electronic teaching material eventually made available by the lecturer inside the Moodle platform, students will study the following books, articles or parts of books:

1) D. Sobel, Longitude. The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time, London, Harper Perennial, 2007.

2) D. Wootton, “Knowledge is power”, in The Invention of Science. A New History of the Scientific Revolution, London, Penguin Books, 2016, pp. 476-489.

3) T. Kuhn, “The Historical Structure of Scientific Discovery”, Science, 1962, 136, pp. 760-764.

4) D. Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow, Allen Lane, London, 2011, Introduction, Chapter I.

5) E. Mayr, What Makes Biology Unique? Considerations on the Autonomy of a Scientific Discipline, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004.

6) E. Mayr, The Growth of Biological Thought. Diversity, Evolution and Inheritance, Massachusetts, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2000.


Oral exams, which enable the examiner to evaluate to what extent the formative objectives have been achieved by the students. The final mark will be determined by taking into account not only of the knowledge acquired by the student (theories, questions, methods, scientific instruments), but also of his skills in using conceptual and bibliographical tools, also in new or unfamiliar environments, of his ability to use specific terms, to interpret texts critically and to argue effectively. Autonomous judgements will be particularly well-appreciated.

All this criteria (in terms of knowledge and understanding, applying knowledge and understanding, making judgements, communication skills, learning skills) will have egual wheight in the assessment, and will be well distinguished on a scale of four levels (not sufficient, sufficient, good, excellent). A sufficiently clear exposition, using adeguatly specific terms, of the basic contents, concepts and methods will be sufficient to pass the examination (18/30). Definitely, the final mark will be expressed on a range from 18/30 to 30/30.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

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