Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


Language Assistant Email Office hours for students
Maria Lucia De Paoli

Assigned to the Degree Course

Modern Languages and Cultures (L-11)
Curriculum: AZIENDALE
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

Level B1  Independent User

The aim of the course is to bring students to a full B1 level as described in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). In addition, students will be exposed to a range of business topics while focusing on the development of practical written and oral skills essential to performing effectively in the international workplace.

The global scale of the common reference of the CEFR defines level B1's user capable of the following linguistic skills:

  • Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.

  • Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken.

  • Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest.

  • Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

The CEFR describe level B1's user capable of carrying out the following linguistic skills:

  • Understanding - Listening 

I can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. I can understand the main point of many radio or TV programmes on current affairs or topics of personal or professional interest when the delivery is relatively slow and clear.

  • Understanding - Reading

I can understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language. I can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters.

  • Speaking – Spoken interaction

I can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. I can enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current events).

  • Speaking – Spoken production

I can connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe experiences and events, my dreams, hopes and ambitions. I can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and

plans. I can narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film and describe my reactions.

  • Writing – Writing

I can write simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. I can write personal letters describing experiences and impressions..


The aim of the course is to bring students to a full B1 level as described in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). In addition, students will be exposed to a range of business topics while focusing on the development of practical written and oral skills essential to performing effectively in the international workplace.

- Readings and discussions related to business-related topics such as business fundamentals, corporate culture, customer support, products and packaging, careers, making deals, company and community, mergers and acquisitions, international trade.

- The systematic presentation of vocabulary related to areas of business English such as: work organization and responsibility; customer service and telephoning; specifications and measurements; careers, personal skills and qualities; negotiating and retailing; meetings, ethical behavior and social performance; business performance; international deals and payments.

- Basic practical writing tasks in business: e.g. e-mails (enquiries, replies, requests, orders and reminders); product descriptions; company profiles; descriptions of graphs, writing a CV, etc.

- Oral communication in a range of business situations: meetings, dealing with problems by telephone, presentations, job interviews, negotiating and bargaining, presentations and negotiations.

- B1 level grammar topics: the present simple and present continuous; the present perfect simple and continuous; the past simple and continuous, the past perfect; should, ought to, it’s a good idea to; yes/no questions, Wh-questions; have to, might have to, need to; defining and non-defining relative clauses; the definite and indefinite articles; first, second and third conditionals; the passive; reported speech; the future forms: will, going to and the present continuous; expressing likelihood: could, may , might, be likely/unlikely to , be bound to; prepositions; phrasal verbs. etc.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the language assistant in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the language assistant specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment

Course books

Testi di studio

1) Dummet, P., Lansford, L., & Stephenson, H.  Keynote Intermediate. Student’s Book, United Kingdom. National Geographic Learning, 2016.

EAN: 9781305399099

2) Dummet, P., Lansford, L., & Stephenson, H.  Keynote Intermediate. Workbook, United Kingdom. National Geographic Learning, 2016.

EAN: 9781305578326


Grammar book

Murphy, Raymond. English Grammar in Use with Answers and ebook: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Students of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 4° edition, 2012 / 5° edition 2019.

ISBN: 9781108586627

Additional course materials may be made available throughout the year on blended.uniurb.it


The testi di studio and grammar books are available at the book shop in Urbino. If you cannot buy the books directly, please contact me.

We will start using the above books in class from the 12 October.

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