Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2021/2022 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Luca Odini The lecturer receives students, by appointment, before or after classes in the Department, via Bramante 17, or online, by email to luca.odini@uniurb.it.

Assigned to the Degree Course

Pedagogy (LM-85)
Curriculum: COMUNE
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course aims to examine the main pedagogical theories of the twentieth century from a critical historical perspective. 
The analysis of the themes will be carried out through an itinerary that will focus on the fundamental themes of the history of pedagogy in the twentieth century and will examine some of them in particular. 
The thought of Antonio Banfi will also be analysed, showing the complex production of this author who was not only a valuable interpreter of his time, but also a profound theorist of pedagogical knowledge whose attitudes and constructs can also illuminate the present day.
In particular, the first part will deal with:
- Active education, the "new schools" and the theorists of activism
- Italian idealism, Gentile, Lombardo Radice, Codignola
- John Dewey
- Gramsci, Labriola and Marxist pedagogy 
- Personalism and Christian pedagogy
- Towards the sciences of education
- Borghi, Lombardo Radice, Manacorda and pedagogy in the second half of the 20th century
- Around '68: Lapassade, Illich, and Bertin
- Contemporary perspectives

Concerning the second part 
- The philosophy of education by A. Banfi


I.    Pedagogies of the twentieth century (Lessons 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9)
1.    Active education, the 'new schools' and the activist theorists (lecture 1)
2.    The Italian idealism, Gentile, Lombardo Radice, Codignola (lecture 2)
3.    John Dewey (lecture 3)
4.    Gramsci, Labriola and Marxist pedagogy (lecture 4)
5.    Personalism and Christian education (Sec. 5)
6.    Towards educational sciences (section 6)
7.    Borghi, Lombardo Radice, Manacorda and pedagogy in the second half of the twentieth century (lecture 7)
8.    Around '68: Lapassade, Illich, and Bertin (lesson 8)
9.    Contemporary perspectives (lecture 8)

II.    The philosophy of education of A. Banfi (Lessons 9-10-11-12)

Bridging Courses

Not planned

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

In relation to the History of Pedagogy, at the end of the course the student should demonstrate proficiency in:
Knowledge and understanding.
Advanced knowledge of the main pedagogical theories of the twentieth century;
an understanding of the critical historical method applied to the key concepts of the history of pedagogy covered in the course;
Knowledge of the theoretical contribution of the main authors on the topics addressed;
knowledge and understanding of the pedagogical thought of A. Banfi.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
Show the ability to understand and contextualise the main pedagogical theories of the twentieth century within their historical context;
to demonstrate the ability to use knowledge and concepts of the critical historical method in the direct reading of sources;
be able to identify the main pedagogical theories from the texts.
Autonomy of judgements (making judgements):
to recognise themes and problems in the history of pedagogy in the twentieth century;
to critically evaluate pedagogical theories from a historical-critical perspective;
to be able to interpret the texts of authors from the perspective of the constructs studied;
critically evaluate acquired knowledge and concepts also in relation to particular contexts and situations.
Communication skills
to express clearly the contents of the course, explaining their meaning;
to communicate through the use of discipline-specific language;
to argue about themes and problems using the vocabulary of the historical pedagogical approach.

Learning skills
to use knowledge and concepts to reason according to the specific logic of the historical pedagogical discipline;  
to use acquired knowledge and concepts to favour connections within the pedagogical discourse;
to move independently in the study of texts and didactic materials provided;
reworking acquired concepts in a personal and critical perspective.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


The course is spread over two days per week.

Depending on the topics dealt with, the lessons may be face-to-face, dialogue-based, so as to encourage students to reflect with the lecturer, group work, exercises and simulations, individual or otherwise, seminars.


Not required

Course books

Cambi F. (2005), Le pedagogie del Novecento, Editori Laterza, Roma-Bari.

