Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


From 'Miles gloriosus' to 'L'Italiana in Algeri': dramaturgical paths between Plautus and Rossini
Dal 'Miles gloriosus' all''Italiana in Algeri': percorsi drammaturgici fra Plauto e Rossini

A.Y. Credits
2019/2020 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Roberto Mario Danese by appointment by email
Teaching in foreign languages
Course with optional materials in a foreign language English French Spanish
This course is entirely taught in Italian. Study materials can be provided in the foreign language and the final exam can be taken in the foreign language.

Assigned to the Degree Course

Humanities. Literature, Arts and Philosophy (L-10)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The students will have to understand the relationship between ancient and modern culture, in order to acquire the linguistic, hermeneutical and cognitive tools for the investigation of any creative phenomenon of our time. They will also be able to read and interpret ancient literary texts, comparing them with the various 'rewrites' in later periods


1. The concept of reception of classical cultures in modern and contemporary age.

2. Samples of contemporary remakes of ancient texts: literature, graphic novels, theater, cinema.

3. Plautus and his influence on modern theater.

4-11. Plautus' MIles gloriosus: reading and translation of excepts from the comedy; dramaturgical analysis.

12. Rossini's Musical Theater and L'Italiana in Algeri: (Project Crescendo per Rossini).

13. Dramaturgical Analogies betweem Miles and Italiana.

14. Staging the Miles gloriosus today.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

The teaching activity will be supplemented by lectures and conferences offered by the Rossini Opera Festival (ROF) and the Rossini Foundation, as part of the Project Crescendo per Rossini

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Frontal lessons, seminars and workshops.

Course books

Books and didactic instruments related to the points of the program

Points 1-3: classroom work and slides

Points 5-11: Plautus, Miles gloriosus (any translation with latin text). 

Points 12-13:

C. Questa, Miles gloriosus, in C. Questa, Sei letture plautine, Urbino 2004, pp. 76-97

C. Questa, Il ratto dal serraglio, Urbino, Quattroventi 1997

Point 14:

R. M. Danese, Plauto sul palcoscenico della contemporaneità. Appunti per una palliata italiana: Asinaria e Miles gloriosus, "PAN" n.s. 3, 2014, pp. 149-168 (an electronic text will be provided on Blended Learning)

Ludi Plautini Sarsinates I. Personaggi in scena: il Miles, a cura di G. Bandini e C. Pentericci, Roma, Carocci 2018

Suggested integrative readings:

Lecturae Plautinae Sarsinates. XII. Miles gloriosus, Urbino 2009

L. Hutcheon, A Theory of Adaptation, NY and London 2006

M. Bettini, Per un'antropologia dell'intreccio, Urbino 1991   


Two stages of assessement:

1) A written test on the themes developed during the lessons. The test will be evaluated with a score of thirty.

2) An oral exam on the text of MIles gloriosus and a discussion on the written text. The test will be evaluated with a score of thirty.

The final grade is the average of the marks obtained in each test

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students

Course books

Books and didactic instruments related to the points of the program

Points 1-3: classroom work and slides

Points 5-11: Plautus, Miles gloriosus (any translation with latin text). 

Points 12-13:

C. Questa, Miles gloriosus, in C. Questa, Sei letture plautine, Urbino 2004, pp. 76-97

C. Questa, Il ratto dal serraglio, Urbino, Quattroventi 1997

Point 14:

R. M. Danese, Plauto sul palcoscenico della contemporaneità. Appunti per una palliata italiana: Asinaria e Miles gloriosus, "PAN" n.s. 3, 2014, pp. 149-168 (an electronic text will be provided on Blended Learning)

Ludi Plautini Sarsinates I. Personaggi in scena: il Miles, a cura di G. Bandini e C. Pentericci, Roma, Carocci 2018

Further readings:

Lecturae Plautinae Sarsinates. XII. Miles gloriosus, Urbino 2009

L. Hutcheon, A Theory of Adaptation, NY and London 2006

M. Bettini, Per un'antropologia dell'intreccio, Urbino 1991   


Two stages of assessement:

1) A written test on the topics contained in the Program information. The test will be evaluated with a score of thirty.

2) An oral exam on the text of MIles gloriosus and a discussion on the written text. The test will be evaluated with a score of thirty.

The final grade is the average of the marks obtained in each test

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.


The course is mainly held in Italian.

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