Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2020/2021 9
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Michele Veltri friday 11:30-13:30
Teaching in foreign languages
Course with optional materials in a foreign language English
This course is entirely taught in Italian. Study materials can be provided in the foreign language and the final exam can be taken in the foreign language.

Assigned to the Degree Course

Applied Informatics (L-31)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The objective of this course is to give the student a basic knowledge of general physics with emphasis on classical mechanics and electromagnetism.


01. Introduction to the scientific method

01.01 Physical quantities

01.02 The International System of units of measure

01.03 Measurements

01.04 Dimensional equations

01.05 Order of magnitude estimates

02. One-dimensional motion
02.01 Basic Concepts
02.02 The kinematic equation of motion
02.03 Average speed and instantaneous speed
02.04 Average acceleration and instantaneous acceleration

02.05 Space-Time diagrams

02.06 Uniform rectilinear motion
02.07 Uniformly variable rectilinear motion
02.08 Free fall motion 

03. Vectors
03.01 Coordinate systems
03.02 Scalar and vector quantites
03.03 Vector operations
03.04 Vector components and unit vectors

04. Two and three dimensional motion
04.01 Position, displacement, velocity and accelaration vectors
04.02 Projectile motion 
04.03 Circular motion
04.04 Tangent and central acceleration

05. Dynamics
05.01 First principle of Dynamics
05.02 Second principle of Dynamics

05.03 Resultant force, equilibrium, contraints and their reactions
05.04 Third principle of Dynamics (Action and Reaction)
05.05 Momentum and impulse

05.06 Conservation of momentum

05.07 Mass and weight

06. Application of dynamics principles
06.01 Motion on an inclined plane
06.02 Frictional forces: static friction and kinetic friction
06.03 Motion in a viscous fluid

06.04 Simple harmonic motion  

06.05 The elastic force

06.06 Motion of a mass attached to a spring

06.07 Simple pendulum

06.08 The weight in a lift

06.10 Circular motion dynamics

07. Work and energy
07.01 Work

07.02 Power 
07.03 Kinetic energy, theorem of kinetic energy
07.04 Work of the elastic force 

07.05 Work of the force of gravity

07.06 Work done by friction
07.07 Potential energy 

07.08 Conservative forces
07.09 Conservation of mechanical energy

08. Gravitation
08.01 Kepler laws
08.02 Newton's universal law of gravitation

08.03 Angular momentum and its conservation

08.04 Satellite motion
08.05 The gravitational field

08.06 Gravitational potential energy

08.07 Inertial and gravitational mass

09. The electric charge
09.01 The electric charge
09.02 Conductors and insulators

09.03 Electrical induction
09.04 Coulomb's law
09.05 Quantization and conservation of the electric charge

10. The electric field
10.01 The electric field
10.02 Electric field lines

10.03 Electric dipole
10.04 Motion of a point charge in a uniform electric field
10.05 Electric potential energy and potential

11. Gauss's Law

11.01 Flux of the electric field
11.02 Gauss's law 

11.03 Calculation of electric fields using the Gauss's law

11.04 Properties of a conductor in electrostatic equilibrium

12. Capacitance and capacitors
12.01 Capacitance

12.02 Parallel plate capacitor
12.03 Capacitors in series and parallel
12.04 Energy of the electric field
12.05 Capacitors with dielectrics

13. Electric current
13.01  Electric current
13.02 Resistance
13.03 Ohm's law 

13.04 Joule effect

14. Direct Current Circuits
14.01 Resistors in series and parallel
14.02 Electromotive force
12.07 Kirchhoff's law 
12.08 RC circuits

15. Magnetic field
15.01 The magnetic field
15.02 Lorentz's force
15.03 Motion of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field
15.04 Magnetic force on a current-carrying wire

16. Sources of the magnetic field

16.01 The gauss law for the magnetic field

16.02 Biot-Savart law
16.03 Magnetic field produced by a wire carrying current
16.04 Forces between current-carrying wires 

16.05 Ampère's law
16.06 Solenoid magnetic field

17. Time varying electric and magnetic fields
17.01 Electromagnetic induction and Faraday law

17.02 Lenz's law

17.03 Induced EMF in a moving conductor

17.03 Inductance
17.04 RL circuits
17.05 Energy of the magnetic field

18. Electromagnetic waves

18.01 Displacement current

18.02 The Ampère-Maxwell law
18.03 Maxwell's equations
18.04 Electromagnetic waves

Bridging Courses

Although there are no mandatory prerequisites for this exam, students are strongly recommended to take it after Calculus.

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

  • Knowledge and Understanding
  • On completion successful students will be able to understand the basic concepts of classical mechanics and thermodynamics. In particular: Newton's laws, work, energy, conservation of energy, the principles of thermodynamics.
  • Applying Knowledge and Understanding
  • The student will be able to understand phenomena related to classical mechanics and thermodynamics and to solve simple problems on these subjects.
  • Making Judgements
  • The student will be able to recognize a physical phenomenon and the laws which govern it, to understand the most relevant physical quantities involved and to give an estimate of them.
  • Communication Skills
  • The student will have to know how to communicate in a rigorous and effective way the concepts learnt during the course.
  • Learning Skills
  • The acquired knowledge will allow the student to further study the classical physics and to apply the methodologies of physical sciences to other subjects.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Theory lectures and exercises


Although recommended, course attendance is not mandatory.


Written exam and oral exam. The written exam (duration 3 hours) consists of two exercises on different subjects of the course. It is passed if the mark (which is valid for all the exam calls of the same academic year) is at least 15/30. The oral exam can be taken only if the written exam is passed. The final mark is the weighted average of the written and the oral marks with weights 1/3 and 2/3, respectively.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students

Course books

Suggested text books (choose one of the three proposed):                           - R. A. Serway e J. W. Jewett Jr, "Fisica per Scienze ed Ingegneria" - vol I e vol. II , EdiSES,  2015                                                                                                  
- Halliday, Resnick, Walker, "Fondamenti di Fisica", Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2015


The old exam tests can be found here

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
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