The following chapter:

a) Identità del Novecento e ruolo della pedagogia (pp. 3-14)

b)    L’avventura dell’attivissmo (pp. 14-37)

c) Nuove teorie pedagogiche: l’idealismo italiano (pp. 37-51)

d)    Tra pragmatismo e strumentalismo: la pedagogia di John Dewey (pp. 51-61)

e) Modelli di pedagogia marxista (pp. 61-72)

f) La pedagogia cristiana e il personalismo (pp. 72-89)

g)    Totalitarismi e educazione (pp. 89-96)

h)    Dalla pedagogia alle scienze dell’educazione (pp. 111-118)

i) «Guerra fredda» e pedagogia (pp. 118-129)

j) Il ’68: critica ideologica dell’educazione e pedagogie radicali (pp. 142-153)

k)    «Mass media» e educazione (pp. 159-165)

l) Verso il XXI secolo (pp. 180-197)

A. Banfi (2021), La filosofia dell’educazioneIntroduzione e cura di M. Baldacci, Edizioni Conoscenza, Roma.

The following chapter:

a) La crisi culturale e la filosofia dell’educazione di A. Banfi (pp. 7-49)

b)    Schemi inediti di filosofia dell’educazione (pp. 57-67)

c) Dell’educazione (pp. 115-121)

d)    Da Princìpi di una teoria della ragione (pp. 121-145)

e) Schema inedito di Filosofia dell’Educazione (pp. 175-177)

f) Dal Sommario di pedagogia (pp. 197-208)


The expected objectives are verified through an oral interview.
The assessment criteria are as follows 
- relevance and effectiveness of the answers in relation to the programme content
- articulation of the answer
- appropriateness of the disciplinary language used
- The ability to critically discuss the topics covered is also an important requirement. 
The final assessment is expressed in thirtieths. 

Optional self-assessment tests (distance learning) and an in-class test at the end of the course are planned. The latter consists of a written paper comprising three open-ended questions.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


The course is spread over two days per week.

Depending on the topics dealt with, the lessons may be face-to-face, dialogue-based, so as to encourage students to reflect with the lecturer, group work, exercises and simulations, individual or otherwise, seminars.


Not required

Course books

Cambi F. (2005), Le pedagogie del Novecento, Editori Laterza, Roma-Bari.

The following chapter:

a) Identità del Novecento e ruolo della pedagogia (pp. 3-14)

b)    L’avventura dell’attivissmo (pp. 14-37)

c) Nuove teorie pedagogiche: l’idealismo italiano (pp. 37-51)

d)    Tra pragmatismo e strumentalismo: la pedagogia di John Dewey (pp. 51-61)

e) Modelli di pedagogia marxista (pp. 61-72)

f) La pedagogia cristiana e il personalismo (pp. 72-89)

g)    Totalitarismi e educazione (pp. 89-96)

h)    Dalla pedagogia alle scienze dell’educazione (pp. 111-118)

i) «Guerra fredda» e pedagogia (pp. 118-129)

j) Il ’68: critica ideologica dell’educazione e pedagogie radicali (pp. 142-153)

k)    «Mass media» e educazione (pp. 159-165)

l) Verso il XXI secolo (pp. 180-197)

A. Banfi (2021), La filosofia dell’educazioneIntroduzione e cura di M. Baldacci, Edizioni Conoscenza, Roma.

The following chapter:

a) La crisi culturale e la filosofia dell’educazione di A. Banfi (pp. 7-49)

b)    Schemi inediti di filosofia dell’educazione (pp. 57-67)

c) Dell’educazione (pp. 115-121)

d)    Da Princìpi di una teoria della ragione (pp. 121-145)

e) Schema inedito di Filosofia dell’Educazione (pp. 175-177)

f) Dal Sommario di pedagogia (pp. 197-208)


The expected objectives are verified through an oral interview.
The assessment criteria are as follows 
- relevance and effectiveness of the answers in relation to the programme content
- articulation of the answer
- appropriateness of the disciplinary language used
- The ability to critically discuss the topics covered is also an important requirement. 
The final assessment is expressed in thirtieths. 

Optional self-assessment tests (distance learning) and an in-class test at the end of the course are planned. The latter consists of a written paper comprising three open-ended questions.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

« back Last update: 13/11/2021

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